Monday, June 4, 2012
The Cake...
Posted by Kari at 12:28 PM 8 comments
Sunday, June 3, 2012
More Dax Birthday Fun
So this post was supposed to quickly follow the last one...weird that I am behind on my blog. We didn't have any big or elaborate party for Dax's birthday, but I guess that we should document that we did try to do something. Dax's birthday fell on Saturday this year, but Saturday only means one thing to us...ballgames! So we loaded up and went to the district baseball tournament in Holyoke and celebrated with the baseball team. It was a warm nice day and lucky for us, we like the baseball players families and they are always super nice to us. We made some cake balls and everyone sang happy birthday to Dax as he blew out his 3 candles. Don't worry that I didn't take my camera so my documentation is poor quality and low quantity cell phone pics. He was proud to tell everyone that it was his birthday though and that he was three and LOVED all of the attention. He is kind of a vain little child--what do you do?!
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Blowing out cake ball candles at ball game (Lisa Reinick in the background) |
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Dax with one of his favorite baseball guys, Jaden |
The next day we had our "party" or really I guess a few. We decided that we wanted to try to skype our families and let them sing to Dax and let him blow out candles for them. He was missing his Grandmas and Grandpas and his cousins. We had some technical difficulties, but we got to see all of the grandparents and had a fun time thanks to technology. Dax even got in a nerf gun war with Grandpa Lovell that had him laughing his little head off.
Trying to shoot Grandpa... |
Got Grandma instead! |
Blowing out candles during Skype party |
presents... |
presents... |
more presents...(the race track!) |
and more presents... |
and still more presents and this isn't even all of them! Too spoiled!! |
Blowing out candles with our friends-it is blurry but I loved Dax's face! |
Posted by Kari at 8:09 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 7, 2012
My baby is 3!
Why do kids have to grow up so blasted fast?! It is just not cool! We do love this crazy little boy of ours and love to watch him play and imagine and grow. I am going to try to write down some of the things that make up Dax right now so we can always remember his little 3 year old self. One of my favorite things about Dax right now is that he loves almost everything. He has quite an imaginations and he plays everything. He goes from playing cars to pirates to farming to playing ball and really almost everything. He especially loves cars and Lightning McQueen. He spends many hours every day driving or rather "racing" cars all over the house, outside, the bathtub, the ball field, etc. on his knees. Several of his pants have holes worn in his right knee where he drags it on the ground while he drives. He also pretends to be Lightning and "revs" his engine and runs all over the place. Dax goes most places on the run. He is not a still or calm child really. He is intense and in constant motion. Robert's boss commented one day that most kids like to sit down and take a break every once in a while, but not Dax. He loves movies and gets so into them, but doesn't even sit still watching them because he is trying to act them out. He especially loves Cars and Toy Story (all of them). He has his Lightning and Mack and has to have them while he is watching so that he can act out everything that happens. One of his favorite parts is when Lightning leaves to go to California and the sponsor guys say "don't drive like my brother." He totally says that as he loads Lighting in the truck, says "California here we come, Dinoco here we come" and then proceeds to sing "Life is a Highway" as he helps Lightning fall out of the truck and get lost. He is quite the entertainment.
Dax loves music. It is amazing that he can memorize almost everything that has a tune to it. We have tried to roll with this and he has learned quite a few primary songs, the alphabet song, and any other song we can make up to help him remember things. As Robert's profession involves commercials, Dax also knows a lot of the songs from ads like the napa know how song and subways 5 dollar footlong song and many more that I can't think of right now. If there is a catchy beat on anywhere he hears it and tries to go where it is coming from and is captivated by it. I hope that he continues to love music and that it can be a good thing in his life.
Dax LOVES his dad. He wants to know at all times where his dad is and when he is coming home. He loves to go to the radio station with dad and "work." He takes his toy lap top and has a little box that he calls his brief case and even answers the phone "good morning, KRDZ." He loves to play with Dad and he has a very good dad like that. They wrestle and play baseball and football and basketball. They do yard work together and just about anything that Robert will let him do. He insists that while they are playing any sports that Robert announces what is going on like he does at ball games and Dax does it when he is not around. It is pretty cute. He will grab his bat and say "and Dax comes to the plate..." You know that Rodney Adkins song "I've Been Watching You"? When I watch Dax and Robert play that is what I think of...
I wish that I had more of these moments captured on camera, but these are a few and hopefully I will be better at remembering to take pictures more often so I can remember this very cute stage.
