Friday, October 15, 2010

Oh Georgia...

Well, still no internet working on my laptop, sadly. But I get to use my mom's big honkin' slow computer! So I figured I could at least do a real update!

Jeff's only got about 2ish weeks left in basic training!! Which means Isabella and I will be headed there soon for his graduation. Not super thrilled about flying with a one year old, but Jeff's dad and step mom will be on flight too, so at least I won't be totally alone. That's a positive. And then, Jeff will be flying back with us. And then we get to move! Exciting? I'm sure it will be once everything is packed and we are there, but at the moment? No. Not exciting. So after being in Georgia for his basic training, we get to MOVE to Georgia! Only, its not the same place where Jeff has been for basic, right now he's in Fort Benning, and he is stationed in Fort Stewart. So I've been looking for places to rent, because we're not really looking to live on base. We're looking for more room than the on base housing we can get. So we may end up living in Savannah or one of the surrounding cities. Its no fun looking for a place to live by yourself. It'd be so much easier to have him here so he could actually SEE what I'm finding rather than just having me describe the place to him. But we'll get it figured out. It would also be nice to be able to go to the place before I decide on one, but since its so far away, its not gonna happen. So hopefully I have some luck with finding us a nice place!

I no longer babysit, which I guess is good. I really did have fun watching him, but its going to be nice to have the time off to get ready for our move. And then Sunday is my last day at Red Robin. Which I'm excited for. Not that I haven't liked that job, I just think I'm over it. I'm over working in restaurants in general. (like we haven't heard that before!!) But this time I mean it! Because well, I'm moving to a different state, so I won't be able to go right back to Red Robin. But they have been really great to me! They were so helpful when I was working 2 jobs, they'd always help me get out of there on time so I could go to the other job, then when I was pregnant they helped me out with a ton of things that fall into my job description, and then let me quit whenever I wanted and told me I could come back whenever I wanted. Which I never planned to, but ended up going back as a hostess, only one day a week. And then when Jeff left PetCo and I needed to go back to work full time as a server, they were more than willing to do that for me the very next week. And then when Jeff left, and I needed to go down to working 2 days a week, they did that for me too. I've had my complaints about my job, but really, everyone has always been great and more than willing to help me when I needed it. Its a little bittersweet to leave everyone, because I really am going to miss a lot of the people I work with! But other than quitting both of my jobs, I haven't really been up to much besides packing. Oh and playing Just Dance! If you have a wii and you've never played, you need to! Its so much fun! And I'm pretty awesome I must admit. ;)

Isabella is ALL over the place! She's so much fun. She turned 1! And had an amazing over the top party! But she had so much fun at her party, and I'm so glad I was able to do it for her! (pictures on the laptop, so those to come. :-/) She still doesn't have a tooth all the way out. She's got one right above her gum, and one right underneath, but still hasn't come through all the way. She's started saying her own versions of "all done" and "thank you!" Its so cute. Granted, she doesn't actually say the words, but you can tell that she's trying to say it. The same way she says kitty. And when she says bye, she still says "dye" but I finally at least got her saying it. She's running around all the time, she's becoming quite a little walker. Or runner I suppose is a better term! She's gotten into reading books a lot here lately, and she's still always dancing. Always. A song comes on a commercial and she starts dancing. Last night, there was no music, and she was dancing. We took her to a pumpkin patch a couple days ago, and they had a straw maze, so we let her lead us, and she had so much fun doing that and picking out pumpkins. She liked the adult straw maze way more than the one they had set up for kids. The only part of that one she liked was the slide at the end of it! I liked that one because I could easily find my way through it. ;)

Anyways, I'll leave you with pictures from the pumpkin patch! And soon hopefully I'll have my laptop up and running so I can update with the other pictures I have!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Well, Kira tagged me, and now that I finally have access to the internet besides on my phone, here it goes!!

1. Describe the FIRST childhood memory that pops into your head upon reading this.
Umm, I guess having a surprise sleepover for one of my birthdays. I walked into our living room and all of the girls were lying under their sleeping bags, and apparently I didn't notice (?? Yeah, like, 15 sleeping bags and I don't notice them? I don't get it either) It was a fun sleepover!
2. What was the worst date you have ever been on?
I don't even know! Ummm... I guess, this time I went with a guy and ate at Friday's, and then we went and looked at Christmas lights. Which, isn't bad, its the fact that.. well for one, I can't remember his name, and two, this was the first date and it was just really awkward cause there was TOO much time to get to know each other, and I'd rather ease into the romance and getting to know each other. (yeah, this was a bad answer... but I really don't have a lot of bad ones)
3. If you had to choose between a little shack made out of cardboard (we'll say this one is about 8'X8' and about 8' high), but it was built on the beach close to the incoming tides (so good luck with that) and only enough food around to eat 2 coconuts per day as well as open ulcers all over your body brought on by simple scrapes, or a really nice house but not enough money to pay for it ever and have debt collectors hounding you 24/7 and embarrassing you by chastising you in public until you paid your bills that you would never be able to pay in a million years, plus you signed a contract saying you wouldn't sell/move out of the house for another 5 years, what would you choose and why?
I think I would take the nice house. Because I would rather deal with all of those things and have a roof over my family's head then anything else.
4. Name something you thought you'd never do/have to do but did.
I think I should go with... No comment. Sorry. ;)
5. If you could be anywhere right now where would it be and who would you be with?
If I could be anywhere... I don't even care where, I would just want to be with Jeff and Isabella. That's all I want. :)
6. What is one food/meal you take pride in cooking really really well?
Chicken fettuccini alfredo
7. For the married folk, thinking back on your wedding, what would you change and why? For the non-married folk, what is one absolute necessity for your wedding day (besides the spouse and the temple/location)?
I would change almost my whole wedding!! The exceptions are, the man I married and the family that was there. We got married in the courthouse, which is NOT my dream wedding. So, be prepared for a very nice vow renewal eventually!! :)
8. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
It takes me anywhere between an hour and two hours. Including showering, and all depending on what Isabella is doing or the mood she's in while I'm trying to do this. Before it was 45 mins to an hour... haha

