"Tommy Robinson" and his prison cell.
Its a bit long but some important issues raised and addressed. The lies surrounding "Tommy Robinsons" different names used on TV and the reasons why. And a Response to his usual lies and smears.
7 November 2001
Video 5: EDL Clowns & Their Circus show
"Tommy Robinson" and his prison cell.
Its a bit long but some important issues raised and addressed. The lies surrounding "Tommy Robinsons" different names used on TV and the reasons why. And a Response to his usual lies and smears.
Its a bit long but some important issues raised and addressed. The lies surrounding "Tommy Robinsons" different names used on TV and the reasons why. And a Response to his usual lies and smears.
channel 4,
english defence league,
kevin carrol,
luton edl division,
times online,
tommy robinson,
6 November 2001
4 November 2001
Video 3: EDL Business linked to Islamic Turkey
Update below (06/11/10)
Steven Lennon & Kevin Carrol's EDL money making machine is linked to the Islamic Nation of Turkey via India.
The Yaxley & Carrol EDL clothing store has now been taken off line.
Here are the images from the website.
All links provided directly from the EDL Clothing website.
Bottom right corner: ABHITech IT Solutions
ABHITech IT: Contact details
ABHITech IT website: TURK AK Certified
TURK AK: Contact details
Steven Lennon & Kevin Carrol's EDL money making machine is linked to the Islamic Nation of Turkey via India.
The Yaxley & Carrol EDL clothing store has now been taken off line.
Here are the images from the website.
All links provided directly from the EDL Clothing website.
Bottom right corner: ABHITech IT Solutions
ABHITech IT: Contact details
ABHITech IT website: TURK AK Certified
TURK AK: Contact details
edl clothes,
english defence league,
t shirts
Video 2: EDL's Irish Republican leader - Steven Lennon aka "Tommy Robinson"
Romans 8:28
Everything makes sense in the end.
Its no wonder he hid his name and face for so long and went to great lengths to keep it that way.
3 November 2001
1 November 2001
30 October 2001
Jordan & Tommy Robinson
Daily Mail: Mr Loophole fails to help Jordan
EDL's John Snowy Shaw: Freeman solicitors
Scroll down Snowy's response to Youtube attack: Snowy's reply
Website: They call me Mr Loophole
22 October 2001
Washington leaders are asking if unfolding events in the Mideast were foretold in the Bible.
By Joel C. Rosenberg
(Washington, D.C., October 18, 2007)
Sobering, apocalyptic talk from President Bush yesterday. During a press briefing at the White House, the President was asked about Vladimir Putin's visit with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Tehran and the threat posed by this emerging Russian-Iranian nuclear alliance. The President warned that World War III could break out if Iran gets nuclear weapons.
Here is an excerpt from the official transcript: "I believe that if Iran had a nuclear weapon, it would be a dangerous threat to world peace. We've got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel. So I've told people that if you're interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from have the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon."
As the President was speaking to reporters at the White House, I had the privilege of speaking to a group of military leaders at the Pentagon on what Putin's historic and unprecedented trip to Iran means, and how Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's eschatology is driving Iranian foreign policy.
The event was off-the-record, meaning I'm not at liberty to share who was in the meeting or any of the specific details. But I can tell you that I gave a condensed version of the same information I've been speaking about publicly in recent weeks. I will be speaking on the same topic on Capitol Hill today with a group of Congressmen who have invited me to discuss the latest events with Putin and Ahmadinejad and what they might mean.
Here's an executive summary:
* To misunderstand the nature and threat of evil is to risk being blindsided by it. A new evil is rising in the world. Ahmadinejad is the new Hitler. Putin is a new Czar. Yet the West seems to be asleep to the implications of this dangerous new alliance.
* Ahmadinejad is a devout Shia Muslim. He began telling colleagues when he was first elected in the summer of 2005 that the end of the world was just two or three years away. He said the way to hasten the coming of the Islamic Messiah known as the "Mahdi" or the "Twelfth Imam" or the "Hidden Imam" is to annihilate two countries -- Israel, which he says is the "little Satan," and the United States, which he says is the "Great Satan."
