Libbi has been doing well. She has had a cough for a couple months now. We've gone on singulair as well as zyrtec thinking its allergies. It still could be. She coughs mostly at night. She keeps getting colds as well. I finally took her in this last weekend to insta care. They had her sats at 95 (for those paying attention, that was clearly wrong!) so i took her to our friends house, Gracelyn, and there she was high 70s low 80s. I still felt off. I said a prayer that i would know what to do. I felt like she was lower than that, she has been really short of breath lately. She can't walk up the stairs, and won't walk for long without asking to be carried. I finally made the decision to run her up to the ER (it was a Sunday, and her ped was out of town) In the waiting area of the ER she was hovering at 75. We decided to check her in and see the Dr. We sat with the monitor on her for a couple hours, she stayed between 74-77 the whole time. I'm not sure what the discrepancy was in the o2 monitors, but the Dr there suggested we put her on oxygen at nights, worried that she drops even more when she sleeps. We have been doing that and she sleeps much better. (I must note that the air has cleared up too, so the sleeping better could be the allergy thing..) I talked with Dr Menon later in the week and he wants us to see a pulmonologist to see if the cough is maybe asthma related. He doesn't think it's heart related. So back to the low sats. He wants me to watch where shes at when she gets over her cold and then he will decide what to do on Dec 7. We have an echo and appt scheduled but he mentioned MAYBE doing a cath to help her sats go up a bit until Fontan. She weighs 28lbs and will be 3 in March. He keeps saying spring for Fontan. I just hope we can make it through winter. I worry that everytime she get a little cold she will drop. Then when she sleeps, moves or cries/screams (which is A LOT!) they will go down even more. Should i worry about this or not? I am so uneducated on the matter its ridiculous. I need to take some classes. People ask me detailed questions about her condition and i can't even answer them. Its embarrassing. Anyway, if any of you read through this whole post and feel like you have any input or education on this PLEASE let me know your thoughts! You can post a comment or email me at I would really appreciate some insight! Thanks friends :)
These pictures were taken at a football game. She played in the mud. And i let her. She is 1 spoiled little girl!!