
Is my life in danger? PROBABLY!!!!!!

This is a picture of a camera over looking our house!!!!!! Our neighbor's son that lives with her is in jail. He is in a white supremacist gang! The other day Joe was talking to our neighbor about how our other neighbors just moved out, she said they were thinking about moving as well. Then she said that her son has been on vacation and thats why we haven't seen him. Then Joe proceeds' to ask is he on vacation or is he in JAIL?

Ok first of all I could not believe that he asked that. I was shocked not that it should have surprised me but I thought it was a pretty blunt question. Anyways she says he is in jail. Joe asks why and she says that it had to do with his girlfriend and another guy. He went to "TALK" to the guy and ended up getting stabbed and stabbing him. So now he is on trial for attempted murder.

Well the story really goes something like they are both in white supremacist gangs, and not only did he stab him he pretty much gutted his stomach as well. Yeah I know pretty scary huh?

SO then our neighbor says then the other day we noticed that (pointing to the camera). So obviously they are watching the house just in case some gang members decided to come by. My fear is that they will hurt the family members then come and rape me. This all comes back to my fear of getting raped! So there you have it I am being watched (hopefully by the police and not some gang member). Also on our side walk it says WHITE PRIDE, I guess when they redid the side walk he felt it very necessary to write that in. He also has swastikas tattooed on him. He has always been really nice to us but I am kind of freaking out now.


We got a christmas tree about a month ago and I have been such a bad blogger that I haven't posted about it. Joe and I pick out christmas tree's a little different then most people. We pick one out that is still all wrapped up. We like the element of surprise when we get home and cut it open. Joe has worked at a lot of Christmas tree lots in the past when he was younger. So he considers himself an expert when it comes to picking one out. I will have to say it is a lot more fun cutting it open at home then picking one out already open. We have had pretty good luck with it, so guess Joe really is good at it. What you have to look for is it being symmetrical all the way around. When you have that you have a pretty good tree. Also the guys helping you will really appreciate it as well. They don't have to wrap it up for you. So this is our christmas tree. Also excuse the no shirt picture of Joe, he was getting really hot from bringing it up and moving it all around.

Kelly's art show

A couple weeks ago we went out with Kelly and Rachelle. We started at the Lab in Costa Mesa, they had this big show going on with a runway and art work that you could bid on. They also had yummy yummy food. It was so good Rachelle and I were in Heaven. If you bid on any of the clothes or the artwork all the money went to charity. Rachelle bid on some shoe's and won and Joe bid on one of Kelly's Qee's. I will explain later when he opens it (since it was so close to christmas I wrapped it up so it looked like he has a gift on Christmas). So they both did win. Rachelles shoes were cheaper but that's ok. Joe was pretty excited that he won.

We also Had hot chocolate with the Jorgenson family. Kelly works with him and they live in San Clemente as well. They were a really nice couple.

Then we were headed up to L.A. to another art show, but Daphne was not having it. So they had to go home. We still headed up there since we have not been out together in a while. We had a good time. The art show was pretty cool and it was next door to L.A. Ink. I Thought that was pretty cool Then Joe took me to Pinkberry for some yogurt we had never been there so I wanted to go. It was different then I though. It tasted like yogurt, kind of like peach yogurt. I think I like golden spoon better because it tastes more like ice cream. We had a great time and enjoyed feeling all artsy at an art gallery. You know standing there studying the painting wondering what they were trying to capture. It was great.

This use to fit I promise.

This is a top that I use to wear when we were first married! I don't think I will be wearing it any time soon! I am having a hard time with clothes. I Really want a pair of maternity jeans because mine fit but the top pokes at me and by the end of the day they are not comfortable. I really need to go and look for a cheap pair, but that is hard to do because the cheap ones are UGLY! So wish me luck on the jean situation. And sorry for the horrible picture of me, with my belly showing its not very attractive I Know.



Everyone does this widget thing, so I decided to go on and see how many days I Have left. They tell you to put in how many babies you have. So this is what a widget looks like with 8 babies. I got a laugh out of it. By the way this is what happens when Joe works on the weekends and late. So if your bored go ahead and give me a call.

Oh and by the way maybe some of you didn't realize Joe is Half Black. I Seriously can't stop laughing at my octuplets! Does anyone else find this hilarious or am I just way to bored.


SOLD....To the woman who doesn't lactate

I was on google today and I went to type something in that started with a B, and the first thing that came up was Buying Breast milk. About a year ago I came up with this brilliant plan to sell my Breast milk (when that time came) to make some extra cash. I had it all planned out, I would just pump like CRAZY.

