Hand applique

Showing posts with label Quilting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quilting. Show all posts

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Our booth at the annual Norwegian Quilt Association meeting

The last few weeks I have been super busy getting everything ready for our booth at the annual meet
of the Norwegian Quilt Association. This was our 10th time bringing the shop, and it was fun as always!  I had the flu the week prior to the meet- so I didn't get to do everything I had planned- but I was very happy to be back on my feet and well in time for the weekend!

It is always fun to meet all the lovely Norwegian quilters!

This is our little booth...

A close up of one of the corners.  I loved making the pillow with the Brimfield block, those Cotton + Steel fabrics are so much fun!  And I adore my"Dwight the Deer pillow"  I made it last year, but it had to come along this year as well...

We have run the "Beyond the Porch" BOM at the shop ( from the Birdhouse patchwork designs), and I decided to use a FQ bundle of Denyse Schmidt fabrics for mine (we ran out of kits at the shop so I had to "shop my stash....") This line is called Winter Walk.  I really enjoyed making this quilt, and I had it quilted by Merete Ellingsen ( She quilts all of my large quilts!)

Another view from our booth :-)

And here is the last corner.... Country Revival quilt on the left, from Sew kind of Wonderful, then Mod Pineapples. also from Sew Kind of Wonderful, then Sweet Tooth in the corner, by Jaybird Quilts, and finally Pineapple Farm by Elizabeth Hartman


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Waiting for Spring....

So this is the warmest temperature we have today.... Woke up to -36 C, a beautiful day though with blue skies and the sun shining :-)
Even if winter is still holding on, I am sewing for Spring :-)  I love fresh yellows, oranges and greens....  This table runner is from the book "Weekend Quilting", and the fabrics are by Zen Chic ( Modern Background Colorbox) and Beach Road by Jen Kingwell Both for Moda Fabrics.  This was a quick and fun runner to sew, and I can see how it would look great in a number of different fabrics and color ways.

On to a new project.... Log Cabin blocks :-)  I haven't sewn log cabin blocks in a while, but they are so fun and easy to sew- perfect for when you just want to sit down by the sewingmachine and keep sewing without too much preparation work.  I used a log cabin ruler from Marti Michell for easy piecing!

I made four blocks for a small table topper, I think it turned out pretty cute, and perfect for Easter!
Hope you are staying warm wherever in the world you are :-)

Saturday, January 7, 2017

New year means finishing up a few projects...

We are a week into the new year, and I am trying to finish a few WIP's.  I made these dilly dally blocks a few months ago, and got sidetracked so I never got around to sew them together.  ( pattern by Camille Roskelley)

Now I finally got around to finish the quilt top, and it is hanging on the banister along with a few other tops who needs to be quilted....  I made fewer blocks than the pattern called for since I wanted a smaller quilt.  Not sure when I will get around to quilt it, but at least I am one step further...
Moving along, I had some binding to do on my Octagon Shimmer quilt, beautifully quilted by the talented Merete at Merete's quilteloft This is a big quilt, so I'll probably spend a couple of evenings in front of the TV finishing the binding.  Can't wait for it to be finished though, I really like this quilt, and it will look nice on our living room wall :-)

When we were on vacation in December I brought some hand sewing with me, and thought I'd get a lot done..... Well.... I didn't! So I have finished the applique on this first block, and need to start stitching the rest.  This is such a cute pattern by Natalie Bird of the Birdhouse  The pattern is called the Happy Stitcher and is super cute!
It feels good to be able to spend some time in my sewing room again.  Hope to finish up a few more WIP's, and as always I have plenty of new projects lined up....
Thanks for stopping by, hope your day is great!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Norwegian Quilt association annual meet

This past weekend was the annual meet of the Norwegian Quilt Association.  This year it was held in Trondheim, which is only a 2.5hr drive from here- Nice!  We have been super busy at the shop getting everything ready for our booth there.

 New models were made- these two quilts are from patterns by Sherri McConnell of A Quilting Life, The one on the left is " Dreamcatcher" and the one on the right is "Hope Chest" I just love both quilts!  They were both quilted by Merete Ellingsen.
Another view of the booth.  The quilt on the back wall was made by Karin who co owns the shop with me, and the pattern is "Refresh" by Deb Mulder of Anka's treasures (also quilted by Merete Ellingsen)

We had such a great time in Trondheim, always fun to meet fellow quilters!  Thank you to all of you who visited us there!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Weekend sewing

This weekend Svein and Sigve have been away for ski training again, so Ola and I have been "home alone". That means we do what we like best- He watches movies and plays games ( typical 16 year old), and I get to sew.....  I am working on my Hope Chest blocks, and I need to find a fabric for the sashing now....

