
Where do you hide your chapstick?

Owen came out of the bathroom and when he walked by me this is what I found.  I was cracking up.  He is a comedian.  Like his mother. haha (right Sarah joy)


Pajama Day

No showers, keeping our jammies on all day, and just hanging out at home all day. Thats what we did today.  We also told eachother secrets and swore we wouldn't tell dad.


I am in love with this little guy.  Just look at that messy face.  Priceless!

And he loves his Uncle Collin.  He had a great time (I as well) hanging with him at D~Land Yesterday.


Thing that make me happy:

~This picture  (they are best friends living miles apart) doesn't this picture make you happy.
~Owen's laugh
~Joe's Laugh
~Old friends calling
~New friends calling
~Pulling out my summer clothes and packing up the cold ones.
~Crystal Light
~My new Boyfriend tee (thanks Rachelle)
~Planning parties
~Being outside and watching how much Owen loves it outside.
~Blowing bubbles
~Spending my day with Owen 
~and waiting outside for Joe to come home.  (Owens favorite part of the day)

Things I Dislike

~Judgemental people

Thats all that I can think of.  I am trying something new out these days.  Being the most positive person that I can.  I have always been positive, but I am trying even harder these days.  When I need it the most.  

So have a Wonderful day, and be happy! I love you, all of you.


I have a couple of hilarious videos of Owen.  But I have no way to get them off of my little camera.  Someone "accidently" stole my card reader!  Funny how she was just telling me how she hated hers and then she saw mine and said WOW I like yours. haha.   Until then.  I love this little guy.  He cracks me up.  Today he loved the post office.  They have paintings of san clemente and he loved pointing at the swings that he swings on and the water. I love watching him get excited and looking around at the strangers hoping to get a smile or a laugh from them.  He is full of joy, and happiness. and sassyness.

I hope you aren't grossed out by his runnynose and messy face.  I just thought he looked so sweet and well really this is what he looked like last week.  3 molars coming in at once is not a fun time.


I wanted to wish my mom a happy mothers day.  She is an amazing woman.  She is so strong and is constantly teaching me new things.  I love her so much.  And Owen does as well.  Happy Mothers day mom.
And a special thank you to this little guy who made me a mother.  Thank you Owen for making everyday a fun and exciting one.  You make me laugh all day long.


and of course one of my cute little bean.

For a early mothers day gift I got a new lens, and I could not be anymore excited and happy with it.  I had fun playing around with it today.  I took O outside but he is not such a good model anymore.  He wont sit still.  So we had to go bang on the Swifts door to ask to borrow Soren.  He still sits there.  He was a perfect model.  Thanks Tina.  And sorry I haven't called you it has been a crazy day!


Well, she is gone. 

Just like that.  Out of my life again.

We had a really good time.  Lots of shopping, shopping and more shopping.  
and a long day at Disneyland. It has been a long time since I have done a full day at 
d~land.  I forget how exhausting it is.  I think 3 hours is a long time.

We had really Yummy food, and a lot of Diet coke.  (I truly get upset when resturants dont have it) 

We went to Wahoos.  I knew they didn't have it so we brought our own big gulps.  and Yes we did get some stares but we enjoyed every last sip.  

I love Celeste and Sawyer.  So much fun. 

Now I think we are all ready for a girls weekend with out any kids.  What do you say girls?

 pictures to come when I steal them from Jessica's blog.