Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Take time to smell the roses.

How cliché.. oh well.
I have posted about 5 new posts.ENJOY! I know, I am such a binge blogger. But when you feel like bloggin you better do it, or it will never happen. Anyway, I tired to add lots of pictures.

This post is mostly of Benjamin.
On a side note, about the flowers. Rob taught Seminary for a couple of days, and the seminary kids gave us these flowers. Isn't that sweet? We are good friends with the parents of one of kids in the class, so she knew about benjamin, and told all of the kids what happened, and got them all the pitch in some money for flowers.It was really sweet of them. Ben Loved the flowers-- especially the yellow ones. yellow is his fav color.

we just wanted to Thank everyone for your kind words and for all of your support. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family. We hope that you are all doing well!
love the weights.

Benjamin's Fav Place to play...

is the bathroom. Look at the damage he created in 5 mins. He also just discovered the water table we have in out bathroom-- I mean the toilet. I have prevented many attempted tries to play in the water.He also enjoys flushing the toilet.

I think he loves the bathroom because our Bird (yes we have a bird now-- thats another story for another day- It use to be my bird as a child-- yes its still alive).
He will crawl into the bathroom, ripe off her cage door and try to get her out to play with her. His fav word is Brrrrdah. ( iwas secretly hoping it would be mum-- but alas)..

Here's a Question for you all?

So, because benjamin has been sick, we have been using our baby monitor. Every time Rob moves in the house, and the closer that he is to it, the more static/noise it makes..... Hmmm.... after all this time.... could rob still be radioactive??? ( I mean emitting radiation?) You know the AMerican Border did pick up on robs radioactivity three years ago-- they could even tell rob the isotope.*laughs* not that is a funny funny story. Doesn't that give you all comfort knowing that the American Border is so on top of it????

A month of Visitors

I guess I will remember the Jan of 2009 as the month of Visitors. We had a lot of fun with robs family. Benjamin got to meet his great aunts; Aunt KAthy and Aunt Lucille. He also got to meet his aunt Cheri. We had lots of fun!

Lucille, Benjamin, Kathy

Grandpa Weight, Benjamin, Cheri

I take the cake on this one!

My sweet mother and father gave me a "wilton" cake decorating set for christmas and so I decided to take a cake decorating class with my friend Lauren. Lucky us--- it so happens that the course was 50% off. (and I just found out that the second course will be 50% off next month, so of course I will just have to sign up). It's been pretty fun, except it can get a little old practicing over and over again the same thing. I am hoping to use my new skills on Benjamin's Birthday cake.... hmmm.. what will I make?????
Anyway- here are some pictures of my latest master pieces.

I'll be honest I am not really a fan of clowns--- sarah I thought of you when I was making this one :) you clown lover :)

So for the past 3 weeks I have made a cake, and rob and I have single-handedly eaten them all. (can't be to good...) So, yesterday Rob and I signed up for a Running boot Camp.. and now suddenly I don't feel to bad about eating all of that cake. For the record I had my first work-out tonight.. and man that is what I call a workout, reminds me of higschool track workouts. One word: Intense.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A mothers worst nightmare.

Our lives have been a little hectic lately. I don't know what it was with this past week, but the best word to describe it was "draining."

Robert and I today, are still trying to recover from the scary events of friday night, but we feel very blessed and humbled by it.

That night Rob and I were going to go up to his sisters, but because I wasn't feeling to well, and Benjamin had a little cough--- we decided to stay home for a quiet evening. Around 9 pm Benjamin woke up with a "Barky" cough. Big deal, right? But to be sure, we decided to call the nurse to make sure he was ok and if there was anything we could do to help him. We called the nurse and she confirmed with us that he had croup. Benjamin was happy and looked like he was feeling fine, so the nurse told us that the cough sounds worse than it is and that we have nothing to worry about and gave us some things to do to help him. So, we turned on the shower, turned on the humidifier ect. We put Benjamin down, and continued watching the movie BIRDS. Around 10:20 or so, we heard Benjamin cough again and then whimper a little--- and of course he had been doing this all night, but a min after, rob got up to check on him. Benjamin was face down in his crib and limp. Rob brought him out of his room--- he was barely breathing, all his color was gone, and he looked bluish and his eyes were glazed. Rob laid him on the ground- looked lifeless. I cannot explain the utter panic and fear that I had--- I called 911 and knocked on our neighbors door. Our neighbor was calling her friend who was a med student-- while rob gave benjamin a blessing. Right after the blessing benjamin barely moved his head. Benjamin was so still and was using all of his effort and energy to take some shallow breaths. I have never felt so helpless in my life.I felt like the 911 operator was not helpful-- and that we were running out of time and we had a better chance of driving to Texas Children's hospital (which was about 6 miles away). As rob and I were running barefoot down our stairwell our neighbor yelled to us that we should trying giving him "breaths"-- it wasn't until after rob gave benjamin some breaths that he started to give a few struggled cries. WE finally reached Texas Children's, where they gave benjamin a steroid to hep with the constriction in his throat and tylenol to take the fever down (which we didn't even know he had until they took his temp). He was still very weak and did not regain his strength until about 30 later. Once the drugs kicked in--Benjamin was himself speed crawling all over the ER waiting room. I am sure people were wondering why was this kid in the ER. He was making everyone laugh around him-- He is really good at that.
We spent all of the night and early morning at Texa's Childrens, for observation and his cough was less frequent and his breathing less constricted. Poor Benjamin-- he spent most of the time Fighting off nurses-- He went though 3 shifts or nurses and they ALL commented on how they had heard about him. The first set of nurses couldn't get his vitals, after fighting with him for 30 mins.as rob says" At least we know our kid isn't a quitter." Now I know, that some of you who are EXPERIENCED PARENTS-- have probably all had something like this happen to one or all of your kids. I feel for my mother-in-law, who seemed to have had many different medical emergencies with her 7 children. She is a tough lady.

