Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sure Couldn't Do That Before.......(Quote by the Weav)

A few years ago we had a half pipe in the backyard, and I loved it!!  Cote loved it too.  Brexton was to little to enjoy it, and Nixin, well she wasn't even born yet.  The only reason I didn't keep it was because it was in my backyard, which meant my grass did not grow very well, it got rained on, and when it was summer the sun was beating down on you.  

Problem solved.  I have a garage, with no vehicle to park in it because my truck is to long.  So I had to put something in there, and I felt a half pipe was perfect.  It is crazy how it all worked out though.  We were eating dinner at the table one night, and the boys both said how much fun it would be if we had a half pipe again.  

That night when they were in bed I was surfing Instagram (yep I love that thing) and there was a picture and post from my friend Loren Brinton that said "Mini ramp up for adoption.  Needs a nice home, comes with good homies."  It was a sign, and I am happy to report it has a great home.  Skated on all night long, Cote would be out there all night if he could.  Some of our friends kids come over and go crazy, I love it.  

Thank you to everyone that helped put this bad boy together.  Trey, Jared, Cote, and a huge thank you and shout out to Loren for recognizing that this ramp would be loved by some kids who have a huge ability to party and embrace awesomeness.  It was exactly what the doctor ordered!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Mommy!!

Well let it be known that I am a momma's boy.  Always have been, and don't really plan on changing.  I think all boys should love their mothers.  It was my mom's birthday in November and we went out to eat together.  So like parents do for their infants, I figured I would write a few things about what my mom likes, so here it goes:

  • Nixon Watches (yep she is that cool)
  • Horses, you should see her house
  • Being retired, but I think she is busier now!
  • Her grand kids, everyone of them.  
  • Apple products (Macbook, iPad, & iPhone)
  • Instagram, she is so addicted. 
  • Cooking awesome meals.
  • Training her dogs to do sweet tricks
  • Volunteering at the Phoenix Zoo (new for 2011)
  • Taking care of the zoo at her house, you know it is mom, don't fight it.  
  • Going to the grand kids games (there are tons of them, I don't know how she does it). 
So I know that was dorky, but I love my mom.  She does so much for us in our time of need.  My kids are obsessed with her and so am I.  We love you!!

Halloween (wait what month is it?) SO WHAT!!!

Well, contrary to popular belief in the blog world I am still alive.  I am still trying to adapt to SDS (Single Dad Status).  It is fun, entertaining, and busy.  But I like it.

So here is Halloween.  The Saturday before the kids and I went to our Ward Trunk-or-Treat which is always a good time for the kids.  Cote was sick, so he did not dress up (and he had monster mask, and those are not allowed at the Trunk-or-Treat, to scary).

Brexton was waiting for the this day to come FOREVER!  He was so pumped to be Captain America, he could barely contain himself.  Look how excited he is fully dressed and ready to go!!

Nixin wanted to be Cinderella but not just any Cinderella the White Wedding Dress Cinderella, the story behind this dress is pretty funny.  We were in the Disney Store and she sees it and starts freaking out, "It's the white wedding dress, it is so pretty, daddy I want that please!"  I told her "No, you already have a dress to wear for Halloween", however she somehow convinced me to let her look at the dress.  Big mistake, the moment I saw her hugging it, and smiling, I was done.  She looked up at me and said, "Daddy I need this dress!"  So I said OK, she got all jazzed and was smiling, hugging me, looking at the dress.  Then she suddenly stopped and said, "Now I need the shoes please."  Who is this girl?  She knows daddy loves her.  So on Saturday we went by the Fort's to go with them to the Trunk-or-Treat, and I asked Rachel to do Nixin's hair because I am still learning.  My little girl came down with her hair looking exactly like Cinderella, check it out!

On Halloween day we did the traditional Trick-or-Treating around the neighborhood.  Charlotte came over and we walked the block with the kids which they love.  Brexton was so into it, he was running from door to door with his friend Nathan, Cote was long gone, I am surprised we even got a pictures of him before he took off with his skateboard in hand.  And Nixin, well she loves candy, and she would walk around saying Trick-or-Treat, smell my feet!!  Something, something underwear.  It was pretty funny.

Again, I take no credit for the hair.  The photo above was all Charlotte's doing, look how nice she looks.