Okay, Okay so we finally got the message!! Honestly since I've gotten on the blog we have had about 15 comments to blog something, ANTHING and that we have been tagged how many times? I really am not sure and if I went back through the last almost 5 months and found the tags I would be doing this for 3 weeks straight. So forgive us please and we hope that a new post about our life will count for something! :)
Let's see where to begin! There really hasn't been anything big since we posted last...just Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, oh maybe that we are pregnant and having a boy in almost 10 weeks! Like I said nothing big! That is our disclaimer, well my disclaimer. I give no excuses for Robert not posting, but i have spent the better part of the last several months either laying on my bed/couch and with my head in a toilet. See why I didn't post? No one really wants to hear about our lives when that is what it entails. I have become quite a fan of the game show network and extreme home make over and I finally broke down and started the Twighlight series! I am such a nerd I know, but there isn't much else to do when you have to be horizontal!
Life for us is going well though...we can't complain. We have been very blessed. Robert is still going to school full time and loving every second of math and chemistry! He also works every second he is not in school and has been so good to help his lame wife with everything she can't do which seems to be most things lately! I have been working and getting fatter and fatter! I even had one really nice lady just this last week at work tell me that I am carrying my baby in my hips and and growing out to the side and not in front! The honesty of children and old people huh?! Robert is trying to keep up with me on the weight gain thing too...I think he is trying to make me feel better! Isn't he nice?! It really is my fault because I try to eat something and it doesn't taste good so I give it to him and he eats both or our plates! :) What can we say we are just fat and happy here in St. George! Robert is still playing softball, but not near as often as he wishes I am sure. He has been so busy that it really has been significanly less. It makes me enjoy it so much more when we do have games to go to!! :) We have been to a few tourneys and he has also started to play basketball a little bit too. He volunteered to coach an 8th grade boys team for a few months at the first of the year. He had a really fun time with that actually. He loves to coach and the boys enjoyed him so it was good. He also started playing church ball and I went and witnessed it for the first time last night. All I have to say is YIKES!! I forgot how intense and dirty church ball is. It was kind of sad and pathetic! But it is fun and excercise! I need to start playing again apparently.
All of the rest of our time has been trying to pretend that we are getting ready to have a baby join us soon. We are getting excited, I am terrified really, and Robert is just cool with it like everything. I worry enough for both of us apparently! We still can't decide on a name for sure. If I was smarter at this blogging thing I would maybe set up a poll so you could all vote, but I'm not so if I can get Robert on here ever I'll make him do that. I have all sorts of projects up my sleeve for Robert to help me with, boy is he excited! My little sister Kellie also expecting a baby and due 5 days before me. She is having a little girl and we are pretty excited. It will be fun to have them so close and we hope that they will be great friends. It has been fun to do the whole be pregnant thing with her.
Now I feel that I am just rambling, so that is enough of an update I suppose. I will try to figure out how to get a few ultrasound pics attached. And we will not be held responsible for any medical expenses that are acquired from being so shocked that we actually put something on our blog! In fact, I think that most of you have given up on us enough that it will take weeks before anyone realizes that this post exists! Maybe that will give us another month or two before another one is expected!! :)