* In September 2005, Ahmadinejad concluded his address to the U.N. by praying that Allah would hasten the coming of the Mahdi.
* Ahmadinejad returned to Iran after that speech and told Shia clerics that as he had spoken at the U.N. he had been surrounded by a halo of light, and that for 27 or 28 minutes not a single person in the General Assembly hall had even blinked, so mesmerized were they -- he said -- but what Allah was saying through him.
* In October 2005, Ahmadinejad gave his famous speech vowing to wipe Israel off the map. In the same speech, he urged the Muslim world to envision a world without the United States, and said this is possible -- a world without America and Zionism -- "when our holy hatred strikes like a wave."
* In December 2005, Russia signed a $1 billion arms deal with Iran, selling high-speed missiles to the Ahmadinejad regime, on top of billions of dollars worth of other arms, submarines, and nuclear technology in recent years.
* In September 2006, Ahmadinejad returned to the U.N. and again concluded his address by praying for Allah to hasten the coming of the Mahdi. Throughout 2006 and 2007, he has continued to give regular speeches denouncing Israel and assuring Muslims that the Jewish State will soon "vanish."
* In August 2007, Ahmadinejad began shifting gears. He was no longer saying that the end of the world was two or three years away. Now he was saying the return of the Mahdi was "imminent."
* In September 2007, Ahmadinejad again spoke at the U.N., as well as at Columbia University in New York City. This time, rather than ending his speeches with a prayer, he began both speeches by asking Allah to hasten the coming of the Mahdi.
* For the past two years, Ahmadinejad has been feverishly trying
to build, buy or steal nuclear weapons. He has specifically been building alliances with three nuclear powers, Russia, China and North Korea, in pursuit of his genocidal objectives.
* Despite the apocalyptic rhetoric coming out of Tehran, the military, political and economic relationship between Russia and Iran has intensified dramatically over the past two years. Putin doesn't seem bothered by the talk of genocide. Putin and Ahmadinejad have met regularly. Putin's visit this week to Iran was the first by a Russian leader since 1943.
* Putin didn't meet only with Ahmadinejad in Iran. He also held a summit with the leaders of several Central Asian/Caspian Sea nations and issued a threat to the U.S. not to intervene militarily to stop Iran's nuclear program.
* No one is entirely certain why Putin is building an alliance with such radical Islamic regimes. Russia is certainly making billions of dollars from their arms and nuclear deals. Putin clearly wants to rebuild the glory of Mother Russia. He is becoming a Czar, centralizing power to himself and now saying he will step down as president in 2008 but stay in power as prime minister.
* As an emerging Czar, Putin wants to expand Russia's borders and influence. But he can't go West, because NATO is moving East. Putin can't go East because he borders a nuclear China. He recently claimed sovereignty over the North Pole. But his real opportunity to build a global, anti-Western empire lies to the South. So Putin is feverishly working to build alliances with Islamic and Arab powers, including Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Libya, Algeria, and several Central Asian states, as well as Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world.
* Still, given Russia's experience in Chechnya, it doesn't really make sense that Russia would arm radical Islamic nations, or help them go nuclear.
* The Bible offers an intriguing clue to what could be happening.
In Ezekiel 38-39, the Hebrew Prophet Ezekiel foretold a Russian-Iranian alliance that would form with a group of other North African, Middle Eastern, and Central Asian states in what the Bible calls "the last days." For most of the past 2,500 years since the prophecy was writtten, this had never happened. But it seems to be happening now.
* No one knows exactly when these prophecies will be fulfilled in their entirely. I certainly do not. My 2005 political thriller, The Ezekiel Option, was a fictional look at how these prophecies might play out, if they were to play in my lifetime. Epicenter is a non-fiction look (both the book and the documentary film) at these prophecies and the current dynamics in Russia, Iran and the rest of the region. It considers the possibility that we might actually be closer to the fulfillment of these prophecies that anyone in the political, business or media worlds has expected.
