
These are Joe's BOYFRIENDS

These are my boyz, I say Boyz cuz i'm from the hood!
Yo, This Is Joe!
I have decided that I Must now regulate the "BLOG" situation.
Basically I just linked to the blog for the first time and I realized that I must take back some control! I now have access to this crazy Blogeg'.



A day with the girls and Maxwell!

I had the Best day ever! I had the day off today because Michelle's (the lady I nanny for) husband came home on thursday from Iraq, I will be posting some pictures of that later, it was so cool. Anyways thursday night I came up for Josephs baseball game. Then I went to Jessica's house to spend the night. So friday we woke up and went and had breakfast at Pacific Whey cafe. I had the Best breakfast it was so good. Chrissy met us there we had a marvelous time, we sat outside it was so warm. Then we went to Chrissys house to help her organize Baby Naomi's dresser. I cant wait for her to come. She will look so cute with all of her cute clothes. After that Jessica and I went to the pool with Maxwell he really wanted to go. He told me! We took really cute pictures at the pool, and I think I got some color to my white skin. I cannot wait till summer, nobody is going to reconize me because I will be so dark. Anyways, Joseph came back down asnd we just hung out the rest of the night, we descovered the Jessica has some Magets, and its not because she is a bad house wife, my dad says it comes from the stores, so be careful what you eat! We made rice crispy treats. Over all it was a Magnificent day. I love days off!


My Favorite Baby Maxwell and Chrissys Shower

Last night we went to chrissys shower and we had so much fun. Joe dropped me off at Jessicas and then Rachelle came and picked us up since Jessica and I both dont really have extra cars right now. So we headed over to the shower and it was at her aunts house in covenant hills. It was a BEAUTIFUL home, we loved it. And the food was amazing we each had about three plates. It was really nice to get out as girls, we laughed alot and talked about how we dont have shirts and how we just need alot of new clothes. We all looked cute even Rachelle did even though she has a fat face right now from being pregnant. (HAHA Just kidding Rachelle). She wanted me to delete the picture but it was the cutest one. And Rachelle is no where close to being fat at ALL. She has the cutest little body and the cutest little belly, I am very Jealous of her and she has a nice pare of you know what HAHA. I love Rachelle she always makes me laugh. We really missed Maxwell, but it was fun to have Jessica back to what I know. I wish I had a picture with chrissy but I didnt bring my camera in and this picture was taken in the car! Over all we had a great girls night out!

On Sunday Maxwell came to see his favorite Aunt Brittany and everyone else haha. Oh and Danny and Jess came too. Maxwell and I had a little photo shoot together they are all bad pictures of me but notice how he is smilling in this picture because he loves me. We had a great Sunday though it was alot of fun. I love seeing maxwell!

For Rachelle the name of those websites are photoaffections.com and tiny prints. But there is a website calle tot trends weekly and they have new children web sites every week. Call me if you have any questions


Finally back to the temple!

Last night Joseph and I were able to go to the temple together. It has been so long since the last time we went. I almost forgot alot of things, (well I did forget most things). It was so much fun for just the two of us to go. I was nervous and I wanted somebody next to me that I could watch and copy but it turned out fine and I remembered the things we need to do. We got there early so we had dinner in the cafeteria which was pretty good. I love when you get to the temple and you feel like you are doing the right thing and no matter what is going on in your life everything will work out. We really wanted to go and pray about what we should do with the whole job situation. I feel really good about the decision we are going to make, we are going to move back to mission viejo and Joseph is going to start a new job with New York Life. We know its going to take alot of sacrafice but we are willing to put it in know. We read a really good article in the Ensign and it really helped us realize that sacrafice is a part of life and we are excited to see what comes of it. We are also excited to be back with our friends and family. Orange county is closer to my parents to and they love to come down so it will be exciting when we start seeing them again. I am so thankful that Joe and I are able to go to the temple and really feel the spirit. I look forward to going again.