Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tons of Sports, for a "Not Really into Sports Man"

I don't know what to tell you.  I think that I am going a little overboard due to the current circumstances my family has found themselves in.  However we have been greatly blessed by some awesome friends who have hooked us up with some great tickets to some really good games.  Here it goes:

My best-friend Jordan Bawden got hooked up with some Cardinal's tickets.  So not only did he call and ask if I could go, he let me take Brexton, and my most adventurous football loving brother Trey.  And to top it all off, they were pretty awesome seats to a Pre-season Cardinals vs the Chargers game.  We lost, however we like San Diego too (thanks to my extended family) so it wasn't that big of a deal.  Here is a pic of the troll and I, who fell asleep it was great.


Now it is on to something that I love.  I have no idea what the referee means when he throws his hands a certain way, and really it is annoying every time I see a stupid yellow flag come onto the field.  I have no idea what a safety is, or a defensive fat man, or a speedy short man, I just know that I LOVE ASU FOOTBALL!  This was the best gift I have ever purchased for myself, and I can thank the Fort's.  Both Dave and Rachel; they are season ticket holders, and after I graduated from ASU Charlotte and I decided to become season ticket holders too.  So we sit right next to two other couples and have constantly been trying to recruit additional couples and have come pretty close.  However the best recruit was Cote, he wanted to go so badly, so he worked all winter saving up his money and paid for half of his ASU season ticket.  Nice work you die hard fan you.

This first pic was from the first game where Trey came with us.  Cote was sporting his Pat Tillman jersey we got him for making it on the Honor role last year at school.  Yes those are our seats, and I love being right there.  All of the action happens there it is fantastic.

These next pics are from ASU's Black Out Game against Missouri (we won), and it was a great game.  Just shy of selling out, overtime, pizza, soda and the light rail.  Brexton wanted to go really badly, he was a little upset that he did not get to go last time.  So I took him.  However as you can see Brexton is most alert only when eating pizza and drinking root beer.  His favorite two things, Pizza, and Root beer.  Other than that, he was sleeping.  On the bench as depicted in the uncomfortable photo on the top right, and on the light rail on the way home as shown in the bottom left photo.  Crazy kid slept on that bench while everyone was going nuts, and didn't even move it was hilarious.

Now for a true sports fanatic, and ASU football fan.  Cote too loves to eat pizza as depicted by his "don't take a picture of me, I am ten, and to cool for that nonsense" look as shown in the picture.  And this one that I snagged as he celebrated an ASU play.  He gets so into it, and never stops cheering, talking, or moving around.  He loves it, and is at a perfect age for it.  Cote you are the man.

Here is my buddy Jordan, we are all sporting our blackout shirts.  I love Jordan because he is a true football fan, me I am just there for the fun.  Every time ASU would score a touchdown he would run all the way to the top high-fiving everyone it was so funny.  I could not celebrate because I was laughing so hard.  New tradition.

And now onto baseball.  I am telling you I have had a whirlwind two weeks of sports.  Our friend Kea hooked us up with some of my all time favorite seats for a dbacks game.  Left field, right where the bullpen meets the wall.  So fun, you get see everything, and be right there in the middle of the plays.  Brexton he likes baseball games again for a couple of reasons, food, drink, baseball, and most importantly the play area.  Yep, but hey, he likes going and has a great time so I am not complaining.  Nixin on the other hand was not sure of the noise, did not want to watch the game, and was only able to smile when provided ice cream.  But you know what.  I don't care, that is why I have a little girl.  So I can take her to the ball game, and giver her ice cream.  I have my boys to watch sports with.  Love it.
(Mom, the Mickey Mouse is for you)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Addiction (that I have been waiting for and approve of)!!

Crew and Martin Gunnell (not brothers, cousins) shared a birthday party.  And it was awesome.  It was out in Queen Creek at SK8 Asylum, an indoor skate park.  Needless to say I was pretty jazzed, and wanted to ride so bad.  Thanks to GMama and Papa watching Nixin for a bit while we there, I got the opportunity.

Here is the history.... I am not really a huge sports freak.  To be honest the only reason I started to watch football games on TV was because Cote wanted to, and I figured with him being into football whats it going to hurt.  So to encourage a love for skateboarding Charlotte let me put a half-pipe in the backyard 4 years ago, and it was awesome.  However the boys were a little to young to catch the fever.

For Easter GMama had purchased the boys and I tickets to see Street League, a skateboarding competition.  Since then both the boys have gone crazy for skateboarding, and this party sealed the obsession.

Brexton kills me, he does things in his own time.  NEVER rush him.  I did not think he would really enjoy this, however I was wrong.  He was riding all over the place.  Even pumped back and forth on the mini pipe, I was so excited for him.  

Now all he can talk about is how he wants a skateboard for his birthday, and he wants to have it at SK8 Asylum.  So consider this a warning to the Troll's cousins and friends who read this blog, we will be having a SK8 party in October. 

Now as for Cote, I have been trying to get that kid to ollie for almost 5 years now.  Nothing.  Thanks to Street League, Cote is all ears on any advice I can provide him and mastered the ollie in two days.

Combine that with his already right on half pipe skills and he was all over the place too.  He was pumped about his new bearings we put in his board "Abec-7" totally rad to a 10 year-old.  And was pleased with his "skate" outfit he selected for the day.

This kid cracks me up.

Here are some pics of my nephews.  The Three Amigo's right here, no fear, and no limits (sorry Julie).

Cash, he turned 3 in July.  And yes contrary to his size and age he did drop in on the mini ramp.  He strapped on his helmet, laid on his belly and rolled in.  Cole is 5, and had no problem dropping in on the 8 foot bowl, and successfully road away.  Yep 5, 8 foot BOWL.  Most skaters will go their entire life not doing that.  And then there is the birthday boy Crew 7, no problem dropping in on the 6 foot pipe and taking on the entire park. 

Now what would a blog post be like without a picture of the princess (I mean she does boss all of us around).  My little girl is everything I always wanted, loves pink, loves dancing, princesses, and can hang with the boys.  Behold Nixin using the half-pipe as a a skirt. 

(Sorry Martin, I did not get a picture of you, you were too fast)