* One curious development worth noting: Ezekiel 36 and 37 have already come true in our lifetime. These are the famous prophecies that say that in the end times, Israel will be reborn as a nation, Jews will pour back into the Holy Land after centuries of exile, they will make the deserts bloom, they will rebuild the ancient ruins, and have an "exceedingly great army." Since these dramatic events have already happened, it begs the question: Could Ezekiel 38-39 -- what Bible scholars call the "War of Gog and Magog" -- also come true in our lifetime? This remains to be seen. But current events are raising lots of intriguing questions.
As I write in Epicenter, I am not trying to persuade people that these events are coming to pass soon. I'm trying to raise awareness of the threats we face as Americans, the threats our friends in Israel face, and the threats that everyone in the "epicenter" faces --, Jews, Muslims and Christians alike. I'm trying to make people aware of prophecies that intrigue me personally, and that may have relevance for our time. And I'm trying to motivate people to do more to care for the needs of the suffering and threatened people of the epicenter, specifically through the work of The Joshua Fund, the non-profit group that Lynn and I launched last year.
While I cannot say whether people in the Pentagon or Congress or the White House share my views, I am both intrigued and grateful that they are interested and have invited me to share my perspective.
At this moment in history, let us pray faithfully and earnestly for our political and military leaders, as well for the leaders in Israel, Russia, Iran and the epicenter.
As the Apostle Paul wrote in I Timothy 2:1-4: "First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."
By Joel C. Rosenberg
(Washington, D.C., October 18, 2007)
Sobering, apocalyptic talk from President Bush yesterday. During a press briefing at the White House, the President was asked about Vladimir Putin's visit with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Tehran and the threat posed by this emerging Russian-Iranian nuclear alliance. The President warned that World War III could break out if Iran gets nuclear weapons.
Here is an excerpt from the official transcript: "I believe that if Iran had a nuclear weapon, it would be a dangerous threat to world peace. We've got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel. So I've told people that if you're interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from have the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon."
As the President was speaking to reporters at the White House, I had the privilege of speaking to a group of military leaders at the Pentagon on what Putin's historic and unprecedented trip to Iran means, and how Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's eschatology is driving Iranian foreign policy.
The event was off-the-record, meaning I'm not at liberty to share who was in the meeting or any of the specific details. But I can tell you that I gave a condensed version of the same information I've been speaking about publicly in recent weeks. I will be speaking on the same topic on Capitol Hill today with a group of Congressmen who have invited me to discuss the latest events with Putin and Ahmadinejad and what they might mean.
Here's an executive summary:
* To misunderstand the nature and threat of evil is to risk being blindsided by it. A new evil is rising in the world. Ahmadinejad is the new Hitler. Putin is a new Czar. Yet the West seems to be asleep to the implications of this dangerous new alliance.
* Ahmadinejad is a devout Shia Muslim. He began telling colleagues when he was first elected in the summer of 2005 that the end of the world was just two or three years away. He said the way to hasten the coming of the Islamic Messiah known as the "Mahdi" or the "Twelfth Imam" or the "Hidden Imam" is to annihilate two countries -- Israel, which he says is the "little Satan," and the United States, which he says is the "Great Satan."
* In September 2005, Ahmadinejad concluded his address to the U.N. by praying that Allah would hasten the coming of the Mahdi.
* Ahmadinejad returned to Iran after that speech and told Shia clerics that as he had spoken at the U.N. he had been surrounded by a halo of light, and that for 27 or 28 minutes not a single person in the General Assembly hall had even blinked, so mesmerized were they -- he said -- but what Allah was saying through him.
* In October 2005, Ahmadinejad gave his famous speech vowing to wipe Israel off the map. In the same speech, he urged the Muslim world to envision a world without the United States, and said this is possible -- a world without America and Zionism -- "when our holy hatred strikes like a wave."
* In December 2005, Russia signed a $1 billion arms deal with Iran, selling high-speed missiles to the Ahmadinejad regime, on top of billions of dollars worth of other arms, submarines, and nuclear technology in recent years.