To my surprise not everybody agreed with me. I thought it was an amazing idea, not only was I making money I was also helping out another child. Just so you know the milk goes for a pretty high price.

So I Tried looking it up to see who would accept my milk (this was all a plan before I was even close to being pregnant) I couldn't find a website that would really explain it all.

So anyways I thought I would bring this up since I saw that, It made me laugh. Sometimes I come up with some crazy ideas! Most of them are put down. But they always get a good laugh for those around me.

Let me know what you think. Have you ever known anyone that has sold or purchased breast milk. Also please let me know if you need any extra for your children I will be happy to sell it to you! HAHAHA


More family pictures

Long Family Photos

Thanksgiving weekend my family came down and we decided it would be a good time to do the Christmas pictures. I love Family photos with my family. Nobody is stressed out and we just have a good time. I think we all just like getting our pictures taken. We kind of just stood where we wanted and had my cousin snap the pics. I think they turned out pretty good for not having a professional. It was really bright out so some of them are extremely light. Oh and don't worry, the picture of us jumping I didn't jump from the top I jumped from the bottom step. But it looks like I totally jumped. Sorry there are so many I posted a lot so my family could see them. This was one way for them to do that.


Happy 1 Year

Yesterday was my one year anniversary of blogging. And I have enjoyed every minute of it. It really helps since I have a terrible memory, every once in a while I will go thru them and reminisce on old times. I love that I started this and love how many friends I have dragged into it. I also love all of my new found friends, even the ones I consider my friends even if they don't know I look at there blogs. That is so stalker of me, I know. I couldn't imagine stopping my one year addiction. Happy 1 Year!!!!


Not much going on.

Not much has been going on lately. Here are some recent pictures of my tummy. Sorry I look so bad in the one, it was right after church and those kids make me so exhausted by the end of the two hours. I feel like the pictures don't really do my tummy justice but it is getting big. I have been getting leg cramps in the middle of the night and a very itchy belly. Other then that I am doing pretty good.


Today is Ethan's 1st birthday, I got him a cute book that you push the animals and they make there sounds. Davis turns 2 on Dec. 1. They are getting so big, I can barely carry them anymore. It might be my extending stomach. I started watching them when ethan was 2 months old. He was so small because he was a preemie. I took the boys pictures the other day for the christmas card. I don't think this is the one we are using but I will post it when it is all ready. I love my job. Happy Birthday Boys!

Why Paris loves the winter!

She stayed in this same spot for 10 minutes. I don't think that she liked the coat but we could really care less. We got a good laugh out of it. I think it was a little to bulky for her she likes to stick with the sweaters. We have to get her ready for the cold winter and my grandma's house!


Arts & Crafts

Today Kandace and Vance came down for the day to hang out. They helped me out with making 70 treats for primary tomorrow. We had to run to Michaels to get some ribbon to tie the treats. While there we decided that we would buy some more ribbon and get burp cloths at Wal-Mart and decorate them. We had a lot of fun making them. Even Vance made a couple of them. I just really hope that the fabric glue dries so that you cant see it through the ribbon. Oh and Vance got these glasses at some store and has been wearing them all day!

And there it goes again!

So yes I did get my hair cut again. I don't think I even posted about the last one. I have a problem with cutting my hair. Its kind of addicting to me. There is nothing better then going to a salon and getting a new look, to me at least. I am never nervous just really excited. My friend Leslie cuts my hair, we went to school together and she is such a great friend. I love her to death. She is darling. Today she asked me, Ok are you sure you want to cut your hair its not just a pregnant thing? Anyways I love my new cut. In a couple weeks we are going to add a little color. We are not sure yet what we are going to do but I figure Christmas pictures are coming and my hair is different every year. So I better get on it. Stay tuned to find out what it looks like........


I've been Tagged!!

So I have been tagged in the past but usually at the time I am too busy and forget. This time I have no excuse, since I am bored out of my mind. So here we go 6 facts about me.

*I am SOOOO scared of being kidnapped and raped. I know this is a harsh one to start with but it is so true. I cant even go on walks by myself because I am so scared. It kills Joe, because he thinks its totally dumb but thanks to my mom this is a huge fear. Probably also because I can't even walk to get my mail with out some old guy in his car starring at me. I always want to yell back at them. What do they think they are starring at.

