Thursday, April 19, 2012

You know its been a while when the blogger formats changed....

Life has been so busy, and crazy...But, those things can wait. For now, I want to remember something sweet this boy says:

                                           ".... because we love each other very much."

Yes, Benjamin, we love each other, so very much. I hope you always remember that... (especially on days when mommy is stressed out and cranky).

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Yesterday the kids and I had a fun day.

Benjamin went to Physical therapy, then a quick jaunt to the park and Michael's for some crafty things for Benjamin to do. Had lunch, and for "school time" I decided to throw out any "work", and just have fun crafting. Benjamin painted, decorated foam easter eggs and watched u-tube videos about Pysanky.(which might I add, he can pronounce much better than me!) After Vera's nap we ran around the back-yard pretending to shoot Battadroids (some starwars thing)?

Later that night, Benjamin  in his prayers, thanked Heavenly Father for having a "fun mommy." Glad to know he had fun....makes me wonder what Benjamin thinks of me on boring normal days!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Weight family 5k/half marathon adventure....

This past weekend, Almost all of Rob's siblings and their spouses came down to houston to do the Woodlands 5k and half Marathon. It was so fun to see everyone, although, like most trips, it was to short.

Rob and I were really committed to our training schedule... maybe would run about 3 miles every couple of weeks.  Like I said, so committed. The night before the race, Vera had a 102 fever, so I graciously volunteered to stay home with the kids. To be honest, I was a little bit sad not to run, but at the same time, was really ok with not running it, especially the lack of preparation I had put into training for the race.

I was so proud of Rob for finishing the race! Him and his brother Curtis ran the whole race together!

Later in the evening we all went out for Thai food at a great little place Downtown.

Rob and Curtis

The 5K runners/walkers. Left: Tara, mom, Cheri, and Wendy. Can I just say Rob's mom has amazing stamina?

The Group:(Left) Curtis, Mom, Tara, Rob, Brita, Wendy, Cheri

Our huge group at dinner.

Had to add this picture. Best picture ever of Brian and me! Love it. We were really having fun, although it doesn't look like it :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

what would I do without her?

Growing up, my mother would always tell my sister ( who is 2 and 3/4 years older) and I that we were each other's best friends! When we were younger we played together, shared toys, and even some friends. We were friends, but  I don't think I would have called us "best friends." I defiantly lived up to the "annoying little sister" role.

My sister and are different, yet we are---- in Rob's words"Cut from the same cloth."
We have so many similar mannerisms and our laugh and voices are exactly the same!

 Over the past few years, I have appreciated my sister, and our relationship so much more!  There is something to be said about the value of having a older sister!  I realize now that my mom was right! We are eachother's best friends!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I won't lie...

this week hasn't been great

Dealing with two sick kids.

Up all night with Benjamin and the croup.

husband working super late.

 Vera's screams.  
I'm not exaggerating.  Those screams--- just resonate through the entire house at earth shattering levels. I can feel the energy draining out of me just thinking about it!

Benjamin and his tantrums (?)
I don't know if it was the steroid that they gave Benjamin at the ER--- but he was like another kid.
To top it off---- he cut his sister's favorite blanket with scissors. A blanket that was hand knitted by a dear family friend, which probably can't be fixed.

That's just a little preview of what my week's been like.

Today was a lot better. I'll admit. But over all it was pretty much a week straight out of hell--- yes I said hell... because that is what it was.

This evening, after everyone went to bed I had the thought that I needed  to work on my kids journals. It has been months since I've even touched them, and I had a lot of catching up to do. 

I think its funny that I am so adamant about keeping these journals for my kids. Its not like I am a huge journal writer. Never really have been---outside of my blog. And, even then, my blog is really just about my kids. I know most people don't even read my blog or probably even care about the things I write about. Yet, I still write these experiences down---mostly for my kids so I'll remember them later. Sometimes, when I have no desire to write anything, I tell myself, It could be useful someday in the future--- if anything fun for my kids to look back on their life.

But the truth is,  I need to do it for me. For me it is so important. It brings meaning and value to my life. Not because someone will read it, but it is a way, a process for me to reflect on my life, my children and our experiences as a family. Its one of the ways I make a conscious effort  to cherish them.

What I realized tonight, is how import it is for me to do this. Not necessarily for my kids, but for me. I need that quiet time to think, reflect and cherish the experiences I am having with my children. It is amazing how quickly I forget the tender, quiet moments when I am caught up in the chaos that ensues on a daily basis.

There is something to be said about reflection. About taking the time to slow down, and really think about the wonderful people in my life and how lucky I am to have them.

I am grateful for the prompting  tonight. I am grateful for the time I had to reflect, and have my heart softened. Another little reminder,of the greater work at hand, and that not every day, or week is or will be this insane.

"As you start to write, you could ask yourself, “How did God bless me today?” If you do that long enough and with faith, you will find yourself remembering blessings. And sometimes, you will have gifts brought to your mind which you failed to notice during the day, but which you will then know were a touch of God’s hand in your life."

Elder Eyring
(nov 1989 "remembrance and gratitude)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Benjamin's learning to write Capital letters.  However he insists on writing his name in lower case.He loves to write his name!

      Don't be fooled, these smiles quickly turned to cries. Best friends one min, the next pushing each others buttons. Don't let vera fool you, she can be quite the instigator.
Always the enthusiast! He might just be the happiest person I've ever met!

I have no comment...  Lord of the Flies

Vera is the Artist! She loves to scribble and draw--- she even holds the pencil (almost)correctly too! I have to watch her so much, because she always seems to have a crayon or pen in hand, and creating some "artwork" on anything she can.

At grandma gails. No doubt having her third helping of strawberries and cream!


this is what I've been working on lately, and I feel like its starting to come together. Granted its a work in progress--- its hard getting back into painting and the mind set of it all, but after much frustration, I feel like this will finally come together. Still much more to do, but I'm happy with it so far. I've always appreciated abstract expressionism. Maybe I like the challenge of it? Let's just say, I appreciate De kooning more and more!

Sorry for the bad photo--- it was take in the garage with poor lighting with my i phone.... and I didn't even take the picture square on...