Sunday, May 31, 2009

Thought for the Day

Central to the practice of socialized health care as with the socialization of every other field of endeavor is the legal and moral reduction of the care givers, the doctors and nurses and other staff, to the status of domestic animals. As the actual experience of socialization has shown this will result in the early retirement (and other forms of departure) of many practitioners and the discouragement of those who where thinking of entering the field.

The actual long term result of the socialization of medicine will not be the improvement of our standard of living, it will of course be the opposite, with the addition of the needless deaths of people who would have been saved and returned to health under the present system. One only has to look at the practice of socialized medicine in Europe. Most of the horror stories about "Euro-Care" could be summarized in the phrase: Take two aspirin and drop dead in the morning. (And in full blown Marxist states you won't even get the aspirin.)

Instead of being the saviors that they present themselves as, the socializers will in fact, as usual, be committing murder through an indirect process.

How much longer must we put up with this nonsense?

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Moron of the Day

Today's Moron of the Day is brought to us by News Busters.

Actor Denis (as in penis) Leary said on Larry King Live:

“I think that President Obama is the greatest President in the history of all of our Presidents and that he can do no wrong in my book.”

To which I have to say that anyone who believes that they are following an infallible leader has already failed.

Calling these people idiots would be an undeserved compliment. This is because the word "idiot" is derived from the Greek word for someone who doesn't participate in public life. These full-blown raving lunatics would do a lot less damage in the future if they would just stay home on the days that we hold elections.

Isabel Paterson, a friend of Ayn Rand, had something to say about the phenomena of Leader Worship:

"Let it be asked how any person wholly devoid of talent, skill, accomplishment, wit, beauty, charm, or even the practical ability to earn a living by routine labor, can conceivably become an object of flattering, greeted with applause and given a hearing for the feeblest inanities -- obviously nothing will serve except political position."

She wrote this in 1943, back when the leaders being worshiped were good progressive gentlemen like Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

How much longer do we have to endure this nonsense?

Friday, May 29, 2009

So Anyway

While I was at a Dairy Queen in Saint Paul after depositing my weekly paycheck I got to watch the arrest of a couple of freelance democrats in that establishment's parking lot. Apparently they were double-charging extremely elderly people out of large chunks of money for doing yard and home repair work.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Blast From The Past

"Let it be asked how any person wholly devoid of talent, skill, accomplishment, wit, beauty, charm, or even the practical ability to earn a living by routine labor, can conceivably become an object of flattering, greeted with applause and given a hearing for the feeblest inanities -- obviously nothing will serve except political position."

-- Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943)

We should consider ourselves fortunate that The Big Zero is actually a mere mortal who is only deified by the press and some of his supporters. The alternative is much worse.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Someone Else's Thought For The Day

"When the word leader, or leadership, returns to current use, it connotes a relapse into barbarism. For a civilized people, it is the most ominous word in any language."

-- Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine. (1943)


Monday, May 25, 2009

Someone Else's Thought For The Day

From cartoonist John Cox:

Now there are some folks, who regard themselves as morally superior beings, who question why the other bastard has to die. The answer of course is that the other bastard is attempting to impose his will, or the will of his leader, upon you by force. It is the act of coercion by force that makes what General Patton called the other bastard an enemy.

Peace is simply the absence of enemies.

But there are some folks, who pretend to be morally superior beings, who would have us believe that "peace" could be achieved by submission to the will of the other bastard. In reality this is not peace, it is slavery.

There are some well meaning people, some of whom that I respect, who believe that there are times that one cannot have both peace and freedom at the same time.

I have to disagree.

Liberty is simply the condition of existence in which the person is free to live his own life in accordance with his own rational judgment. This does of course require the absence of some other bastard who is attempting to impose his will upon the person by force.

In practical terms real peace and real freedom are inseparable. I will go further is saying that to a civilized person, peace, freedom, and security, are simply three words that can be used to describe the identical condition, the absence of another bastard imposing his will upon the civilized person.

Contrary to what those who describe themselves as peace activists would have us believe, and as General Patton has ably demonstrated, the path to real peace invariably takes us over the real dead bodies of those other bastards who insist on violently imposing their will upon us.