* In September 2006, Ahmadinejad returned to the U.N. and again concluded his address by praying for Allah to hasten the coming of the Mahdi. Throughout 2006 and 2007, he has continued to give regular speeches denouncing Israel and assuring Muslims that the Jewish State will soon "vanish."
* In August 2007, Ahmadinejad began shifting gears. He was no longer saying that the end of the world was two or three years away. Now he was saying the return of the Mahdi was "imminent."
* In September 2007, Ahmadinejad again spoke at the U.N., as well as at Columbia University in New York City. This time, rather than ending his speeches with a prayer, he began both speeches by asking Allah to hasten the coming of the Mahdi.
* For the past two years, Ahmadinejad has been feverishly trying
to build, buy or steal nuclear weapons. He has specifically been building alliances with three nuclear powers, Russia, China and North Korea, in pursuit of his genocidal objectives.
* Despite the apocalyptic rhetoric coming out of Tehran, the military, political and economic relationship between Russia and Iran has intensified dramatically over the past two years. Putin doesn't seem bothered by the talk of genocide. Putin and Ahmadinejad have met regularly. Putin's visit this week to Iran was the first by a Russian leader since 1943.
* Putin didn't meet only with Ahmadinejad in Iran. He also held a summit with the leaders of several Central Asian/Caspian Sea nations and issued a threat to the U.S. not to intervene militarily to stop Iran's nuclear program.
* No one is entirely certain why Putin is building an alliance with such radical Islamic regimes. Russia is certainly making billions of dollars from their arms and nuclear deals. Putin clearly wants to rebuild the glory of Mother Russia. He is becoming a Czar, centralizing power to himself and now saying he will step down as president in 2008 but stay in power as prime minister.
* As an emerging Czar, Putin wants to expand Russia's borders and influence. But he can't go West, because NATO is moving East. Putin can't go East because he borders a nuclear China. He recently claimed sovereignty over the North Pole. But his real opportunity to build a global, anti-Western empire lies to the South. So Putin is feverishly working to build alliances with Islamic and Arab powers, including Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Libya, Algeria, and several Central Asian states, as well as Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world.
* Still, given Russia's experience in Chechnya, it doesn't really make sense that Russia would arm radical Islamic nations, or help them go nuclear.
* The Bible offers an intriguing clue to what could be happening.
In Ezekiel 38-39, the Hebrew Prophet Ezekiel foretold a Russian-Iranian alliance that would form with a group of other North African, Middle Eastern, and Central Asian states in what the Bible calls "the last days." For most of the past 2,500 years since the prophecy was writtten, this had never happened. But it seems to be happening now.
* No one knows exactly when these prophecies will be fulfilled in their entirely. I certainly do not. My 2005 political thriller, The Ezekiel Option, was a fictional look at how these prophecies might play out, if they were to play in my lifetime. Epicenter is a non-fiction look (both the book and the documentary film) at these prophecies and the current dynamics in Russia, Iran and the rest of the region. It considers the possibility that we might actually be closer to the fulfillment of these prophecies that anyone in the political, business or media worlds has expected.
* One curious development worth noting: Ezekiel 36 and 37 have already come true in our lifetime. These are the famous prophecies that say that in the end times, Israel will be reborn as a nation, Jews will pour back into the Holy Land after centuries of exile, they will make the deserts bloom, they will rebuild the ancient ruins, and have an "exceedingly great army." Since these dramatic events have already happened, it begs the question: Could Ezekiel 38-39 -- what Bible scholars call the "War of Gog and Magog" -- also come true in our lifetime? This remains to be seen. But current events are raising lots of intriguing questions.
As I write in Epicenter, I am not trying to persuade people that these events are coming to pass soon. I'm trying to raise awareness of the threats we face as Americans, the threats our friends in Israel face, and the threats that everyone in the "epicenter" faces --, Jews, Muslims and Christians alike. I'm trying to make people aware of prophecies that intrigue me personally, and that may have relevance for our time. And I'm trying to motivate people to do more to care for the needs of the suffering and threatened people of the epicenter, specifically through the work of The Joshua Fund, the non-profit group that Lynn and I launched last year.
