
Mr. Underwear Is driving me wild. One day fantastic doing his duty on the potty the next pooping outside and being very proud of himself. When we are home he is naked and gives everyone peep shows they do not enjoy. When he is wearing underwear he changes them all day into different sesame characters. He also does a very cute peepee dance. This boy keeps me alive and very tired by the end of the day!!!!
-- Post From My iPhone


Yesterday, I ate treats any kind I wanted to.
Today and for the next 21 days
we wont!

Will I make it?

Today was rough.
Joe wants to lose weight
and I think this might help. No sweets
or soda at all.
Well I haven't quite given up diet coke.
I am hoping to be pregnant soon, so I will stop then.
But no treats for me.

We can do it.
you too Rachelle, I believe in you.


Happy 30th Birthday Joe!!!!

Joe is a hard worker
Would do anything for his family
and friends
loves to play with Owen
passionate in everything he does
You need a answer? Joe has it
Loves Music
an amazing father
Keeps me grounded

Owen says he loves when they go for walks, read books and go for bike rides
(I asked Owen what he loves most about his daddy)


Owens Birthday weekend

We started the celebration off with fajitas and cake with Joe's parents. Owen loved blowing out his own candle. He hasn't stopped singing happy birthday to himself since. Sometimes I here him in the monitor singing. He loves it. Look at this face he gave me when I told him to smile.
He also got a hair cut for his birthday that is starting to grow on me. I was fine with his hair being long. I didn't care if people called him a girl, I know he's pretty.

Then we met up with my dad the next day walked around the Irvine spectrum and got to ride the horse, which he was excited for until he got on. He might be a little afraid of my dad when I am not right there. He doesn't see him that much.

After that we met up with the whole family for dinner. It has been a long time since we were all together. My parents divorce was final last summer so we don't have a ton of family gatherings. But we did miss Martha.

They gave Owen a big cupcake that he enjoyed.
I had to throw this one in, sorry you guys. My mom is probably checking a text from Dan (her boyfriend). And Collin is a little full of himself so I like to throw in a not so good picture once in a while. Haha and Vance, well look at those eyebrows. Did you get them done? That's what you get for calling me Prude. Proud and rude? Is that what it means Vance?

The Sunday before Easter we had a little egg hunt. Owen loved it. He discovered if he threw the egg on the ground then the candy would come out. He was so happy. His little bow-tie I made and one for Joe to match, but I didn't get a picture. I would like to dress them up again. We will see if Joe will go for it.

Happy Easter Everyone.