And I would love to tag some people in this, but not that many people read my blog.... Sooo, I guess if you have a blog, and you're reading this, you're tagged!! And I just want you to fill out the same questions I did. (Cause really, why should I be creative and come up with my own when probably no one will do it? :-P)

Oh! And real blogs will be up soon. I really need to update, but my internet isn't working on my laptop, and that just happens to be where all my pictures are! :(

Monday, August 23, 2010

Jeff's picture

I didn't get a letter today, BUUUUUUUUT I did get pictures! Which is second best. I'm so excited! Check out how good he looks. ;)

Monday, August 16, 2010

General Update

Let's see. For Jeff, I pretty much already updated for him. I'm hoping basic training is going great for him!

My update, I start a new job tomorrow! I'm going to be watching an 18 month old boy, 3 days a week for about 10 hours. Its going to be fun! For me and for Isabella. I'm still going to be working at Red Robin too, but since I only work 2 days a week there, its not going to be too bad working both!

Isabella is starting to walk!! She still gets a little wobbly and falls, but she's getting it. I'm so excited and so nervous at the same time! My baby girl is growing too fast! She's almost a year old! Its scary!! But I love it. She learns so much all the time. She can say hi, mama and dada. I'm trying to teach her to say bye, but she just still says hi. Its funny. I've got her birthday party all planned, it should be fun! Lots and lots of fun. And I'm keeping my eye on the weather for her party, since its outside and so far its supposed to be nice. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed!! We go tomorrow to get her birthday pictures taken! I want to have them up for her party, so we're taking them so early so that there's plenty of time for her to get them edited how she wants. Since Jeff won't be here for her birthday, I've got a surprised planned for him for her pictures. I'm really excited about it.

Well, that's about it for now. There's not really a whole lot going on right now. Here are a few random pictures from this summer.

Isabella's 46 week picture.

Swimming in her princess pool!

She got her face painted at Julie's work party.

At her first baseball game! The Chukars.

Just a cute one of her in her Converse!

Duck Race

On Saturday we went to to the Duck Race down on the Greenbelt. It was a lot of fun, but really hot! Isabella had a good time pushing her stroller across the grass. It was so cute, she really got into it and was SO determined to push it. It was a little hard to push in the grass, so she really had to try to push it.

Barney's hot spring

My sister in law, Kelly, lives out in Howe, and not too far away from their house, is a small waist deep hot springs. So Isabella and I drove out there for a visit a couple weeks ago, and went swimming and ate dinner with them. It was really fun to hang out with them, and to chat with Kelly. Here are pictures of our swimming trip. Then about a week later, Kelly and her boys came and stayed a night with us. It was really fun, especially for Isabella to have people here to spend time with! She had so much fun with them. Then, before Kelly and her family left to go home, we drank some together, we tried a chocolate covered cherry shot (SO good), white russians, and a pineapple upside down cake martini! We both got a little drunk, but it was fun! But Kelly's husband, Steve, had to work the next morning, so they had to get going home, so he drove since Kelly really couldn't. haha That was really the first time I've drank since having Isabella. Not that I've ever been a big drinker, but still. :)

It's been fun being able to hang out with them! Isabella has so much fun with the boys, I'm really glad she's getting all this time to spend with her cousins!

Jeff in basic training

I can't believe I haven't even posted this yet. He's been gone more than a month, and I'm just now getting to it! Lazy lazy me... haha

Jeff left here July 11 to go to Montana, where he had to get a physical, and do MEPs again just like he did a few months ago. Then at the end of that week, he went down to Georgia. He was stuck in processing for another week and actually went into basic training on July 23. I've gotten quite a few letters from him, basic doesn't seem to be as bad as he thought. Which is good. He says its insanely hot there, which I can only imagine. He misses Isabella, and it makes me sad. He's really afraid she will forget him, and he says it in every letter. I know she won't and I know she misses him, and it makes me sad that he is feeling that way. He can't shave his head, he can only get the haircuts with everyone else. Which I wish I could see because I've never seen him with hair, and I know he hates it. haha

His graduation is October 29, and Isabella plan on going. I'm really nervous about flying with just me and her. I've never even flown by myself really, there's always at least been someone else I know on the plane. Plus with all of the stuff I'm going to have to take for her. Ahhhh. I hope it works out. I really want the rest of this time to fly by. I hate having to wait for letters. Although, I will be getting a weekly phone call from now on, so I'm happy about that at least!!
