Monday, October 31, 2011

Hey little boy! Can you tell your mommy something for me............

Let's just be honest, divorce is lame.  Pretty much the most depressing thing a person could go through.  Surprisingly all is fine when I have my kids, however when I come home to an empty home, it is pathetic.  One thing that has allowed me to get over this is family (as mentioned in previous blog posts, and if not mentioned you need to know I love all of you) and friends.

Now I have had tons of friends who have helped me out during this time, but not all of them have posed for pictures.  So this post is dedicated to those that have, because it is easier for everyone to see what is going on instead of reading my random chaotic rants about life.

Let's start with the Weaver's; Chris and I met ten years ago next month in the MTC.  Pretty much my best friend from the mission.  And Whitney, I did not meet her in the mission, but I felt like I knew her while I was there via pictures, letters, and recordings.  We have remained very close over the years making many trips to see each other.  My kids love Chris and Whitney, and think so much of them and appreciate their love.

Here is a good example, Whitney sent me a "House Warming Gift" when I moved back into my home, it was some smell good spray to make the house yummy knowing that a dad and three kids equals a nightmare waiting to happen.  I sprayed it lovingly around the house, when Cote arrived from school he said, "It smells like Utah in here!  I like it."  See, even the smell of Whit's house brings happiness.

On to my story, Chris came down to cheer me up.  What a good man.  So we did what most men do, watch sports.  Friday we went to Cote's baseball game and watched Cote crush it.  Then Saturday we met up with three of our other mission buddies and went to the ASU Football game.  Then Sunday we went to the Cardinals game for Weaver's first NFL experience.  Unfortunately the Cards lost in the last quarter, but hey ASU won and to me that is all that matters.

I decided to take my love for ASU to a new level, I would attend my first away game for my birthday.  I flew up with my buddy Dave (I can thank him for convincing me to become a season ticket holder).  When we landed it was a cool 49 degrees with some snow on the ground.  90's and 100's in AZ, snow in Utah, yep it was great.  We had some time to kill on Friday so we went to lunch with Fackrell (another mission buddy) and then to the Salt Lake Temple.  It was pretty cool being there while it was wet and rainy.

To be honest, I was going crazy seeing the snow on the mountains wondering if I made a mistake by not waiting to come up during snowboarding season.

I then had the fantastic opportunity to stay with my friends Heather and Josh Walden.  Heather heard I was coming up via Facebook so they reached out an invite.  Needless to say I had a great time, we ate a great place, and toured some pretty sweet houses.  Heather, if you buy Andy's house, just know my whole family is coming up to stay (let me know if you want to go to the ASU game while you are here too).

Then I moved locations to the Eudis's.  Out of control Eudis family, I love it.  They are Brandon, Kelli, Drake, Ava, and Callie.  And they are fantastic.  Brandon and I are dork twins with obsessions with Snowboarding and Nixon watches.  Kelli tolerates us both when we are together.  While there I was able to participate in Drake's birthday (same age as Brexton) and check out the party they threw.  Yep, Bataman was there, and the cake is sweet.

So then arrived my man crush Chris (what is that weird to say out loud, sorry).  Two weekends in a row was great and just what the doctor ordered, however it may have been to much for the Weav.  Again we did what men do, we went to the Utah vs ASU Football game.  It was great for a couple of reasons, loud music, cool weather, and great friends.  But when we were there, and on the way in, 50% of the Utah fans were talking trash.  All I have to say is welcome to the Pac-12.  Such a great game for an ASU fan, and worth the trip.  Both Brandon and Chris supported the Sun Devils on their victory.  I also met up with my mission President John Allen (ASU Alum who still holds a record for most touchdowns in a game).

To conclude my trip we went to Park City for breakfast at the Establishment, and it was as amazing as Chris and Whit described it.  Sorry you did not get to join us Whitter's, I hope the picture did it some sort of justice.  I have never been to Park City when it was not winter, and I am not going to lie it is a fantastic place.

After our trip to Park City Weaver had to head home to St. George, and I was treated to a home cooked meal by Kelli.  February 2010 Char and I went to the Eudis's house in Colorado, after an awesome powder day on the mountain we came home to an orange chicken and fried rice party in my mouth.  One condition of me coming up there was I wanted that chicken again, it was so good. This time they stepped it up and made Orange Chicken, Fried Rice, and homemade Spring Rolls.  And yep it was awesome, so good.

Brandon wouldn't get out of the picture.
Hanging with Weaver two weekends in a row, watching ASU win over Utah, playing with Brandon and Family, made for a fantastic trip. Thank you everyone, I love each and everyone of you and had a great time.  Huge impact for me, thank you Whitney for sending your man to help me out.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Nintendo + Skateboarding + Lego's = Troll's 6th Birthday

Well, we survived.  October is a crazy month for the Colburn's, my Birthday is the 10th, Nixin's the 16th, and Brexton's the 22nd.  We are each six days apart.

So here it is, my little man is now six.  That is crazy to me; and I am not going to lie we party pretty hard.  Brexton has always been Super-Hero obsessed; so Captain America it was.  He had all of his friends from church and school over, plus his cousins Crew, Cole, and Martin Gunnell over (awesome).

Where to start, see the cakes? Yep those are amazing, and they taste amazing. They were from Cake's by April (a friend of Charlotte and I's) so if you need some, let her know she is awesome.

This next one is of all the little boys and their very own Captain America shields.  Now I must admit that this was the highlight of the party in my opinion, and I cannot take any credit for it.  Charlotte thought of this, prepared all of it, and ran the assembly line.  Let me tell you why it rocked, boys like shields, they like to make things, it was fast, fun, and fantastic.  Nice work.

