Friday, January 23, 2009

A Good Day

Just sharing a happy picture I found on my phone from a visit to the Children's Museum last weekend. Boy Wonder was very pleased with his creation. In the end, he managed to use every block in the display.

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Not Feeling It

I resisted the urge to post on this blog during my local government class last night. I was not quite bored enough to want to poke my eyes out just to entertain myself, but could clearly see the day coming that I will be in such a state. I could choose to load up on candy and eat my way through class, keeping a steady sugar high , but then I'd end up needing to buy weight loss pills, so that's no fun. Besides, it is my first of three classes; load on sugar during class #1 and there is nowhere to go but down.

It is probably not that the prof is particularly boring. (Though his stumbling through his reference materials in response to questions was not particularly inspiring.) I just need an attitude adjustment. I am ready to be done and don't want to do do the work to get there. I have no clue HOW I am going to gear up and write a 25+ page paper for another of my classes. How did I manage to sign up for that particular torture? I was thinking it would be a 10-15 page paper, that's how.

I am not the only one in this particular state of apathy. Those of us on our 8th semester of law school are all feeling quite done, thank you very much. I know I will get into the swing of things and the semester will fly by. In the mean time, I think my classmate who wants us all to quit law school to run off and work at a Borders in Costa Rica is onto something.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Highs and Lows

What a week it has been! Filled with highs and lows. If this keeps up, I'll need to rig not only my car, but by rolling computer case with performance parts! First, although I imagine anyone particularly interested in my life has already checked Wife's blog for updates on this, Boy Wonder gained weight this week! We are hugely relieved. He has also been hungry the past day and a half...another really good sign. There are still tests being done, but overall, we are feeling positive.

Other highlights? Wife's dad was hit by a car, and broke his leg...and an update...his neck. Docs missed it the first two days. We are not impressed with the level of care he has been getting. We are not sure if the neck injury will mean surgery or not. Waiting for neurosurgeon to assess. We are going to visit him this weekend. Poor guy....being severely restricted in his movement due to his leg is going to be tough enough on him, adding in neck pain, potential surgery, collars, and who knows what all? Very sad and scary for him.

I have completed my first week of classes. My overall impression is that all of my classes feel like they will be very long. I am ready to be done. All are decent classes and I will learn a lot. Still, feeling very done, as are my fellow 4th year classmates.

More? The roof and siding issues were repaired for free by wonderful guys filled with integrity. If you live near us and need recommendations, let us know. I have never been so impressed by people just wanting to do the right thing.

OK - I best go get my homework done so I can get home to my family, pack, and be ready to travel in the morning. Stay safe everyone!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Little Levity

Here's something you don't see every day:

In case you have trouble reading the note, it says, "Free Rubber Chicken."

It was in our kitchen/workroom at work. Being the smart-*ss that I can be, I later walked by and added the word "range" after "free."

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Attention 2009 - Turn Yourself Around

OK, so 2009 is not starting out great. I have a theory though. It could be the resident evil and his minions are having a last ditch free-for-all before Hope takes over on January 20th. It could be the old, evil ways kicking and screaming as they lose power. I pointed out to Wife last night that we all think January should be this great, new time - a fresh year, clean slate and all....but really, it's pretty much the start of winter. Cold, dark winter. Maybe the new year should start in March instead.

Of all the things that have happened, most have been tempered by circumstances making them better than they could be, if not actually "good." They leaky roof/ceiling only cost us $100 (which possibly made the problem worse, but it got us through Christmas) because the people who originally put on our roof and siding stood by their work and did the repairs for free. Wife's "check engine" light issue only cost us $410 instead of the $1100 we were first quoted. My cracked windshield was covered under our auto insurance. The odd flea outbreak (yuck! haven't seen a flea since we were last fostering a cat in our garage about 4 years ago) and Maddie's paw issue were easily resolved....$200 later.

Bigger issues - Wife's dad was hit by a car and won't be able to put weight on his leg for at least three months. This will mean some sort of transitional care until they can get him back into his own apartment. He will hate this, in part because he lives for his multiple long walks each day, not to mention needing the companionship of his cat. All really sucks...but still....considering that he was hit by a car, he is in relatively good shape.