This will look so pretty!!

I do have a few projects going.... We needed to make some samples for the shop out of new fabric that arrived right before quilt market- so I started on a few placemats as well....

Then I remembered I had made some Christmas placemats a while back..... They need to be quilted and bound so they are ready when December rolls around.

Last night I basted this together, and I had planned on quilting it today, but I started reading a new book last night (Me before you by Jojo Moyes)( Et helt halvt år) , and I haven't been able to put it down long enough to start quilting..... I am on page 395 now, and I will probably read the last 100 pages tonight.... I am just hopeless when it comes to reading books.  I can't seem to put them down  until I finish them.... So no more time for blogging.... Thanks for stopping by!
Oh and by the way- I did get some secret SSCS sewing in as well......

Monday, October 5, 2015

A little bit of everything....

I am staying very busy, which is good.... After we moved our shop, my husband started a big change at his shop (Yes, we have a shop each...LOL) Well, not anymore- My husband sold his shop to a chain of hardware stores called "Tools", so his shop has gone through a major change.  Today was their opening day of the new shop, and eventually I am looking forward to have him a little more at home, and a little less at work....( but that might take a while...) He still runs she shop, but now someone else does all the paperwork.
In the picture above I have just made a small table topper using a mini charm pack by Brenda Riddle.  At her class early this summer she gave each of us a mini charm pack of her upcoming fabric line which is just adorable!

I have made progress on my candle mat as well.  I am loving everything about wool appliqué!!  I see more of this in my future ( especially since I have a large kit bought at Quilt Market last year)

The bag class at the shop is finished, and I am very impressed with all the ladies, they made such beautiful bags! I am teaching the same class in Røros in November ( a weekend class)

Yesterday I started a new project using the Basix ruler.  The pattern is called "Pick me", and I suggest to any of you who are thinking about making this- Check their website for updates on the pattern! Quite a few errors there which was very frustrating, But I am determined to make it work. ( I checked for updates a little too late...) I will share more pictures as i get the blocks sewn together. It really is a cute quilt!

And last but not least- Stars for the "Edelsten" BOM.  I am all caught up on this one- wonder how on earth I managed that LOL.
Off to the sewing room to battle those Basix blocks.... Wish me luck!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My sewing folder is finished!

Yeey, I finally finished my hand sewing folder!  I managed to finish it on the weekend in my previous post.  Now I need a new project to fill it with....
Here is the other side. It has pockets on the front and back ( the Dresden block is a pocket)

The inside... Lots of places to put my scissors, needles, thread etc.

And the outside, with three pockets for patterns and other fun stuff!
This was a really fun project to make, with lots of details that took a while to sew ( some of them I left out....)
Thank you for stopping by my blog!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Progress on my sewing folder

This past week I have been trying to do a little stitching every evening on my project from last weekend.  I have managed to finish two of the pocketfronts- yeey!  The top one with the bird has "Needle parking" on the bottom where the wool squares are.  Ann had made the text for us on transfer paper, so I could just iron it to my ribbon.  Pretty cute I think :-)

This will be the front of the folder.  Looking at the picture the stitched needles are a liitle light, but they show up a lot better in real life.  I have to start working on the 1/2" hexagons for the next pocket now, but I really have to do a bit of quick sewing first.... I miss my sewingmachine doing all the handwork- but then I really enjoy the handsewing as well.... Guess I want the best of both worlds.  I'll be back to show you the weekend sewing tomorrow!  Dear husband and mr.17 has been in the Alps for a week for pre season training, so Mr. 15 and I have had a blast "Home alone"  LOL.  What can I say- the TV has been on twice I think, and lots of sewing/ cleaning and listening to music. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A great quilting weekend!

This weekend was the best!  The shop arranged a weekend class with super awesome AnnAKa!  She is such a wonderful designer, and a super teacher!  The class was all sewing/stitching by hand, so no sewing machines required!  The first two pictures shows her model that we learned to sew.  Lots of different hand sewing techniques makes it a lot of fun to make!
This is the inside of the folder.  Lots of pockets to keep our projects and stuff in!

16 ladies ( including my business partner Karin and me) enjoyed the weekend at "Telstad" which is an old farm turned into a great course location!

Lots of smiles and laughter during the class!  Ann is standing between my mom (on the left) and my aunt ( my moms' sister).  I love having both my mom and aunt share the passion for quilting with me!

8 ladies stayed at Telstad from Friday- Sunday, and we had a lot of fun in the evenings after dinner....

Sunday afternoon was the end of class, here are all the very talented and lovely ladies with some of the pieces they had worked on.  I really look forward to seeing all the stitchery folders finished!
I guess I should get off the computer and work on mine....
Thanks for stopping by!