Look at that! I finally managed to get a few better shots of the two Quail families, although the morning light and the blah brown/yellow of the dead grass still make them hard to see.
As I predicted, the chicks are about as big as the adults already, but they're still predominantly brown and lack their parent's pretty grey tones and patterns ..
That male in the foreground of the picture above diligently stands guard over the flock while they're foraging. If there's only the smallest sign of danger he calls out and everybody scatters!
He often seeks a perch where he can oversee a larger area from above, like the cattle-panel in the raised bed below:
They're so much fun to watch with their constant scratching and pecking and getting all excited when somebody finds something good. I can watch them for hours!
But, there's work to be done! Now the site-permit has been approved we're working on getting all utilities ready.
Finding the septic tank took forever (lots of probing and digging holes that turned out to be duds) but we finally managed to hit pay-'dirt'
Hah, ha, quite literary 'dirty' it is!
Almost just as difficult to find ... the distribution box for the leach-field. But we eventually found that one as well:
The inspector will be out on Monday. Let's hope everything is fine!
In the meantime, the blackberries are ripe and we've already picked a storm. Look at all these gorgeous, plump and sweet beauties:
Photographing blackberries close-up reminds me of taking pictures of our black dog Sadie .. they never come out very well! On top of them being black they glisten as well. Oh well, you get the picture ..
We've eaten them by the handful already while picking of course, dumped loads on our cereal and in pancakes and I baked a buckle as well:
This was a new recipe and I really like how light and fluffy the cake came out. I'm going to make an effort to save the recipe! (i'm notorious for forgetting to do that)
Blackberries are not the only thing ripening at the moment of course. There's loads of Zucchini, and 'Cuces', and our landlords are happy to share the bounty ..
They have a little orchard where the apples and pears are starting to getting ready to be harvested as well!
Unfortunately the birds have gotten most of the first batch of figs .. the buggers!
And there you have it. Another week went by like nothing.
I keep my fingers crossed that by next weekend we'll be able to move the RV but I'm not holding my breath.
We know from experience that things almost always go different than we think .. that's life, James says .. yeah, well, but maybe once in a while it could go like planned?
Any-who, life goes on .. whatever happens, happens .. que sera sera .. etc.etc.