While I cannot say whether people in the Pentagon or Congress or the White House share my views, I am both intrigued and grateful that they are interested and have invited me to share my perspective.
At this moment in history, let us pray faithfully and earnestly for our political and military leaders, as well for the leaders in Israel, Russia, Iran and the epicenter.
As the Apostle Paul wrote in I Timothy 2:1-4: "First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."
18 September 2001
An open letter to members of the National Black Police Association
I am writing this letter watching on from afar as we the general public observe through the media the very public attempt to execute the head of your Police force Sir Ian Blair by what can only be described as a group of bloody thirsty wolves who are seeking a very public coup over one of the Nations main institutions too which you belong and serve the people of this Country in.
You only have to look at the background to this group of wolves to see that it is not a group that should be followed and supported. Each of them are seeking their own gain out of this attempted coup which is money and the public execution of the Top of the Countries Police force, and are seeking to use you in the process as the heavy cavalry behind them.
If you cannot see that then you are blind and stupid and shouldn’t be working in the Police force in the first place.
Tarique Ghaffur has risen over the years working within the Police force to the third most senior position which in anyone’s book is good going for any officer let alone an ethnic minority officer in what this group is calling a racist organisation. This position which reflects his ability isn’t good enough for him and because he has not been promoted beyond it where he personally believes he should be he is now throwing the racism card in the face of those leaders who have supported his career and helped him rise through the ranks, and claiming millions in compensation in the process.
Talk about biting the hand that has fed you and supported you but I suppose you should not expect anything less from a wolf, a natural wild beast.
Commander Ali Dizaei as head of your organisation who has had his own conflicts within the British Police force has come out in support of Tarique Ghaffur claim of racism and the potential compensation claim they are aiming for.
You know your own Commanders story better than anyone else and I wonder how he has ended up as the head of your organisation due to it?
I am sure that many if not most are thinking the exact same thing.
Yasmin Rehman a has also came out in support of Tarique Ghaffur after he emerged into the public eye claiming racism with her own claim of racism and the subsequent compensation claim that comes with it which has bolstered the potential coup at the top.
Then the M.P Keith Vaz entered the proceedings to add weight behind the charges against Sir Ian Blair.
A considerable force to try and topple the Head of your organisation do you not think?
They have also enlisted the crooked con man Dr Shahrokh Mireskandari to represent them in the legal proceedings who each of them know personally on an intimate level, even to the point of breaking British law on his behalf of which you are the upholders.
Why would you even want to entertain the thought of supporting such a corrupt ungrateful group of wolves who are in this for their own personal and political gain, and wanting to use you in the process to achieve it?
Commander Ali Dizaei is talking about using you to march on our streets to demonstrate against Sir Ian Blair and calling for a boycott of recruiting ethnic minority Police officers. The only ones who will lose out if they choose that approach are the stupid ones who agree to it because they will stay unemployed when they could be working in one of the Worlds leading 21st Centuries police forces.
Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that Commander Ali Dizaei is trying to use his position over you for his own personal gain does it?
When I read the news about this matter it abhors me that he is head of the Black Police Association and keeps saying as such and using this as his beating stick because he is not black he is Asian.
He is tarring ever fine black officer with his brush and if you look at this group they are all Asian not black so why is he using the black card?
Through this he is forcing each and everyone of you into his defence whether you like it or not and I expect the overwhelming majority of you do not like it.
This same Asian Commander at the NPBA called for officers to vote in favour of positively discriminating within the Police force in favour of ethnic minority officers because of the colour of your skin. How can that be right, shouldn’t the job go to the man with the ability not the man with a different colour skin, isn’t that racist? And you cannot say that skin colour prevents a man from rising through the ranks because there are good high ranking black Police officers and many rising through the ranks based on their ability not their skin colour, and look at Tarique Ghaffur for example of an Asian officer who rose to No.3 in the force.
The race card is a very useful and powerful tool in the hands of people who cannot get their own way in today’s society I hope you agree.
