Friday, August 27, 2010

Back Together Again!

No Kyle isn't back in Utah and I am not back in Kansas City. That is not what is back together again. I wish! But according to my kids, I am sure we have some people here that are just as fun.
Cami and her kids are back from Indiana where my brother was selling security systems for the summer. James is still working hard but Cami and then kids came back to Utah a little earlier. We are so glad they did. Now Jantsen and Kambryn have someone else to play with them.
So what do "best friend cousins" do when they are reunited...

1- Make sure their ship (a.k.a. the deck) is okay in the big ocean (a.k.a. the lawn)

2- Fight the pirates that come close to their ship. Arrrr!

3- Read through 1st grade school work. (Intermission from Pirate hunting)

4- Be as Goofy as you can for pictures!

5-Finish the night off with a big cousin sleepover in the basement while watching a movie.

Cousins are the best!! We missed Parker, Adam and Abby and we are so glad they are back to hang out!

Update on Talan's foot.
The cut is healing pretty quick. It doesn't bother him really that much but I still give him Tylenol at night so that he can sleep. I have to give him a sponge bath because the stitches aren't suppose to get wet. But he is a tough little man and healing up pretty nicely.

oh and one last thing...we got a new car. Bye Bye Pathfinder. Hello bigger car. I love it but I miss the cute little Pathfinder. But then I get in and drive the big Armada and I kind of put the little Pathfinder out of my mind. And my kids LOVE the 3rd row.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First day for my First Grader!

Back to school...
Got my lunch packed up...

and my Boots tied tight....

I hope I don't get in a fight...

ohhh...Back To School

Well there he is.
Back to all-day school. 8am-2:15pm. 
Back to outside influences
that I don't have control over,
making new friends,
and growing up.
 But I am so excited for him!
Luckily, he is going to the same 
elementary school where my mom teaches.
So she can check up on him throughout the day!

And this is what he wants to learn
in first grade.  I am excited to watch him grow
this year and learn new things.
Good luck Buddy!
We love you!

Monday, August 23, 2010

If today is any indication on how this week is going to be...

...then I am locking the doors and putting my kids in a bubble!

We have a very busy week ahead, which I am sure many people are going through the same thing. With school, back-to-school, soccer, gymnastics, dance. All that stuff that comes with the start of the fall season. Crazy it is here already.

I went out last week and bought a new white board calendar, a new planner, a specific notebook for my "To-Do" lists, you name it...I have it. In order to keep my life organized and scheduled, especially since Kyle and I are doing the 1000 mile, 2 different states, marriage thing.  So when things don't go according to my plan or schedule, I start to freak out.

And I would think that a trip to the ER for my 7 month old qualifies as "not according to plan".
It for sure wasn't in my planner for the day! 
Also warning....there are queezy pictures in this post!!)

You would never guess that he has a huge gash in his right foot. He is such a happy boy!

(The story is mainly for Kyle in well as all the pictures. and of course for my journal purposes)
Around 1:00 I was getting Jantsen's soccer stuff ready for his practice at 5:30 this evening, copying hisbirth certificate and printing out registration papers. Jantsen and Kambryn were downstairs watching a movie. Talan was happily playing with his toys down with the other 2 kids.

Well I hear Talan start screaming...a hurt cry, A Very Hurt cry. I ran downstairs and found him halfway under my parents recliner couch and half out (the couch was reclined out and Jants was sitting on it) In all my furry (aghhh), I asked Jants what he had done and his response was that Talan was being too noisy and he wanted to put him under the couch so that it would be quieter. (I still have to remind myself that he is only 6...barely 6. Doesn't make sense to me...but whatever, nothing I can do about it now.)

The couch wasn't closed on Talan and so I wasn't sure what was wrong, so I picked Talan up and I was holding him while "telling" Jantsen to get up on his bed and he was in big trouble. So Jants was crying, Talan was screaming and Kambryn comes into their room crying too. Then all the sudden she started yelling "mom, mom, look look!!" I turned around and there was blood all over the floor, all over my shirt. I had no idea where it was coming from.

