Jeff's only got about 2ish weeks left in basic training!! Which means Isabella and I will be headed there soon for his graduation. Not super thrilled about flying with a one year old, but Jeff's dad and step mom will be on flight too, so at least I won't be totally alone. That's a positive. And then, Jeff will be flying back with us. And then we get to move! Exciting? I'm sure it will be once everything is packed and we are there, but at the moment? No. Not exciting. So after being in Georgia for his basic training, we get to MOVE to Georgia! Only, its not the same place where Jeff has been for basic, right now he's in Fort Benning, and he is stationed in Fort Stewart. So I've been looking for places to rent, because we're not really looking to live on base. We're looking for more room than the on base housing we can get. So we may end up living in Savannah or one of the surrounding cities. Its no fun looking for a place to live by yourself. It'd be so much easier to have him here so he could actually SEE what I'm finding rather than just having me describe the place to him. But we'll get it figured out. It would also be nice to be able to go to the place before I decide on one, but since its so far away, its not gonna happen. So hopefully I have some luck with finding us a nice place!
I no longer babysit, which I guess is good. I really did have fun watching him, but its going to be nice to have the time off to get ready for our move. And then Sunday is my last day at Red Robin. Which I'm excited for. Not that I haven't liked that job, I just think I'm over it. I'm over working in restaurants in general. (like we haven't heard that before!!) But this time I mean it! Because well, I'm moving to a different state, so I won't be able to go right back to Red Robin. But they have been really great to me! They were so helpful when I was working 2 jobs, they'd always help me get out of there on time so I could go to the other job, then when I was pregnant they helped me out with a ton of things that fall into my job description, and then let me quit whenever I wanted and told me I could come back whenever I wanted. Which I never planned to, but ended up going back as a hostess, only one day a week. And then when Jeff left PetCo and I needed to go back to work full time as a server, they were more than willing to do that for me the very next week. And then when Jeff left, and I needed to go down to working 2 days a week, they did that for me too. I've had my complaints about my job, but really, everyone has always been great and more than willing to help me when I needed it. Its a little bittersweet to leave everyone, because I really am going to miss a lot of the people I work with! But other than quitting both of my jobs, I haven't really been up to much besides packing. Oh and playing Just Dance! If you have a wii and you've never played, you need to! Its so much fun! And I'm pretty awesome I must admit. ;)
Isabella is ALL over the place! She's so much fun. She turned 1! And had an amazing over the top party! But she had so much fun at her party, and I'm so glad I was able to do it for her! (pictures on the laptop, so those to come. :-/) She still doesn't have a tooth all the way out. She's got one right above her gum, and one right underneath, but still hasn't come through all the way. She's started saying her own versions of "all done" and "thank you!" Its so cute. Granted, she doesn't actually say the words, but you can tell that she's trying to say it. The same way she says kitty. And when she says bye, she still says "dye" but I finally at least got her saying it. She's running around all the time, she's becoming quite a little walker. Or runner I suppose is a better term! She's gotten into reading books a lot here lately, and she's still always dancing. Always. A song comes on a commercial and she starts dancing. Last night, there was no music, and she was dancing. We took her to a pumpkin patch a couple days ago, and they had a straw maze, so we let her lead us, and she had so much fun doing that and picking out pumpkins. She liked the adult straw maze way more than the one they had set up for kids. The only part of that one she liked was the slide at the end of it! I liked that one because I could easily find my way through it. ;)
Anyways, I'll leave you with pictures from the pumpkin patch! And soon hopefully I'll have my laptop up and running so I can update with the other pictures I have!