I believe these pictures show just how excited my kids are to play with Uncle Weav (A.K.A. Mr. Universe). It was an all out pillow fight for seriously 20 minutes. Cote was trying to be funny by doing work on Whitney because she really wasn't participating, boy was he wrong. Exhibit A is evidence as Whit bounce attacked Cote from the couch.
Then all of the kids pinned her down and attacked, I watched it. It was pretty entertaining.
On Drake's Birthday we went to see MONSTER JAM!!! Yep, that's right. Drake like most boys loves big trucks that are loud. However Drake does not like them because of preprogrammed gender roles, he loves them because he is like his father who loves all things redneck. You know all those swamp shows on TV, Catfish, The Whites, all Weaver. Well Drake is following in his dad's footsteps.
Thank you Weaver's for coming down we had a great time. We hope to see you guys soon. I look forward to spoiling your little boy more in the future as he rips the mountain with my kids. We love you guys.