The other day I took my wife out to a restaurant for her birthday. As we were shown to the booth, I noticed my wife making a point of sitting with her back to the restaurant entrance. After being married to me as long as she has been, she now understands that I want to be facing the entrance of almost every room I spend a lot of time in. Because of my tactical mindset, she has a tactical mindset. I used to have to fight my family for the “gunfighter seat.” They eventually understood that it might be a good idea for the person that is armed to face the entrance.
What is a tactical mindset?
You do not have to have a job where you carry a gun to have a tactical mindset. But you do need to have some tactical training so that you can implement it in your life. Tactics in law enforcement are spotty, sometimes barely existent. Military is usually better but depending on your MOS (military occupational specialty), can also be spotty. I was affiliated with military police, and special operations, so I was privileged to receive a lot of tactical training. As a civilian there are schools and courses you can take that will give you something tactical to draw from. I would recommend Gunsite’s Tactical Concealed Carry Pistol course. There are others but that one is pretty good.
Having a tactical mindset is putting training to use each and every day and thinking about all possible outcomes.
Play the “what if game.” This simply means to be constantly thinking “what if.” For example, what if we pulled up at the gas station and there was an armed robbery in progress? Could you tell? What would be the signs? Continue driving and call the police would be the correct response. That is an extreme example, but asking yourself all of those questions will help prepare for when you do come across a robbery. These are decisions that you have already made. You are exercising your mind just like you are hopefully exercising the rest of your body.
When evaluating your decisions, in life or even the “what if game,” there are two important questions that must be asked — “What do I gain?” and “What do I lose?” By simply asking those two questions, it is easy to see what decision is tactically sound. Start looking at every decision this way for about a week and see what happens. You will realize that where you park in the grocery store parking lot, where you stand when picking up your lunch, where you sit in a restaurant, even where you sit at the kitchen table at home all have tactical advantages and disadvantages.
I have a friend who is a police officer and as a young cop, one of the favorite ways they would pass the quiet hours during a shift was playing “what if?” — keeping themselves alert and their brains thinking. The game involves asking your opponent what they’d do in different scenarios and why. Then a back and forth would take place, debating positives, while pointing out any negatives, for a tactically sound and safe approach to the particular problem.
Short of doing live scenarios, this is an excellent way to prepare yourself or get yourself ready for any possible situation. It made the hours pass quickly in a productive way for them by prepping for any situation they could be possibly faced with. This is one of the best ways young cops learn how to do the job.
“What if…?” is a game I continually play to this day. With my imagination, I’ve got several responses for scenario’s ranging from carjacking to home invasion robbery to natural disasters.
Be prepared for the worst, while enjoying the comforts and joys of life. It’s all any of us can do, right?
It’s also a great way for anyone to develop proper mindset. Suppose you’re going out to dinner with your spouse and as you pull into the parking garage you’re approached by an unsavory scumbag. What’s your response? What’s your spouse’s response? Have you talked about how you’re going to respond as a couple? Play the “what if” game now, before it happens.
How about the midnight caller? You and your spouse are cuddling on the couch and the doorbell rings at 11:30 at night. Do you simply answer the door? Do you grab the hall closet gun and answer the door. What if it’s a neighbor who heard a suspicious noise at her home? What would you do?
Depending on your home situation depends on how you can have different guns stashed throughout your home, vehicle or workshop. Unless you’re constantly carrying your EDC at home — and there’s nothing wrong at all with that, in fact, I encourage it — having something stashed makes perfect sense. You never know when it might come in handy, and when it is handy, it’s usually not under good circumstances.
Do you have a gun handy by the front door, maybe a coat-closet cannon? Shotguns come in real handy for discouraging unwanted guests. How about your favorite easy chair? If some misplaced miscreant came charging through your front door taking you by complete surprise, would you be able to defend your family?
You’ve just finished dinner after a stressful day at work and are ready to relax in your workshop. While puttering around the workshop, you notice a suspicious vehicle drives down your lane. What do you do? Suppose you turn around and a complete stranger is standing behind you? It happens. Maybe some simple bells on your door to alert you of someone entering your shop is all it would take to give you the drop on any unwanted drop-in?
All I’m doing is getting you to think about possible scenarios and possibly start acting on some of these easy fixes. The last thing you want to do is not have a response played out in your mind, giving you the proverbial “deer in the headlights” look. No response is worse than a bad one. A well-rehearsed response is even better.
Whether its home invasion, house fire, hurricane, tornado, talk about a proper response. Having some kind of plan is better than no plan at all. Acting on the plan is even better.
Don’t stick your head in the sand and say it’ll never happen to me. That’s called the normalcy bias. Are you willing to jeopardize your life, or a family members life with good intentions and well wishes?
Now the fun part, what tools are necessary for these scenarios? Sure, picking the right gun is mighty fun. But as I mentioned, a simple string of bells, a dog, a home security camera/intercom system, security lighting, strategically placed thornbushes and other related items used to discourage trespassers or give you a heads-up to their encroachments are critical too.
As to guns, there are a whole slew of options out there, including used guns. Be it shotgun, rifle or handgun, think of where and what you would need it for.
Self-defense, survival or just being informed is not a one article read. It’s a developing mindset, continually growing in tactical options you can use. Just as the criminals are constantly developing new techniques to make an easy score, you must be up to date and continually think and be aware of what your options are. Be vigilant in your pursuits to keep your family and yourself safe. Play the “What If…?” game. It just might save your life one day.