So, here we are, it's Christmas Eve and we're enjoying a couple of days 'off' from work.
James is studying for his next 30-hour appraiser-assistant exam, and I'm listening to the never ending Christmas songs on one of the holiday TV music-channels, while writing this blog.
It's been a busy week. Our helpers, the high-school-boys, were off from school and worked here for three days in a row.
And because of that, we got a lot done!
Let's see .. the yard is finally sufficiently 'prepped' for the pool company to come in and start digging! Yeah! The guys are very happy about that because it was a lot of hard work ..
This tree-stomp took them hours of sawing and chipping!
In the end they actually got some help from the guys that showed up to remove the
cobblestones from the sidewalk, where a small bobcat has to fit through
to start the digging.
One of the guys was a real Paul Bunyan and finally got the bloody thing to give up the ghost!
As I said, they were here to dig up the cobble-stones, which they did in record-time:
The next day, another guy showed up, to spray-paint the contours of where the pool, and the hot-tub, will go.
This is how it eventually will look like:
And while that was going on outside, inside the work on the master bathroom has started. A half-wall was build ..
And a floor was poured ..
It turned out that we needed a lot more mortar and cement than we thought, so we had to do another Home-Depot run:
And than the boys had way to much fun mixing the stuff up ..
You can say they really got 'into' the job!
They also filled the holes where they took out the old rosemary bushes a while ago. One of those areas is going to house the new BBQ and the other will be part of the patio.
Well, I think that was more than enough for this week, don't you think? They actually did a little more work on the den/office too, but I'll save that for the next post.
And what did she do? Well, 'she' finally did some Christmas baking:
I'm a little later than usual, and you would think I would be all over that beautiful big kitchen right after Thanksgiving, but somehow the days got away from me ..
I also experimented with a few new recipes, but I'm not too happy with how these came out, so I think I'll be back to my old favorites next year.
But, 'you never know until you try', they say, so .. I tried. And they're good. Just not super-good ..
They were good enough though to give the guys some 'goody-bags', as you might know .. teenage-boys .. they eat everything!
I also dropped one of to Nancy, our neighbor, only to get a similar gift back within the hour. She had the same idea! (I think hers are better)(Oh, well).
They're supposed to be really good this year, people had some time on their hands I guess!
And here's a few pics of the Christmas lights:
Some people went all out this year! Can you say .. 'over the top'?!