Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Yesterday the kids and I had a fun day.

Benjamin went to Physical therapy, then a quick jaunt to the park and Michael's for some crafty things for Benjamin to do. Had lunch, and for "school time" I decided to throw out any "work", and just have fun crafting. Benjamin painted, decorated foam easter eggs and watched u-tube videos about Pysanky.(which might I add, he can pronounce much better than me!) After Vera's nap we ran around the back-yard pretending to shoot Battadroids (some starwars thing)?

Later that night, Benjamin  in his prayers, thanked Heavenly Father for having a "fun mommy." Glad to know he had fun....makes me wonder what Benjamin thinks of me on boring normal days!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Weight family 5k/half marathon adventure....

This past weekend, Almost all of Rob's siblings and their spouses came down to houston to do the Woodlands 5k and half Marathon. It was so fun to see everyone, although, like most trips, it was to short.

Rob and I were really committed to our training schedule... maybe would run about 3 miles every couple of weeks.  Like I said, so committed. The night before the race, Vera had a 102 fever, so I graciously volunteered to stay home with the kids. To be honest, I was a little bit sad not to run, but at the same time, was really ok with not running it, especially the lack of preparation I had put into training for the race.

I was so proud of Rob for finishing the race! Him and his brother Curtis ran the whole race together!

Later in the evening we all went out for Thai food at a great little place Downtown.

Rob and Curtis

The 5K runners/walkers. Left: Tara, mom, Cheri, and Wendy. Can I just say Rob's mom has amazing stamina?

The Group:(Left) Curtis, Mom, Tara, Rob, Brita, Wendy, Cheri

Our huge group at dinner.

Had to add this picture. Best picture ever of Brian and me! Love it. We were really having fun, although it doesn't look like it :)