From that incident I was reminded or learned about a couple of things:
1) How I truly need to cherish EVERY min with Benjamin, and with anyone in my life
2) How grateful I am for my husband and that he is a worthy Priesthood holder
3) How grateful I am for the Priesthood
4) How I don't do that well in an emergency (especially if it is dealing with my child). I mean I wasn't in Hysterics or anything-- but... you know,
5) That I should NEVER drive in an emergency --- *laughs* we were lucky we made it out of the parking lot. (rob demanded that he drive before we left our complex).
6) THat I need to tell our complex to indicate that a certain exit is not open after a certain time-- before you get to it, and have to back-out a narrow, windy road, if you make that mistake, its a pain to back-out of.(lets be honest--- if you are having an emergency you arn't going to remember that that exit is closed!)
7) Don't call 911 if you live 6 miles away from a Hospital and you need immediate help. Our Nieghbor told us that they showed up 15 mins after we had left. We made it to the hospital in 6 mins.
8) That Benjamin is a fighter, and the greatest blessing in our life! And that in situations like this you can't worry about "how much will this cost me....

Well, on this happy note--- Benjamin seems to be doing really well. His cough is less often, and he is his happy self.

I know this is kind of a month late----

I know, I know-- I have been really bad about blogging... I have been trying to work on benjmains babybook/journal (records events, milestones ect) of benjamins first year! My mom ( who is amazing) made baby books/ childhood journals for my sister an I. As a child, and now as an adult I love looking back and reading through the journaling of important events, ect of my life. So, I thought I would carry on this gift for my own children. Because, although I have a good memory I will not remember exactly what Benjamin did or said, at certain ages. Since I am behind... very behind of blogging, I posted some of those journal entries of benjamin's book to catch up some of our events.

Benjamin’s First Christmas Dec 2008
This year was Benjamin’s first Christmas. Although he didn’t quite understand it all, Benjamin did love the Christmas tree and all of the Christmas lights. Mom was quite lucky in that he didn’t take all of the Christmas ornaments off the tree. In fact Benjamin would find creative ways to get to the presents without having to touch the scratchy branches on the tree.
This Christmas was especially exciting for our family, because it was our first Christmas together with Benjamin. We created some new traditions of our own, like making Christmas Ornaments, Christmas baking and making our own Christmas Stockings. Hopefully over the years we will be able to carry on and create more family traditions.
Benjamin was a very lucky boy! He was able to have both sets of Grandparents for his first Christmas. Grandma and Grandpa Weight Flew into Houston from Raymond, Alberta, Canada on Dec 16th. This was the first time Grandma and Grandpa Weight had ever met Benjamin. Benjamin loved spending the first few days of their visit with them at our house. Benjamin had no problems warming up to them. Grandma Gail and Grandpa Dave came down to Houston that Sunday, the day of Benjamin’s Baby blessing and they stayed at our house until the day after Christmas. It was wonderful to have so many family members around for such special event.

Christmas Eve Dec 24th 2008
The holidays were very busy with lots of big family gatherings. For Christmas Eve, we all gathered together at Aunt Kiersta and Ryan’s House. Everyone was there, including Grandma Gail and Grandpa Dave, and the Sal family. We had a wonderful Fondue dinner, which is a weight tradition, and then afterward had a “nativity program” where the grandpa’s narrated the Nativity story from the scriptures and we all san Christmas songs and acted out the nativity. This year, Benjamin played to the role of baby Jesus, and Robert and I played the Role of Mary and Joseph. Benjamin wasn’t to keen on sitting still throughout it and spent most of his time playing with his cousin Errson.

Christmas Day Dec 25th 2008
Benjamin was excited to see all of the new toys Santa had brought him. For Christmas, Benjamin got a walking alligator push toy, a couple of balls, some books: "Love you forever", and "The Hungry caterpillar", blocks and some baby treats. Benjamin was very excited about the baby cookies Santa left him. Benjamin received lots of presents--books, and outfits and Pajamas from relatives. Grandma and Grandpa Barber spent Christmas morning with us, and then later, Grandma and Grandpa Weight and friends Nova and Hendro came over for Christmas Dinner. It was a very fun day! Benjamin spent most of the day trying out new "walking" toy.

Benjamin's First Haircut Jan 3rd 2008
Today I got my first hair cut. For a while now I have needed one, but mom was a little apprehensive to give me one since she didn’t feel to confident cutting my hair. When Aunt Kiersta was visiting today, she used our hair clippers to give my cousin Errson a haircut. Right after his hair cut, she then gave me mine. I was so good and sat patiently during the entire haircut. I wasn’t even scared by the clippers. Mom and dad both commented on how much older I looked.

picture of Grandma Gail and Grandpa Dave in front of the Houston Temple.