Boy Wonder. We just do not know the cause for his dramatic weight loss. So far, as you know if you have been tracking progress on Wife's blog, the blood tests have not indicated anything seriously wrong. There will be more tests. So, far, the news is good, but overall, this is still very scary and we just want to know what is going on and how to make him all better.

Add to all of these little, and not so little things, the general stress of just barely having enough money to scrape by (thanks to student loans) and a crappy job market/economy as I am getting ready to graduate and pay back loans....well, it is a lot. I am pretty good at staying positive and believing that all will turn out OK, but some days are difficult. Wife is not nearly as good at seeing the bright side, maybe because she is more surrounded by the impacts every day. I can at least escape in work and school, but she must struggle with figuring out what the Boy will eat, getting him to the doctor, talking with the roofers, and all the every day stuff of laundry, cooking, dogs, breaking up the kid fights, and still trying to find some fun family time. It is a lot and she is about at the end of her rope. We could use not just this tempered bad/good luck, but some REALLY, TRULY GOOD LUCK. I know there are many in similar and worse situations right now. So, come on 2009, come on Universe, it is time for some HAPPINESS!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Random Thoughts in Early 2009

I have a few spare moments so thought I would share some random thoughts.

First - after May I will no longer be "Law School Mama," so then what? Seems silly to start a new blog with a more appropriate name, but this one will no longer be the adventures of a law student mom. Oh, who am I kidding? I will probably no longer have any time to blog! We shall see what happens.

Today I plan on going to school to buy my new books and put my old ones on the shelf in hopes that they will sell. Our school has a great program for reselling books. As long as it is a book currently being used, we can put it in the bookstore with a price, if someone wants it, the bookstore handles the sale and pays us later. I have probably been able to sell about half of my books this way. The tricky part is that often a class is only held once a year, or once every two years. You have to put it in the bookstore during the next semester the book is used...if it is even used again, and if a newer edition has not been released.

Lots of little and some potentially bigger things have happened over the past few weeks, decreasing our funds and increasing stress levels. These include roof repairs - times two, a vet visit, car repair - times two, and health issues with both kids. Hopefully all will resolve well and quickly and be behind us soon.

We want, expect, need and will be very grateful for good things in 2009!

Monday, January 05, 2009

2009 - What Will It Bring?

Another year ahead, full of promise and milestones. Sure, there is my graduation from law school, and hopefully, the passing of the bar, but there is so much more.

In just a few short weeks, our Little Princess turns four, and in April, Boy Wonder turns seven. How did that happen? How could it be we are out of onesies, bottles, diapers and strollers? There is no longer a need for baby bathtubs and Ju Ju Be diaper bags. Babies R Us is pretty much a place of our past. It is sad in many ways. They were such cute, cuddly babies. On the other hand, the big kids they are becoming are amazing and so much fun!

We can now play games together as a family, using most of the actual rules. We have family movie nights and mostly all watch the movie with interest. The kids engage in interesting, though often goofy, conversation, and consistently blow us away with their individual strengths; Boy Wonder's ability to read and master any video game; and our Little Princess's physical agility and uncanny vocabulary. It is amazing watching them turn into these remarkable people which it seems impossible we helped create.

Somehow, we have turned into a family with two kids - real kids - not babies, not toddlers, not a family that needs a high-chair or a booster seat at restaurants. We technically have a pre-schooler and a grade-schooler, moving confidently forward in the world, interacting with us in all new ways, and interacting with the world. Strange - and wonderful, too.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Slowing Down the Pace

Ah, school vacation.....What a nice, slow-paced few weeks I have had with my family. Granted, some has been sort of weird due to the snow and uncertainly of how it would affect Holiday plans, but still, nice. Home a lot, playing games, eating meals together. No thoughts of law cases, reading assignements, whether my notebook memory needs to be upgraded,or whether I have enough food in my 'fridg at work to take for dinner while at school.

I have another week off before my final semester begins, but for now, those thoughts are being blocked out in favor of UB Funkeys, Angelina Ballerina, Connect Four and what stories we will read before bed. It is a nice change of pace.

