Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Books, books!

I love that my kids all love books. They get started at an early age. Here is proof:

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Double Stroller Giveaway

Thanks to Katie for alerting me to a great giveaway at "I Never Grew Up".
$600 worth of stroller!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Christmas morning fun

Swimming baby - Santa knew just what I wanted!

Dora sunglasses and new baby dolls. We've got it made!

The $3.00 Dora book was what Molly was most excited about and kept her attention most of the morning.

Can we help cook with our chef's aprons and hats?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Oh, where to start!

Joy School Nativity. Molly wanted to be an angel and she participated, as well as performed songs with the group. Elizabeth was supposed to be Mary, but she was too shy to do it at the last minute. Thanks, Jenna, for stepping in and being a great Mary! Again, Elizabeth's common fear, "Mom, I don't want that many people looking at me!" I guess I was never much for the stage myself. So I can't blame her :-)

Posing in front of the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve.

The girls opened up one present on Christmas Eve. It was a nativity set, especially for them. They all loved it!

Christmas morning - after Santa showed up.

Our traditional Christmas morning breakfast picnic in Mom and Dad's room.

And more to come!

We had a crazy Christmas season. And not just because of the Christmas preparations, but because Greg had a pilot Vita-Mix show going on from the day after Thanksgiving to 3 days after Christmas. It was just at a mall about 25 minutes away from here, so thankfully it was local. But one of his demonstrators bailed out on him twice. And he had to cover. That meant no hubby from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. - basically the hours of the day that we are awake - for days on end. I felt like we handled the unexpected rather well - until Christmas night when the beloved employee texted Greg to tell him he wouldn't be there for his last shift starting the next day. (The first time he had a really good excuse. But this time, as you can imagine, he was terminated.) Oh, was I tired. And oh, what a drag because that was going to be our time to rest and spend together as a family. Luckily, Greg was able to take the following week off. My sister and her family were in town from out west, and my brother and his kids and another brother and his family were also here. Basically everyone but my youngest bro, Andrew. (Who is a new dad, by the way. Congratulations, Andrew and Vanessa! Baby Jackson was born yesterday!) So it was wonderful to spend some time with all of them and have my hubby back at the same time!