So I ran into the bathroom, put him on the counter and I see a huge gash in the top of his foot. I grabbed a towel to wrap around his foot and held it there as tight as I could. I knew he needed stitches but I was the only one at my parents house with all 3 kids. In those first few minutes, I had a small breakdown for about 30 seconds and then composed myself and realized I could handle this. Plus Kambryn got even more scared when I was crying. So I stopped and told her that it is okay, everything is going to be alright.

My dad was able to come home from work right away and Dustin was able to get home shortly after that. Dustin watched my other kids while my dad took Talan and me to the ER. Of course I called Kyle too and was wishing he was here to help me. He always makes me feel stronger and more confident in myself as a mom. thanks Kyle!

 (you can kind of see all the blood on my shirt)
Well the ER visit was pretty typical. Dr comes in, looks at it, said it needed stitches, got an x-ray to make sure no bones were crushed, Talan was happy for most of the time. Laughing and talking. All was good until they had to numb the inner tissue by injecting the medicine into the hole in his foot. So sad! I completely bawled when they did that.

As they were rinsing the area, they realized the cut was a lot deeper then what they originally thought. They considered putting inner stitches in but then decided that he would be okay with just 9 big stitches. The cut was about 1 1/2 inches long, and considering that Talan's foot is maybe 3 1/2 inches wide to start with, it was a pretty long and nasty cut!

Well he is home, all stitched up and feeling great, tired but happy. Honestly he is such a cool, chill baby! I am blessed! 
and in Jantsen's defense, he really felt bad the rest of the day for what he did. He was really scared when we left to go to the hospital. He really is a good big brother. Talan and Kambryn are lucky, most of the time!

Here are the before and after pictures. I will try and get a better one of the stitches. But I will have to wait a few days before I am allowed to take the bandage off.
The cut started from about his middle toe and then wrapped a little bit around the back of his small toe. That is where the deepest part of the cut was.
(Luckily Talan's legs and feet are the fattest part on his chunky little body! I have never seen a cut that actually exposed the fatty tissue of the skin. First time for me.  It was gross but cool, if it is okay to say that?!)
Another motherly milestone reached. Stitches for one of my kids.
Man, we have had quite the year already!!!

On a lighter note...we did get to go to Kambryn's first gymnastic class and she LOVED it!
And we did make it to Jantsen's first soccer practice with the Rangers Academy. It is going to be so great for him to be practicing with older kids. Jantsen is by-far the youngest kid out there...but he is half- Graham, he can handle it! Pictures of the academy will be on Wednesday...hopefully.

I hope the rest of the week goes much better than today did! Mondays are usually my least favorite day anyway. Tomorrow I will be back on schedule with my planner and my To-Do list.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Playing the Blaming Game

Exhibit A: Mulan the Disney Character. Not really a princess, but to a 3 year old little girl obsessed with Disney princesses...Mulan makes the cut.

Exhibit B: Kambryn's arm after watching the movie Mulan today. Wanting to be like a princess

Her reasoning for drawing on her arms (and both legs too)
-"Mulan did it. I wanted to be like Mulan."
-But did you know that Mulan got in trouble?
-"Yes. But it's okay. I am already in trouble." and then climbs back up on her bed to continue being in timeout.
Conclusion: Thanks Walt Disney for teaching my daughter that she should write on her arm. Dang that Mulan!

Lesson learned- my child shouldn't be watching a movie on a Sunday while I am blogging. We should be reading our scriptures or something more worthwhile.


Here is my update for the last 2 1/2 weeks.  (it's gonna be a long one!)
We spent the whole time just hanging out since the Bar Exam was over and Kyle didn't have to go out to Kansas City until the 14th. It was great!!

July30th- Our cute niece Lydia had her 1st birthday.
The Super slip and much fun!
 Happy 1st Birthday. It was a fun day hanging out with the family!

August 3rd- Seven Peaks Day! Again...I have to say....I LOVE the hot summer DRY heat!
We spent the whole day there with the whole crew (Stouts, Simmons, Graham's, Grandma Nana). It was a blast. and we even were able to get Kambryn to go down some of the big slides...on the tube of course. She isn't a big fan of scary stuff.  Jantsen on the other hand has no fear! And Talan just loved the wave pool and "chillaxin" in his floater thing. He is a chill little dude!