What is that White Stuff on the Ground?


I could not believe that I woke up to more snow on the ground this morning. I immediately clicked on the tv to see about road conditions and weather forecasts. The snow was pretty much being ignored in favor of the more pressing news story - flooding. Too much rapidly melting snow, made worse by crazy amounts of rain, have turned many parts of our world into flood/mudslide zones. I am happy and relived to report that our immediate neighborhood is affected by neither. *Whew!*

I made it to work with no incidents - traveling a bit slower than usual due to the amount of rain and slush on the road. Even though we have relatively cheap car insurance, I would like to keep it that way by not getting into any accidents! I prefer to stay home when anything resembling snow or ice are on the road, but given the number of days away from work over the past couple of weeks, getting in seemed a priority, and relatively low risk since it was barely being talked about on the news.

It is now clear and sunny, and well-above freezing, so looks like our snow is gone - for now!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Updates

Merry Christmas to all!! We have had a wonderful past few days, though somewhat thrown off schedule by weather. Where to even start? I won't do weather coverage since anyone wanting pictures/updates of the kids can simply go to Wife's blog.

Santa was good to the kids, bringing one big present each, and then filling their stockings with toys, toothbrushes, candy and bath supplies (paint, foam, bubble bath). Mommies, Grandparents and a few distant relatives, including Auntie Stella, did a great job of filling the space underneath the tree, and we are still keeping busy playing with the new toys - kids toys, and adult ones, including a GPS navigational device from Wife that was totally unexpected.

We had a scare on Sunday night, after Christmas festivities with Wife's family (our second Christmas!) when loading the car. Our Little Princess had one of her pallid breath holding syndrome episodes. This is essentially a reflex where her body stops breathing when she gets suddenly hurt....she banged her head on the dvd player in the car while getting in her car seat, she started to scream, but nothing came out. Within seconds was turning blue and went limp. I grabbed her in my arms, started shaking her and calling her name. She did not come out of it as quickly as usual and totally freaked us out. Wife was yelling for her sister in case we needed an ambulance called, but could not run into the house because of a thick layer of ice. When I heard our baby girl gasp for air, it was a wonderful sound, and soon she was conscious again, with no real clue as to what had happened. We all went back into Wife's sister's house to get warm and stop shaking. We had to try to explain it to Boy Wonder, who had not seen it happen in so long that he did not remember it, and was quite shaken. We all were. Even though this is not life-threatening and she is supposed to grow out of it, it is frightening every time because...what if she does not start breathing again? We thank god she does not have something more serious like MS or cerebral palsy, and give thanks that both of our children are happy and healthy. May we always be grateful for that miracle.

Enjoy the Miracles in your life!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Bugs

Want to see some cute weekend snow pictures? Check out Wife's Blog. Note the Boy's two missing front teeth! Probably in the next day or two Wife will post more photos from yesterday and today.

Happy Holidays!

"Let it Snow, let is snow, let it snow!"

Snow!!! Keep it coming!!!

We finally got our snow! OK, well, not the several inches that was predicted. In fact, probably barely an inch, but it was enough to play in, and pretty to watch. Now, everything is iced over and we can't go anywhere, so it may as well keep snowing! I managed to make it to work for all of barely two hours yesterday before dropping temps and accumulating snow sent me racing (OK, driving cautiously) home. By afternoon, all had warmed up and was melting, but then nighttime brought more cold air and snow. Yeah!

Boy Wonder's Christmas vacation has now officially started. We have days ahead of trying to figure out how to keep two kids busy and happy, while possibly being iced in. Snowed in will be much better since at least we can all go out and play in the snow. Could be more snow heading our way. Right now, we've pretty much used up what we had since it wasn't even enough to completely cover the grass. Still, we played in snow saucers, built a small Snow Mickey, and threw some snow balls. Inside it's mostly tv and computer games. We'll get out other activities later, and eventually Christmas movies. Hopefully the Christmas baking that is ahead won't cause us to go searching for Lipovox. Maybe pulling the kids on the saucers will prove exercise enough!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Let it Snow! (Please!!!!)