*I love party's I wish I was invited to more. I just love being around people. I feel like I can connect with anyone and I love meeting new people. The more the merrier I say. I'm just not good at throwing them because I am to hard on myself with the planning. It all has to be perfect.

*I talk to one person from high school and that is very rare. It happens probably once every 6 or more months. It doesn't affect me too much I feel like I have alot of good friends now.

* I have a new love for antiques. Especially bottles!!! Everywhere in my house you will find old bottles. My Grandma and Dad both collect antiques and I use to make fun of it but now I am totally obsessed. It now drives Joe crazy, I think he is tired of so many bottles. But I do get my bottles from my Dad. He just gave me a huge box of them including bottles from the 1984 summer Olympics when I was born still with the soda in it. He also gave me this really cool plane that was his when he was little. I think I am going to hang it over the baby's crib as a mobile. But we will see.

*I know I probably could answer any question you have about babies or baby items. I have done so much research on baby things its unbelievable. It probably helps that I take care of babies but it is something I have always been obsessed with. I figure its a good thing to learn since I want to be a stay at home mom. I also have always thought about what I want my kids rooms to look like from what style of clothes to how I disipline them, way before I even started planning for kids. I think about kids and kid things all day long. You could ask me anything and I will tell you what I have decided on already down to the diaper bag!

*I walk and talk in my sleep. I talk a couple times a week in my sleep. It always wakes Joe up. I love that he is there so he can tell me what I am saying the next day. It is something I have always done. My mom thinks Joe should put a dead bolt on the door where I can't reach. Just in case I get out. Which I have walked out before but then woke up. This could be a serious problem.

So I need to tag 6 people so have fun, Jessica, Jennifer K, Niccole, Robyn, Sarah, Becca!


HA HA HA!!!!

This is my first carving of a pumpkin, thanks for the good time dudes!
- Joe


Nothing better!

So for the past week I have been trying to get some pictures on my blog. I will keep trying but I do want to announce that we are having a boy! I can not believe it. I am really excited. Sometimes I joke like I am not but I am. I thought these little things for boys are so cute and I cant wait till he gets to the stage where he is out of the baby boy things and into the cool things!
A little update, my baby is growing like crazy and he kicks me like crazy. We have a hyper one on our hands. I feel him all day long. Its the weirdest feeling and I still cant believe that we are having a baby. I am almost half way through my pregnancy and we are getting really excited. I love that we found out because I am going crazy trying to find a style I want for his bedroom. I will try to post the video of the baby because he is one crazy little boy. He likes to bring his legs up and kick my stomach. He is very flexible too. We love our little guy and cant wait to see what he looks like!

"It would be nice if you could pull me into town"

Collin and his friends Jon and Kyle came down this weekend and they like to go and hang out at the train station. Well Collin found this old bike in my parents back yard and decided that he would put some new tires on it. He was pretty excited so they went down to skate and ride bikes at the train station. I bought Joe some roller blades around the time that Napoleon came out. I thought he could be kip for Halloween. So after they left Joe got this idea that he would skate down there and ask Collin if he could pull him into town. The funny thing is I got down there before Joe (he was putting his skates on and then falling down the steep hill HAHA) So when I met up with the boys and we saw Joe coming they didn't know who it was and some one pointed him out and said look at that guy and they all stared him down. I started laughing because watching Joe skate up to us all serious had to be the funniest thing ever. So Collin pulled him around for a while they even went down PCH. I wish I was driving next to them so I could take a video of it. We had a lot of fun down there. It was so nice it rained this morning so it felt so good outside. I love gloomy weather! I also got some sweet videos of Joe doing some tricks.


Had to post this one.

I just got this picture off of Chrissy's blog. Yes Joe made me pull him in the (I dont even know what it is called). I am so retarded. But anyways I thought it was funny that he would make his pregnant wife pull him. I think he really enjoyed the ride too.

Pumpkin Patch visit #1

So last night we went to the pumpkin patch. I love this time of year its cold and you get out and do fun traditions. We went with the Hansen's, The Doss's and the Mullen's. It was so fun watching the little boys run around and have fun. I can't wait for our baby to have its first pumpkin patch experience. We took a lot of pictures of the boys but they didn't turn out that well. Landon is so funny because he is big enough to go on the rides. They let him go on the big swings and he loved it but when he got off he was so dizzy he was walking all crazy. And he clim bed up on the pile of pumpkins and started to throw them down. Such a boy! It was a lot of fun. I wanted to buy pumpkins but they were so expensive. Please let me know if you found a place that is cheap to buy them. After we went for hot chocolate and then all went home. We are planning on doing it again and buying pumpkins to carve. We had a lot of fun with you guys, Thanks!