August 4th- Village Green Reunion at Classic Skating!  One of my bestest friends put together a reunion for everyone from our old complex in Omaha.  It was so great to see old friends...some of my best friends from out there.  I am bummed we didn't get more pictures. Especially of us girls...but it was so much fun catching up with everyone. Good times!
I don't even think this was half of the kids that were there. Total chaos and heaven for the kids!
Shauna and I in the blast zone...we were holding down the fort with all the little kids who were scared.

August 7th- Provo River Half Marathon- I love this run!
Running down the Provo Canyon, next to the river, past Bridal Veil Falls, early in the morning...with one of my most favorite people...does not get any better than this!

and I can't forget...having my cute family at the finish line, cheering me on! (sorry that I didn't see you guys when we ran by!)

We went to a family reunion right after the race, I was exhausted and I won't share the pictures Kyle took of me in the car, while I was sleeping. He sure got a kick out of it!
But we didn't even take any pictures at the reunion. I am so sad because we were around a lot of fun family that we don't get to see very often. But when we do get together, it sure is so much fun! And it makes us miss them even more!

August 10th- Camp Out at Grandma Nana's.
Kyle has been helping his mom and Jim build a little house in their backyard. So when then finally finished it (for the most part) we decided to all have a camp out!  We roasted marshmallow and had Smores in the fire pit and then we watched a movie outside, projected onto the side of the house. It was so much fun.
Kyle and the kids slept in a tent outside. Kyle and Jantsen were able to look at the stars and talk for alittle while after everyone went to sleep. Good father-son bonding time! Talan and I slept inside...for obvious reasons (if Talan was a little older, we all would have been out in the tent. I love camping!)

August 13th- Kyle is off to Kansas City and the kids and I go up to Idaho.

I went up to my cousin's wedding in Filer Idaho over the weekend. It was great to see so many family members on my mom's side that I don't see EVER! I miss my crazy Idaho-ian cousins! ha.
And I know that my mom loved seeing all her brother's and sister.

Kyle left Friday the 13th to get ready for work the next week. We decided, based on lots of factors (trainings, traveling, Disneyland, holidays) that he is going to go out there for the first few months and the kids and I are staying in Utah. At least until November, and then we will see with holidays.  It stinks...Really Stinks that we are living in 2 different states...over 1000 miles away from each other.  But it will go by fast, that is what I have to keep telling myself.
I get to play the single crazy frazzled mom of 3 kids and Kyle has to be lonely and go to movie all by himself. It is a toss-up who has it worse. :)

Well the 2 things that we have done since Kyle has been gone, Well exciting things I should say.  Because most days I feel like I am going crazy. That I feel like selling my kids on e-bay one minute and then the next minute I want to hug and kiss them and just hang out with them the whole day.  Luckily we have gotten back to a better schedule throughout the day and especially at bedtime. That makes all the difference I swear!!

Jantsen attended a small soccer camp Tues, Wed and Thurs of this last week. Luckily he likes soccer so much, because the camp really wasn't all that great. But that is okay.
This fall he gets to be apart of the Rangers Soccer Academy. He is pretty excited, and his uncle Dustin gets to help coach him too. I love that he loves soccer. It makes me Happy!

Friday we met Kristen and Kara up at Liberty Park for the day! It was Eventful. My poor Kambryn. Why does something always have to happen to her.
Within the 1st 30 minutes that we were there, she got stung by a BEE. sheesh the poor girl isn't going to make it to her 4th birthday.
Luckily a big glob of wet cold mud takes the sting away pretty quick. She was better after about 30 minutes. We then ventured over to the river creek area. What a fun area. We will be going back again for sure.
Another fun day in the sun with the kids. We miss you Kyle tons!! We love you!

And also, apparently when you save an old post, it won't publish it on the date you saved it (like it use to), it puts it right at the top....TOTALLY OUT OF ORDER!

oh there you have it 4th of July weekend...about 1 month and 1/2 late!