Thing that make me happy:
~This picture (they are best friends living miles apart) doesn't this picture make you happy.
~Owen's laugh
~Joe's Laugh
~Old friends calling
~New friends calling
~Pulling out my summer clothes and packing up the cold ones.
~Crystal Light
~My new Boyfriend tee (thanks Rachelle)
~Planning parties
~Being outside and watching how much Owen loves it outside.
~Blowing bubbles
~Spending my day with Owen
~and waiting outside for Joe to come home. (Owens favorite part of the day)
Things I Dislike
~Judgemental people
Thats all that I can think of. I am trying something new out these days. Being the most positive person that I can. I have always been positive, but I am trying even harder these days. When I need it the most.
So have a Wonderful day, and be happy! I love you, all of you.