When it comes to gifts the troll loves all things Lego's, Skateboarding, and Nintendo.  So the Hon's made Brexton this sweet shirt and this is how they wrapped his gift, priceless.

Brexton really wanted a skateboard for his birthday so we got him one, and Cote and I are more excited than he is to have it I think.

At 6 Brexton loves the color orange, super-hero's, pizza, root beer, coloring, drawing, building lego's, and playing with his friends (usually wearing costumes wielding weapons of some sort).  He plays so much that every time we get in the car he falls asleep.  We had parent teacher conferences and he is reading above average, writes nice, and is doing good in class.

He is pretty much what every little boy with an imagination is supposed to be.  He truly brings me so much joy in my life.  I love you little man, thanks for hugging me all the time.  I need it.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Princess is 3!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, let it be known: I love my boys, and they are boys!  But I LOVE my princess.  Whatever she wants, I want to get it for her.  The way she smiles, laughs, runs, giggles, yells, bosses, and asks just makes me happy.  She has daddy wrapped around her little finger.

I made it back into the house, and so we put together a quick little party for her with two of her best friends and here are the results.

 Carsyn is a year older than Nixin, however Nixin loves to play with her.  She has spent many evenings with her while we eat dinner at the Fort's (or watch ASU), or if the Fort's are at our house.  More us over there lately because we all know I was not the good cook in the house.

As well as Sarah, this is Nixin's best friend from Nursery, and from Pre-School.  She talks about Sarah every time I talk to her about school.

They were pretty pumped to just lick the icing off the cake.  In case you were wondering that is how you are supposed to eat those things.  Try it, it works wonders on the taste buds.
Nixin got spoiled.  And it is worth it.  Nothing is more exciting than seeing this one happy.  She loves to play, she loves princess dolls, and anything Disney related.  I laugh when I read articles about how princess stuff isn't good for them but you know what?  I have two boys, I want my little girl to be a girl.  It makes me so happy to hear she likes pink, and likes dancing, and that she walks around the house singing to me.  Boys don't do that (OK well some do, mine don't so that is why I have her).  I do have to throw out some thank you's in this post so here it goes.  Thank you GMama for all you did, Nixin loves her gifts, and the goodie bags you put together were amazing.  Thank you Grandma, Nixin was feeding her doll and carrying it around with her all evening.  Plus the little crowns were the final piece to the party.  Rachel,  my poor daughter has crazy hair because dad does not know how to do it.  Thank you so much for taking the time to make her look so pretty.  Trey and Jenna I appreciate you picking up the pink cupcakes (I am sure Jenna did not mind the Coffee Shop).  And the last shout out goes to Julie, thank you for letting me steal some awesome ideas from your party.

Here is to another great year for this special little lady who means so much to me!! I love you princess.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hotel Room with kids...

I don't know how to state this without seeming like a complainer but here it goes.  One of the most apparent downfalls to this separation is the unfortunate toll it takes on the children.  However what is fantastic is the assistance that comes from places it has always been, just never accessed. 

I will describe it like this.  I have been out of my house for an unfortunate amount of time (not to my choosing, and over 2 months but who is really counting), and will soon be back in there.  As a result I have been living at others homes, and have had my kids quite a bit.  So why am I complaining, well have you ever been on vacation with your kids (I have) and tried to stay or keep them concentrated in one area of the house, or have them in a hotel room for an extended period of time? It gets pretty frustrating because they are stuck, limited, prohibited, and not at home.

 That has been me for the past two months.  But here is where the blessings have come into play.  I moved into my brother Trey's house the day they moved in after they closed on it (welcome home guys) and have been there for long (but seems short) amount of time.  Trey and I have been able to hang out quite a bit, and Jenna, she rocks and lets of have our male bonding time.  My kids have done so much over here, they have swam in the pool, dug in the dirt, made a garden, covered their entire fridge in X-Men and Princess pictures they colored (still there, over a month now), and named chickens. 

Yep chickens.  These pics here are of a friends not Trey and Jenna's, now onto the chicken story.

So Trey and Jenna have a mini urban farm going on at their place, they built a chicken coup (with Brexton's help) and picked out four chickens.  Of which Brexton and Nixin were able to name because they helped catch them.  Nixin of course named her's Cinderella chicken, because that is the responsible two year-old girlie girl thing to do.  However Brexton when asked thought long and hard and said, "Dave, I am going to name my chicken Dave."  I was on the floor laughing and so was Trey, however we convinced him to think of something different.  So he did, it is now Captain America, or "Cap for short" as Brexton would say.  Yes that is a goat inside this ladies house, don't ask. 

Now let's move onto my third home away from home.  Brannon and Amanda's.  This too has been a great time, Brannon and Amanda are never bored when my kids are there.  They play with them, they talk to them, and they shop for them (going from some snacks, to tons of snacks at their house is awesome as Cote would say).  For example, Brexton and I were on the couch relaxing and he turns to me and says, "Who am I?" and begins speaking in a real cute, proper, and high voice.  He was imitating Amanda, it was hilarious!!  And then there is Nixin, this is the type of attention she gets from these two, you can't tell me she is suffering while there.  

Yep, nails painted, very important.  However if you notice one day Uncle Brannon painted them, the next week Aunt Amanda painted them.  Awesome. 

So with that being said, I have crashed, eaten, consumed, used, and enjoyed more resources then I deserve staying with these two great families who I have grown so much closer to; and they need to be thanked.  I am ready to stay in my own house, wake up in the morning and get my kids ready for school again, make them breakfast, make them lunch, brush their teeth, read them books, watch Star Wars together, play at the park, eat dinner at the table again, in my own home.

But the love, memories, and relationships that were forged between my kids my brother's and their dear loving patient wives has been amazing.  Thanks you guys, I have really enjoyed this time together and look forward to hanging out even more now.