Unfortunately this process is by no means a safe one.

Let us take this day to remember those who died on the path to real peace.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thought for the Day

Anyone who sees me as a domestic animal that they can use for their own material or spiritual benefit is not my fellow citizen.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

John Bergstrom Doesn't Play Well With Others

John (aka Varmint) wrote a comment:

So far Obama has waffled on Guantanamo, rendition and tribunals. during the campaign he even pretended to respect gun rights. But abortion is something he has never compromised on. it is very important to him for some reason. strip everything else away and he still believes in it.

Here's my theory:

If we believe that the Right to Life (and the causally subsequent Rights of Liberty, etc.) begins at conception, then at what point (short of a conviction for a capital offense) can that right be denied to a person? Voluntary Socialism has been repeatedly proven (The Plymouth Colony, Jonestown,etc.) to not work. Thus in order for Socialism to "work" it has to be made compulsory, through the credible threat of violence against productive persons. Which means that any social concept that restrains the power of the state, such as the Rights of Life and Liberty, has to be rendered invalid. Preferably by the victims themselves. What Ayn Rand used to call the Sanction of the Victim.

The term "pro-choice" is a typical socialist inversion of meaning. To deny the Right to Life of a fetus would be in moral effect to deny the Right of Life to that person for the entire span of his or her life. Thus it would open the door to the Coercive Socialism through the credible threat of deadly force against productive persons.

But as the history of the Soviet Union has shown, that doesn't work either.

What are your questions on this block of instruction?

(Yes, I know what Rand's position on abortion is.)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Thought for the Day

Anyone who cannot or will not understand the difference between a citizen and a domestic animal has no place in government.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

So Anyway

When I was in the Army, during the Cold War, I used to tell people that I was from the Soviet Socialist Republic of Minnesota.

The state government is the biggest employer in the state of Minnesota, but they won't hire me to drive a (bleeping) snow plow for next winter.

The local branch of the Donks, the Democratic Fascist Looter Farmer Labor Party (yes, its as bad as it sounds) wants to continue to raise higher taxes and increase spending on their pork special projects. Even though we are now clearly heading into a second great depression.

Those persons who don't understand the difference between government and brigandage should not be in the government.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled reality.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Our Motto Is...

I know its sloppy, but I had to do it.

The horror...the horror...

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Tuesday, May 05, 2009


On this day in 1862 a bunch of Mexicans beat a unit of the French Army. There were no Germans present.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Definition for Today

Peace in the real world is simply the absence of those -- such as the socialists -- who seek to deprive you, I, and our fellow citizens of our own Life, Liberty, and Property. Real peace can only be achieved by the physical isolation or outright elimination of those who seek to subjugate, plunder and murder us. This can only be done through the use of physical force.

In short, true peace can only be achieved only through the possession of superior firepower and the moral will to use it.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Anniversary of the Waco Massacre

Sixteen years ago a small community in Texas was destroyed by two packs of predatory animals.

The first pack was a federal agency whose functions were in part a deliberate and explicit violation of the charter and supreme law under which the Federal Government was established.

Even under regulations in effect at the time, the BATF could have sent a couple of agents in coats and ties in a plain government issue sedan to the Branch Davidian residence and asked the federally licensed firearms dealer living there to open his place of business and records to examination. Or if they needed to place the leader of the congregation under arrest they could have taken him into custody while he was out on his morning run. Given Mr. Koresh’s past history of cooperation with local law enforcement they could have simply asked him to come down to the local sheriff’s station.

The BATF did none of the above.

Instead the BATF attempted to stage a military-style assault, code-named Operation Showtime, in order to impart a positive impression of the agency upon the socialist filth that had just moved into the White House. Never mind all the innocent women and children who could have been maimed or killed during the raid.

After the BATF goons were driven off another pack of predators, the so-called Hostage Rescue Team of the FBI, descended upon the Branch Davidians.

If it had been necessary to take the Branch Davidian residence by force a trainee platoon from the Benning School for Boys could, in accordance to their training, have entered the building and taken down any armed individuals without deliberately harming the non-combatants. Instead, the HRT, the alleged experts in hostage rescue, proceeded to terrorize the people within the residence. And when the Branch Davidians refused to surrender, they were exterminated by the HRT.

