Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What's Up?

My life these days consists of working through the week and flying to Utah for the weekend. I'm becoming dull...I have nothing to blog about anymore. Here are a few random facts:

  • Since I've been flying back and forth, Spring has sprung. Since we don't really have Spring in Arizona, it has been nice to watch the seasons change in Utah. When I first stared going up there, it was cold and snowy. The last few weeks, I have seen blossoms on the trees and daffodils and tulips blooming. Last weekend, I noticed the hills are greening up too.
  • My "kitchen fairies" were here again this weekend. My dishwasher was emptied, fridge re-stocked, and house vacuumed. What great friends I have!
  • My clothes don't fit me anymore. I'm on the stress diet once again.
  • Too many people on our campus smoke cigarettes. I thought it wasn't really cool to smoke anymore. I'm surprised how many young people smoke.
  • I love my job. Seriously, I was walking across campus today and thought, I love what I do. A few weeks ago, I was in charge of a division-wide training workshop. I heard our committee got the best response of all of the workshops that have been held in recent years. Apparently it was brought up in a meeting again yesterday.
  • I miss my grandchildren. I really need a visit!

One of these days, my life will return to normal. In the mean time, this is the new normal and I'm hanging in there. Even amid challenges and adversity, I am reminded once again there are many blessings.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I guess they're going to keep me...

Business Cards! 1000 of them! Doesn't sound like a temporary position anymore, does it?

For those of you wanting updates on Michael...he's in a specialty hospital. Still in a coma but they are working on coma stimulus to see if they can wake him up. For instance, today he was sitting up in a chair for 2 hours--that's got to feel good, right? Yesterday, he was on a tilt table in a standing up position. Lisa can get him to do all sorts of things. Now we need to get the doctors to see some of the responses. The progress is very slow and we're all practicing PATIENCE.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

While You Were Sleeping

Dear Michael,

I thought I'd let you know what has been going on while you were sleeping.
  • I have been told that the first person on the scene after your accident was a paramedic named Cindy who they say is one of the very best. I heard she worked fast and hard and you were in good hands from the very start.
  • Another Cindy...a nurse in ICU who took a personal interest in you and changed her assignments so she could be your nurse the first few days when you needed critical care.
  • After I (and Uncle Garry and Aunt Debbie) packed up the things in your apartment, your friends moved them to a place they could be stored for a while.
  • A friend of yours offered his attorney services free of charge.
  • Your friends have been great...visiting you,reading to you, and calling, texting, and e-mailing me for updates.
  • Your beautiful fiance, Lisa, has been amazing. Not only is she absolutely devoted to you but she and I have become good friends through all of this and she has shared with me things that I'm sure you never would have told me.
  • Your great-aunt (my aunt) has been with you at the hospital daily when I was in Arizona and Lisa was at work.
  • Aunt Debbie hopped on the plane and came to Utah with me so I wouldn't have to face the ordeal alone...and even stayed there for 2 weeks with me.
  • Many kindnesses have been shown to me. Let me tell you about them

*when Jeff's boss heard about the accident, he purchased me an airline ticket to get me right up to Utah (and I have never met this guy).

*I have flown to Utah every weekend and someone has provided my tickets each time (I have some very generous friends and family members).

*The use of a car when I come to Utah.

*Dinner brought to the hospital when we were there day after day

*A cute haircut (free of charge) to boost my spirits when they were very low.

*cards with money in them (came in handy when we were having to eat out so many meals)

*One of your aunts purchased a SIM card for my cell phone with an additional 1000 minutes since I have been making so many calls this month.

* A sweet neighbor who has come over just when I was coming in from work with dinner for me...not once but TWICE!

*While I was gone for two weeks, my friends came over and cleaned out my refrigerator and re stalked it with meals that I could easily put together when I got home from work.

*Can I just say FLOWERS!!!!! Love them! My house is full of them.

  • Many, many, many prayers have been offered in your behalf. I KNOW Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers.

Please wake up soon. We miss you.

I love you.

Love, Mom