Monday, March 22, 2010

A Mothers Heart

Today makes three weeks since since the accident. When something like this happens, your life comes to a complete halt. Life will never be the same regardless of the outcome. This is not something a mother should ever have to deal with.

Rather than dwell on the difficult aspects, let me just post a pictures of Michael in his better days.

And I think this picture is adorable. Don't they both look like they are in love?!

I appreciate the many phone calls, emails, and cards. I take such comfort in being surrounded by friends. Please continue to pray for Michael.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Big Mike

It's another late night at the hospital. For those of you who haven't heard, Michael was in a serious motorcycle accident last Monday night as he was coming home from Lisa (his fiance) home. He has been unconscious for a week. His body is beginning to heal...he had reconstruction surgery on his face, today had a rod put in to his leg to repair his femur, his scrapes are beginning to heal but his brain experienced severe trauma and that is the cause of our extreme concern.

We have seen and experienced miracles almost daily. Some of the nurses here have been angels to Michael and to us as we keep our vigil by Michael's side. His friends have been here almost constantly just sitting in the waiting room to offer support. I even had friends from Corona who now live in Utah who have come by.

Lisa is an amazing woman. I feel like it has been real gift to get to know her at this level and to feel her strength through this challenge. She has shared so many stories with me about her relationship with Michael and we have laughed and cried together on many occasions. It also does my heart good to hear all of the kind things that people have to say about my son. He hasn't lived at home for 8 years so it has been good to see who he have become as a man. All of his friends call him Big Mike and have expressed to me how many quiet acts of service he has done for them.

Please continue to offer your prayers in his behalf. We can feel the strength from them. I will update you as there is something to update about

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Here comes the RAIN again

Last night as I was going to bed, I could hear the rain beginning that the weatherman promised. It rained straight for 16 hours. This is the park down the street from my house. There usually isn't a pond there; only when it rains. Somehow the ducks always know and fly in to enjoy the new surroundings. Who knows where the are the rest of the time. The sun came out this afternoon but now I can hear it raining again. Delightful!!!

When I got home from church, it seemed like a perfect day for soup. Katie gave me a recipe for a delicious and easy tortilla bean soup. It is made from things you always have on hand and it is ridiculous how tasty it is because it is so easy to make.

And then of course hot, homemade bread is always a good addition to soup on a cold, wet day like today. I have made bread a lot over the years but have never consistently made a good loaf. I recently went to a bread demonstration and finally learned the right consistency for bread dough. Now I can have success no matter which recipe I'm using.

The recipe I used today is a simple white bread and makes 2 loaves. I made one into cinnamon bread so I can enjoy that for breakfast this week. The other one is a spicy cheese bread that goes well with the tortilla soup.

After you make the bread dough, grate 1 cup of cheese, chop 3 green onions, and add as much Cayenne pepper as you dare. Then knead it in to the dough and...

...shape it into a round loaf, let it rise and bake for 30 minutes at 350


Friday, February 26, 2010


I have been reading essays from students who are applying for the Early College Program where I work. It reminded me of my days teaching English at the Junior High...a lot of blah, blah, blah, an occasional big word that they threw in after reading a thesaurus and then more blah, blah, blah. I really wanted to get a big red pen out and go to town on some of the papers.

But the funniest one I read was from the girl who wanted to be accepted into the program so she could "get a jump start on her bachelorette degree." What? Did she think that guys get a bachelor degree and girls get bachelorette degrees? I think she should be accepted...she NEEDS to go to college.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

How Do They Do That?

Is anyone else enjoying the Olympics as much as I am?

How do they do that? Have you ever tried to stretch like that while on a thin blade...and on ice?

And what about ski jumping. Are you kidding me? It is hard enough to ski down the slopes but these guys are flying through the air and doing triple flips and twists with six foot sticks strapped to their feet.

And they all make it look so easy!

As much as I am enjoying these sports, I'll be glad when they're's ruining my sleep.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday Musings

Musing-adj. Absorbed in thought; reflective

Another random post...

1. My office is in the tutoring center at the college. There's a lot of energy in the tutoring center. I'm sure there's much going on in the way of learning but I love to see the flirting that goes on in the name of studying.

2. It is fun to see Michael so smitten! Lisa, he's crazy about you.

3. Every girl needs a basic black dress. I was thinking about my black dress the other day. I bought it 10 years ago (can you believe I'm still wearing it?!) It was a designer dress that I got for a steal at TJ Maxx. I have worn it with pearls and heels, denim and boots, a red leather jacket, and a shawl. When hem lengths went up, I cut several inches off of it and re-hemmed it to knee length. Last Sunday I wore it with a bright fuscha scarf around the waist. I don't know what I'm going to do when that dress stops working for me.

4. I sat outside in the warm (75 degree) sun today and enjoyed my lunch. Those of you in the mid-west and east your heart out.

5. Anyone know how to give up sugar? I think I'm addicted.

That's all.

Monday, February 8, 2010

I've got BIG news

Michael is getting MARRIED!!! Don't let this photo decieve you...they're not giants and my tree isn't that small!

When Michael brought Lisa home for Christmas, I knew it must be serious. As I watched them interact for the few days they were here, I could tell that they were well suited for one another. And not only that, I liked Lisa the minute I met her. She is a wonderful, accomplished young woman and will be a great asset to the family. I couldn't be happier for these two.
I just knew that this year was going to be a great one for our family!