Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nativity Pictures

I finally took pictures of my most recent finished craft project.  It is an applique nativity wall hanging.  It took about 3 months to finish then three more for me to be motivated enough to sew the border and binding on.  Overall I think it turned out pretty cute for my first try at applique even though it is far from perfect (that's what makes it special though right?).  I may take the border off and put on a darker color after Christmas, but for now I am just enjoying having more Christmas decorations up.  Let me know what you think.  

Happy Holidays!

So I guess I should first apologize for being terribly remiss in posting to our blog.  Lets face it though, Aaron and I are pretty boring on the whole, mostly we work, eat, and sleep.  There just isn't that much to write about.  We had a great Thanksgiving with Aaron's family over at his sister's house.  It was yummy!  We are now just trying to get the last of the semester/rotation finished up so we can take a little break for Christmas.  (We are excited to spend our Christmas with my family... all of it including my uncle!)