Conference weekend

We haven't gone to my parents house in forever, so we decided that conference weekend was the best since Joe did not have to work. So we headed out on Saturday morning. We got there in time for Vance's soccer game which was pretty cold. As you can tell everyone is all wrapped up. I am glad we were able to go to one of his games last year we tried and we got there vance took off to run to his team and found out that the game was an earlier game. Vance cried of course and blamed it all on my mom because those are the two things he does best, oh and getting very angry and saying he should bring his gun to the next game to shoot the ref.
This is a funny story. For those of you that know my brother he has a TERRIBLE temper. There is a girl on Vance's team that he does not like she is also in there ward. Well a couple weeks ago she got hit by a car it wasn't to serious but I guess she is an over exaggerator, so last week she didn't play the game she just sat on the side. Well this same week my mom had to bring snack for the team. Well Vance came running up to my mom Yelling because he didn't feel that this girl deserved a snack since she didn't play. You really have to know Vance to appreciate this story because he would totally do something like this and when my mom told us he still agreed with this.

Then at this game he got really mad at the ref for not calling something so he started to yell and throw his arms up. Then the game ended so he came u p to us and says I can't believe he didn't call that. Then proceeds to say I should have brought my gun. When we acted really shocked at his comment he says I mean my air soft gun and then he says maybe a knife. Most of you may want to tell me that we should put him in a home and I am aware of this. He really isn't violent but he just says the funniest things sometimes. He totally has the baby of the family syndrome. He definitely keeps us laughing.

So then that night the guys went to priesthood and the girls stayed home and hung out. When they came back we all played the wii. Including my grandparents! They loved it, they thought it was a great way to exercise. I told them they could borrow it whenever they felt like they needed a work out. I took some pictures they aren't that great. The boys in the family get pretty serious in the games. Including my dad. Its pretty funny to watch. We enjoyed hanging out with the family and I really got alot out of conference this year. It really helps when you stay awake. And you all know what I mean don't act like you don't take naps!


My baby is Growing & I am Growing!

So this is me and the belly at 15 weeks. Everyone has been telling me that I am small, but I feel HUGE! I think what it is, is I look down on my belly and it really sticks out. When I look at the pictures they don't look as big as I think it is. So that is my conclusion on my belly size. At least people are starting to notice.

I am feeling good. Except for that picture that is the look of a person who has a migraine and who just spilled all of the meat-loaf over in the oven and who just cried about it. What a day that was. Oh and when I went to bed it never went away, I woke up a coupe times and it was still in my head. I thought I was going to kill myself.

My mom tells me to take a bath, well that would be nice if I had a huge bath tub and my neck wasn't straight up causing more pain. So if anyone happens to see a good pillow for the bath tub please let me know. I am on the hunt for one.

One more thing I have to share is that I have an appointment on Saturday morning to find out the sex of this little baby. I found a place that is cheap and will tell me. I cannot wait, I do not have very much patience and could never wait till the end. I can't even wait till I am 20 weeks. I think I will be a nervous wreck though. I will let everyone know on saturday what it is. I also have a dr. appt. tomorrow.


What has come over me!!!

The other day I was watching Giada on the cooking channel, she was doing a romantic meal for two. At the end she made these fabulous looking cupcakes. I decided right then that I was going straight home and baking these. So I made dinner and sent Joe off to work. I then hopped in my car and went to the store to buy all the yummy ingredients. I also went to Michael's and purchased some super cute cupcake boxes from Martha Stewart's new line. If you haven't seen it you must go right away and check it out. It is the most amazing stuff ever. I love her, even if she did go to prison for stealing money or something like that.
I haven't done my visiting teaching in a while so I decided to box these cupcakes up that took me a while to make and drive them over to my girls. Also I had extra so I thought I would take a box over to Rachelle and Kelly. Turns out those are some of there favorite cupcakes. I tried one and they were amazing I have to say myself. And they look nice too. Everyone should try this recipe you can find it on foodtv.com and under everyday italian. If you haven't tried any of her recipes you should because they are always so good. So this is my post on cupcakes. What can I say I love food. Hopefully more to come in the baking department. I love to bake. I did take Bakery in High School you know. One more thing is it weird that they called the class Bakery because I don't and everyone else does.