We have had such a busy month! Crazy, busy. We are hoping that things are settling down a little bit now. But, come on, how much do things really settle down when you have three children - ages 4 and under - and are expecting a 4th in February???? (Yes, this is the big announcement for those of you who don't know.) Although much sooner than planned, we are excited. I'm mostly excited to be out of my first trimester! Ugh, not fun to pack and move with the lingering nausea. But thanks to my good husband for making up for my lack of swiftness. (I was slow and steady. Doesn't slow and steady win the race? :-)
We said goodbye to our dearly beloved house on Otten Road, but we are loving our new home. I think I took for granted how well my children minded me at the old house, because all of the sudden we've got kids going out the door without asking (good thing we have a beep that tells us when a door is open), climbing up and over couches (that they never climbed over before because there wasn't anywhere to climb to), lights turned on everywhere but not turned off (can't resist touching all those bazillion light switches), opening and not closing the freezer (easy to reach on the bottom of the refrigerator). I didn't think about the curious little minds and hands. And I especially wasn't prepared to see Elizabeth do all of this as much - or more - than Molly. Molly has always been the more curious one and has done more of the 2 year old type deeds at age 2. (Like color on walls.) So maybe Elizabeth is just making up for what trouble she didn't cause when she was 2! :-)
But really, the kids love it here and we have too. We're still unpacking, slowly but surely, and then we'll be re-doing rooms/redecorating rooms for the rest of our lives, probably. Thankfully, we did get some painting done before moving in. We had to neutralize the dark salmon color in the dining room. And HAD to paint the wood paneling white downstairs in the rec room. Then we had the painter do our bedroom because we knew what color we wanted and we were sick of looking at white walls! It turned out great! (Sawgrass is the color, if you were curious - like a dark olive green.) The old owners took great care of this house and did so much to it. But, as is pretty common, their decorating style was much, much different than ours. And it went much farther than paint. They loved the color combination of coral and turquoise green. So much so that it is in the speckles on the kitchen countertops, in the carpet downstairs, in the curtains, in the bathroom countertops -and even the bathroom tub and shower. But there is hope. First of all, it doesn't look as bad as I make it sound. And second of all, the main more permanent thing I can't deal with are the kitchen countertops. The rest can be lived with and decorated around. And even the countertops I will have to live with for a while. Which is OK, as long as I stay away from watching "Spice Up My Kitchen" on HGTV!
OK, enough rambling. Pictures to come...