The HRT used some armored vehicles to destroy the exits from the building and to allow the ambient wind to blow through the structure while other armored vehicles injected CS gas, known to be inflammable and toxic to children and elderly persons, into the wooden structure.

And then the HRT fired incendiary devices into the building.

While the Branch Davidian residence burned to the ground on live television, HRT gunmen stationed behind the building out of sight of the TV cameras shot anyone who attempted to escape the fire from the rear of the building.

The Democrat majority in both houses of Congress were not the slightest bit appalled by the atrocity, instead of condemning the president for his actions and initiating the process of impeaching and removing President Clinton, they chose instead to condemn the victims and those who dared to speak up for them.

Given the choice of obeying the supreme law or violating the law, they chose to violate the law.

Given the choice of preserving innocent life or destroying it, they chose to destroy innocent life.

President Clinton and the Democratic Party could have obeyed the Constitution, the Supreme Law to which the President, the Congress, and the Federal Government in general were subject and stopped the terrorization and murder of the Branch Davidians, but instead chose to violate the Supreme Law.

And like a number of illiterate barbarian chieftains before him, President Clinton and his party used the murder of the Branch Davidians to demonstrate to the rest of us what would happen to anyone who refused to submit to their will. Instead of standing up for the rights and lives of Americans they chose instead to terrorize and murder Americans.

Since then the words “democrat”, and "progressive" have become in my mind synonymous with the concept “murderer.” If there is one complaint I have about President George W. Bush it is that he has done nothing during his two full terms in office to bring the perpetrators of this atrocity to justice.

Nothing. At. All.

Thank you President Bush, for nothing.

Now that the Party of Death has been given control of both the Executive and Legislative Branches of the Federal Government by a coalition of Depraved-Americans, Stupid-Americans, Ignorant-Americans, Deceased-Americans, and Imaginary-Americans we should not be surprised to see yet another demonstration of the depravity and destructive power of the new rulers and those in government and the established media who willingly serve them.

And we will have no choice but to respond in kind.

The following article was electronically published on the LIBERNET Mailing List in 1993. I'm republishing it here for the benefit of those readers who aren't read in as to why I morally condemn the Democratic Party and those who willingly support them.

Part One.

Part Two.

Part Three.

Part Four.

Part Five.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

John Bergstrom Still Doesn't Play Well With Others

Varmint on the media response to the Great American Tax Day Tea Parties:

"Anderson Cooper is the teabagger? I always had him more figured as the teabaggee. CNN's ratings are in a death spiral. the anchors are getting desperate. Rather than imitate a successful model like O'Reilly or Hannity, they are trying to be John Stewart. It's the end of journalism as a respectable profession."

-- John Bergstrom, aka Varmint.

And here I thought that the respectability of journalism ended when the Pulitzer Prize was given to one of Stalin's bitches at the New York Times.

If I may paraphrase Ayn Rand, a sexual innuendo is not an argument. Especially if it refers to a particularly absurd form of homosexual intercourse. (And no, I'm not going to explain it to you. Look it up online like I did.)

The fact that the mouthpieces for the other side have to resort to sexual innuendo or the old favorite of screaming "racism", if they bother to mention the Tea Parties at all, is a clear indication in my personal experience that they are wrong. They know that they're wrong. And they are scared.

One of the things that Rand constantly pointed out in hers works of fiction and nonfiction is that the parasite class not only is dependent on others for the material goods that they need to live, they also are dependent on others for their ideas and their sense of self worth.

Like the mentally challenged child who needs a teacher to tell them that they did a good job, the parasite leader and his circle of sycophants have a need for adulation. They need the constant adulation and praise of the masses. This is especially true when it is visibly clear that the the parasite leadership and their policies are failing.

Instead of the soothing falsehoods that leaders like The Big Zero and his inner circle mentally require, the Tea Parties are a voice of truth in sea of lies.

That frightens the parasites. The one thing they cannot tolerate is the truth. Because the truth is, they need us, we have absolutely no use for them.