I am home from work for the second day, due to the weather. (Plus, Monday off for Wife's Birthday!) We were PROMISED a HUGE snowstorm. We got a bit over the weekend, which left roads icy. Today, however, the day of the promised storm, there is not even enough to measure yet. I am so sad. I really want to get out into enough snow to sled and have a snowball fight and build a snowman with the kids. How fun does that sound??? I know I have classmates who have not yet finished their finals and the school has closed (again), leaving them uncertain as to how/when they can take the exams. For them, I have sympathy. As for me - I am so happy I got done last week!

We wrapped up Christmas shopping yesterday, plus ran out late last night to get some more wrapping paper in case the storm had us unable to leave the house for several days. Yes, that happens here, where we are not equipped to deal with severe winter weather. We are all prepared to hang out, do Christmas baking, wrap presents, watch movies, surf the internet, click on links for known and unknown products like Chia Pets and Hydroxycut reviews, and play in the snow.

The snow it trying to come down, but it needs to try harder!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Time to Study - Then Shop!

One test down, two to go. I have some things I would like to say about last night's final, but until our exam period is over, I cannot. For now, I can say that the best part is, it is done. This is such an odd time of year for exams. I know it is not is interesting, really. There is the dread/anticipation of taking the finals, the excitement of being done for the semester, and the excitement of the Holiday season.

I've done some shopping, but need to do more, and can, once finals are over. I still need to find the Christmas CD's for my car, so I can really start getting into the proper spirit. Without a huge sports fan in my life, I probably will not need any sports gifts, unless coffee drinking is considered a sport. If so, Wife qualifies! It may not be too many more years before I will be buying sport-related gifts and clothing more than we do now. Now our kids are very much still into toys, which are so much fun to buy. Dolls, princess anything, action figures and playsets, computer games, board games, building sets...all of it - so much fun! I will miss this time when the kids are older, and for now, plan on savoring every moment of it!

Monday, December 08, 2008

MPRE Results Are In

I passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a nice way to go into finals, especially with tonight's exam being the one for "Regulation and Ethics of Lawyers," which is based on my state's version of the rules tested on the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE).


Milestones and Missing Teeth

We had a good family weekend, if shortened somewhat by my need to study most of the day on Saturday. My plan is to take all three of my finals this week - Monday, Wednesday, Friday, DONE!

Boy Wonder lost both of his front teeth this weekend, inspiring a true-life story of "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth." See Wife's blog for details and pictures. I will admit, I did prod the teeth a bit, but they have been loose for a long time. Besides enjoying the surprise from the Tooth Fairy, we celebrated in style by going to the local Children's Museum, which was Boy Wonder's choice and something we all enjoyed.

Weekends lately have inspired the need for home theater seating, as we have instituted Friday Movie Night - with an occasional bonus feature later in the weekend. This weekend's movie was preempted by the need to go out and buy Boy Wonder a winter coat to replace the one he lost at school this past week. Some detective work revealed the likely events were as follows: Boy throws coat on cloak room floor rather than on hook. Looks for it later and it is gone. Does not show up in lost and found after 3-4 days. Girl was acting sneaky in cloakroom the day coat disappeared. She is believed to have thrown coat in garbage and covered it with paper towels, but substitute teacher did not put the pieces together until days too late. Boy Wonder now has a new coat, the knowledge of how to look in the lost and found area of his school, and a stockpile of lectures on taking care of his possessions that should last into his teens.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Random Things I for which I am Grateful

Wife just called me and told me about the things our Little Princess has come up with that she might like to get me for Christmas: A little blue Christmas tree and a small plastic rain cloud (blue). I have no idea. Still, her creativity makes me smile.

The peppered turkey that I accidentally bought at the deli. Well, I did not accidentally buy it, but I thought only the outside would be peppered and therefore not too hot for the rest of the family. I was wrong. The pepper must be injected in a liquid form, because it is all throughout the slices, and is delicious to me, but not the rest of the family. That's OK - they got ham and plain turkey, too.

Monogram Queen's kind words letting me know I have been an inspiration for her going back to school. (We've been emailing. I did not simply ignore her comments!)