Posted by Kari at 5:23 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
A Wray update and Easter
So my Wray diaries leave a lot to be desired...what do you do? There isn't a much to tell really. We are doing well here. It feels more and more like home every day. I got a job at the hospital here and am working 1 or 2 nights a week. It has been a nice cut back that is for sure. We have made a few friends at our little LDS branch and a few at work. Mostly we just keep to ourselves like we always have! ;) Dax and I have followed Robert to almost all of the ball games that he gets to go cover. That has kept us busy and has been fun. High school sports are fun to get into, especially when you know the kids you are cheering for. We went to enough games that we know a good chunk of the athletes and their families and it has been fun cheering for them. Dax is nearly famous at the ball games because he is....well he is just Dax. He is loud and crazy and in good moments completely delightful, so he has become friends with EVERYONE! He is my little ice breaker and because of him we have friends at ball games that help me keep him entertained when it is just too long, and take him to the concession stand for treats, and just do kind things for us everywhere. That is mostly what I have found here...the people are mostly just good and kind. We feel very lucky to be here in such a good community. Our little house is working out good for us. There are a few small spaces, but love grows best in little houses right? We have a big, fun yard that I am loving. We are trying to get our grass green and we are even getting a little garden spot ready. Hold your breath and hope that it works out please! I am no gardener, but we have a space and I guess you have to start and learn somewhere, so here is to learning if nothing else! Life is good for us and we can not complain (or we shouldn't at least...I wish I never complained! ) Dax is growing up to be quite the little human. He keeps us running and laughing constantly. His imagination never ceases to amaze me. Just this morning he woke up and asked if he could be a super hero today and keeps going around imagining himself doing things and saying "I saved the day!" We love that boy.
We (and when I say that I really mean Robert) haven't really had many days off since we got here. They do Saturday ball games here, so we are doing something most Saturdays and he works Monday through Friday just like regular. But, we got good Friday off of work so we decided to take advantage of our one day off and went to Denver. We stayed Thursday and Friday nights and went to the temple, ate out at restaurants (yes that is a novelty now!) and played. We had a really fun time and it just kept going all weekend long through Easter. One of our Denver highlights was going to the aquarium. It was a lot of fun and Dax LOVED it. He still talks about it. We got to feed some sting rays and pet them. Dax got a sea horse painted on his arm. We got to see a mermaid show with the scary guy from Finding Nemo (a person in a scuba suit). We saw "Crush" and "Nemo" and "Dory" and sharks and lions and treasure chests and so many fun things.
On Saturday morning we headed to a baseball game-we still can't get a whole weekend off! We enjoyed a nice day of sunshine and ball games and got home in just enough time to prepare lessons for Sunday, open Easter surprises from various grandmas in Utah (all of which he loved), and go to bed. When we woke up the Easter Bunny had definitely found us and Dax thought he was in heaven with all of his new fun things and, of course, his mountain of candy.
Easter present from Grandma Lovell |
Easter from Grandma and Grandpa Clove |
Cheese Ball! |
Thanks grandmas and grandpas for the fun presents |
What the Easter Bunny left...what was he thinking? That is way too much stuff! |
When we went out to go to church we found that another Easter Bunny had visited and left eggs on the front lawn. We have met a very nice family out here named the Valko Family. They have a son, Jaden, who is a junior that wrestles and plays baseball so we have seen them quite a bit at the games. They also have a daughter, Alyssa, who is in 8th grade that Dax loves. They woke up early and came and hid eggs for Dax before going to their church. Dax loved it and it was so nice of them. We also went to their house later in the evening for strawberry shortcake and a fun visit. We really like them and they have been so kind to us since we have been here. We will for sure remember them when we think of our Wray days.
After church some of our friends from the branch, the Echeverrias, came over for dinner and a little egg hunt. They have a little boy named Vander that is just a little bit younger than Dax. They are about as different as two little boys could be, but they are somehow pretty good little friends. I guess opposites attract sometimes. We ate yummy food, found eggs and candy, rocked out at the piano (oh ya I got a piano and I love it!!! The best part is that it was free and it is beautiful-it makes me happy), decorated Easter eggs the old fashioned way, and just enjoyed the nice warm day.
I love holidays and they have proved to be some of my hardest days out here because everything holiday to me is associated with family and I miss everyone so bad at these times. But, I decided that if I am never at home for a holiday again, I need to figure out our own family traditions so they can still be fun and memorable. Dinner wasn't as yummy as mom's and the eggs weren't as pretty as they seem to be at home, but it was our feeble attempt to make a memory and we did. The few weeks before Easter Dax and I sang songs at the piano. Dax loves music and can remember songs so well it is incredible really. One of my favorite Easter songs is "Did Jesus Really Live Again" out of the Primary Children's Songbook. As Dax learned the words to that song and started to understand more what nail prints in Jesus' hands meant he asked a lot of questions and was very thoughtful about what happened when Jesus died for us and how he "woke up" and left the tomb. I don't know how much he really understands, but I think he understands more than I know, but it was humbling for me this Easter to watch my two year old be so thoughtful of the simpleness of the message of Easter. It helped me be a little more thoughtful and helped me to be a lot more grateful this holiday that I know that Jesus died for me because he loves me and my little family. How blessed I am to know that Jesus really did live again and made it possible for all of us to live again. What better gift in all the world could we be given than that? Here is to trying to remember it and focus on that all year and not just at Easter. I am so grateful for a loving Savior and kind Heavenly Father who sacrificed so much for me to enjoy my life here and to have the hope of an even better life to come. What a Happy Easter!!
Posted by Kari at 6:23 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Posted by Kari at 2:20 AM 1 comments