Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Break

This week was spring break. Unfortunately, I didn't have the whole week off (boy do I miss my teaching days when we got 2 weeks off for spring break!) But I did have Thursday and Friday off and I packed them full...and there isn't one single picture to prove all that I accomplished. But trust me, I was going from morning until night!

I had a list a mile long of things I wanted and needed to get done so first thing Thursday morning, I got to work. I spent 4 hours in my back yard cleaning up the flower beds and getting all of the dead stuff out from the deep freeze we had in January. I was surprised to find that although everything was frozen, new buds and leaves were sprouting so I didn't have to dig up anything...just cut it back. I filled up 2 green barrels full of waste and then spread new soil around everything. Why does new dirt make a flower bed look so good?

I came in and grabbed some lunch and then decided to start on my next project: painting a dresser. I didn't get further than sanding it down and getting the first coat of primer on it when disaster struck. I tipped over the paint tray and spilled primer all over the patio. As I was cleaning that up and spraying down the patio, the hose tipped over the rest of the can of primer all over my grass. Cleaning it up was a disaster. Note to self: always make sure the lid is on an opened paint can. That made me call it quits for the day.

Friday, my sister-in-law, Debbie and I put our bikes in the back of her truck and took them to Tempe Town Lakes and rode along the canal and in to Tempe and down Mill Avenue (around ASU). There had been a St. Patrick Day celebration the night before and it was apparent that some of those we ran in to were still up from the night before. We grabbed a glass of OJ and a muffin and enjoyed breakfast outside before we started back. The weather was perfect and it was a great start to the day.

I was determined to find me a dress for Jeff's wedding while I had time to look. but after 2 trips out, I still came home empty handed. Olivia is using coral, robin egg blue, and yellow. She wants the mothers in coral (I love that color). I found it everywhere but not a dress to be found in my size,style,length, price range, etc. I'm sure I'll find something before May.

I've also:
gone to the movie with a friend
balanced my check book/paid bills
got my carpet cleaned
prepared my lesson for Sunday
put the first coat of paint on the dresser (with no mishaps this time)
got the car washed
cleaned the house
gone grocery shopping
to the cleaners
did laundry
more yard work--front yard this time
made a yummy tortellini salad
and spray painted a side table
and picked up my new iPad. (still not sure how to use it. I'm waiting for Jeff to give me a tutorial).

I'm sore and tired! I need to go back to work so I can rest.

Thursday, March 10, 2011



Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pretty in Pink

One of the great things about blogging is all of the fun, new ideas you find out in blog-land. I found this scarf/necklace recently on DYI Dish (shout out to Kim and Kris). They suggested getting an old T-shirt but I was looking for a specific color so I stopped by TJ Maxx and found this oversized shirt.

Cut the shirt just under the sleeves then cut as many 2" strips as you can before you get to the hem.
Pull and stretch each strip...this is what makes it curl. Gather up the strips. I twisted (making it double) them to make it shorter when I wore them

Finished product:

Fun, huh?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

My New Ride

I have been wanting a bike for a few years now.
More specifically, a Beach Cruiser. With a Basket.
So I decided to get me one. Check this out:

Today I went for a little ride. The weather was perfect. I'm going to enjoy this!
Judging from the size of my thighs, this is going to be good for me.

If the price of gas doesn't go down soon, this may be my main mode of transportation
(too bad I work 40 miles from home)

I wish I looked as hip as this cutie when I ride.

This is Olivia (the bike used to be hers). Isn't she adorable?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

who cares????

What has happened to news reporting? As I was getting ready for work today, the first story that was reported on the local news as well as the Today show was another episode of the Charlie Sheen train wreck. Really? This is the best news we have? What about the news in Libya? How about the price of gas?

Today his twins were taken away from him. Hallelujah! (Although it doesn't sound like his ex-wife is much better). Why is the media playing in to this story in such a big way? He's getting what he wants: attention and more money. Is anyone with me on this?

And while I'm ranting. ,,..I'm over you Jennifer Aniston. I really don't care that you cut your doesn't look any different. How about a real haircut, Jennifer? And while you're at it, get it out of your eyes.