Hot coffee with yummy creamer.

Jiggle bells hung over door hardware.

Boy Wonder's excitement over finding Jack the Elf each morning. (See Wife's blog if you are not familiar with this new tradition.)

I had my last class last night and now it's a short slide to Christmas break!

There are so many things - I have only to look around and I could come up with thousands of things to be grateful for each day. Hope you do, too.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Gearing up for the Holiday Season

Oh my gosh, where did the semester go? I am technically done with all regularly scheduled classes, but I do have two review sessions left. One I will catch on podcast, but I will go to the other one tomorrow night. Weird. I'm not sure I ever got so into the rhythm of this semester that I was tired of it. That's pretty nice. Yes, there were nights I would have preferred to not be in class, but I was not sick of it, you know?

Now, for the next week, or so, I will be cramming to figure out what I learned, and organize it, so I can spit it back out on an exam. I have three of them. In one class we had a major paper due. I turned it in yesterday! Yippee!

I am already mentally pretty into Christmas. The house is all decorated, our lights are up, shopping for the kids is pretty much done - thanks to Wife and Amazon, and I have done most of my shopping for Wife's Birthday and Christmas. I still have a bit to do, but lots of time, still. We have both gotten very much into shopping on the internet - so much easier than getting out into the crowds, and more realistic considering kids and our schedules. Let's face it, there's not much you can't get over the internet:

Want books or toys - check out Amazon.
Want shoes - check out MBT shoes.
Want meals - try Home Bistro.
Want anything - just do a search, and PRESTO!, there it is.

Once the "have to's" of the season are done, then we can simply enjoy the good stuff - the lights, the music, the decorations, even the mall is fun when you don't HAVE to shop. Good family times ahead!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Law School and Family Dynamics

I was thinking this morning about how law school has changed my relationship with my extended family. When we moved to this area, we had hopes that our children would be raised as close friends with my niece's children. We all live relatively close by, had enjoyed each other's company on our visits to see my Mom, and it just made sense. We thought we would become close with my sisters. None of that has happened. I was wondering what did happen. Was it law school? Was it something about our children or how we are raising them? Is is us personally? I suppose it is probably a combination of things, but this morning, I spent some time thinking specifically what law school might have had to do with it.

Due to my schedule, we stopped going to family "wine nights," generally held every Friday night. (In all fairness, I think those dropped off a bit in regularity, but still...) We chose not to attend a family gathering, or two, or three, or more, because of my schedule. When you only get two free days per week, and one of those is spent studying, well, there just is not much time to socialize. We've not gone out of our way to be social. Mostly just casual invitations like, "Hey - when you are in our area, give us a call," or "let's get together for dinner on a Saturday night," Saturday being our main free night. When we do get together with family, we generally focus on keeping our kids out of the breakables of non-kid-friendly homes, which does not lead to sustained conversations.

Those things are enough I suppose, to create some distance. Then, I wonder, are there other things related to law school? I don't engage people in political debates or talk about law stuff, but do I come across as arrogant? Is there some kind of strange social hierarchy thing happening that I am not even aware of....or a jealousy thing? I am the youngest sibling by far; the one who was given everything and spoiled by parents who had by the time I came around achieved a certain amount of success and stability. Is there an extension - oh, now she gets to go to law school? Hey, for a mere four years of your life and $150K, you too can go to law school!

As I write this, I suspect law school is only a part of the larger family dynamics. We are not of either my niece's (and nephews, who now also live close and have children of their own) nor my sister's generations. We are in between both. We have probably not always played the family games according to the rules. Our children rarely see family and when they do, are not content to be seen and not heard, and we've not raised them to be that way, either. Yes....I guess there is probably a lot going on that is way more complicated to look at than the Clean Water Act or the Rules of Civil Procedure. Sometimes, it is easier to stay out of the muddy water. Maybe it is my hesitancy to stir up that water that keeps us at a distance, but, hey, you never know where the 'gators are lurking.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Grateful for a Beautiful Morning

Here's hoping all of you find things to be grateful for throughout your day.

Happy Weekend!