Following the news the past few years we see the lengths Sir Ian Blair has gone too to rid the Police force of racism even to the point of declaring it institutionally racist after the Stephen Lawrence enquiry and putting in place measures to counteract that and change it.
I should think that any ethic minority Police officers who might read this would have to agree that they enjoy their day job and the colleagues they work with no matter what the colour of their skin otherwise they wouldn’t still be there. Of course there are exceptions and there are measures in place to tackle those exceptions that arise.
It is very easy now to cry racism and the whole world comes down upon those who the charges are leveled at. Why do you think this group of wolves are using the race card? The most effective and powerful legal weapon there is now for ethnic minority people in today’s Britain to get what they want.
In my personal opinion when looking at this situation it is a group of Moslems who have joined forces seeking this coup for political and personal gain and they are forcing all black officers into the coup because Commander Ali Dizaei is the head of your organisation who isn’t even black.
Something a little wrong there don’t you think?
So in signing off I would just like to say ‘Why would you want to enter into this groups attempted coup and march on the streets?’ and ‘Why would people not want to join the Police force because Commander Ali Dizaei says they shouldn’t because he is involved in his own personal war against the force?’
Who does he think he is?
I know that any Moslem officers who may get to read this will reject everything because in their eyes they have to support their Moslem brothers and sisters no matter what because of what their religion teaches them so they will march and boycott but who cares really.
Isnt it time you removed these wolves from amongst you and put some men of integrity in their place who have the respect of everyone to lead you forward and defend your rights.
It doesn’t take a brain scientist from amongst you to organise your own coup within your organisation to get your house in order by removing these people from their positions over you does it.
I know for a fact that the majority of your members know that Sir Ian Blair is not a racist so these charges are false, so if they are false then you have to look beyond what are the mechanics at play here.
You only have to look at the background to this group of wolves to see that it is not a group that should be followed and supported. Each of them are seeking their own gain out of this attempted coup which is money and the public execution of the Top of the Countries Police force, and are seeking to use you in the process as the heavy cavalry behind them.
If you cannot see that then you are blind and stupid and shouldn’t be working in the Police force in the first place.
Tarique Ghaffur has risen over the years working within the Police force to the third most senior position which in anyone’s book is good going for any officer let alone an ethnic minority officer in what this group is calling a racist organisation. This position which reflects his ability isn’t good enough for him and because he has not been promoted beyond it where he personally believes he should be he is now throwing the racism card in the face of those leaders who have supported his career and helped him rise through the ranks, and claiming millions in compensation in the process.
Talk about biting the hand that has fed you and supported you but I suppose you should not expect anything less from a wolf, a natural wild beast.
Commander Ali Dizaei as head of your organisation who has had his own conflicts within the British Police force has come out in support of Tarique Ghaffur claim of racism and the potential compensation claim they are aiming for.
You know your own Commanders story better than anyone else and I wonder how he has ended up as the head of your organisation due to it?
I am sure that many if not most are thinking the exact same thing.
Yasmin Rehman a has also came out in support of Tarique Ghaffur after he emerged into the public eye claiming racism with her own claim of racism and the subsequent compensation claim that comes with it which has bolstered the potential coup at the top.
Then the M.P Keith Vaz entered the proceedings to add weight behind the charges against Sir Ian Blair.
A considerable force to try and topple the Head of your organisation do you not think?
They have also enlisted the crooked con man Dr Shahrokh Mireskandari to represent them in the legal proceedings who each of them know personally on an intimate level, even to the point of breaking British law on his behalf of which you are the upholders.
Why would you even want to entertain the thought of supporting such a corrupt ungrateful group of wolves who are in this for their own personal and political gain, and wanting to use you in the process to achieve it?
Commander Ali Dizaei is talking about using you to march on our streets to demonstrate against Sir Ian Blair and calling for a boycott of recruiting ethnic minority Police officers. The only ones who will lose out if they choose that approach are the stupid ones who agree to it because they will stay unemployed when they could be working in one of the Worlds leading 21st Centuries police forces.
Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that Commander Ali Dizaei is trying to use his position over you for his own personal gain does it?
When I read the news about this matter it abhors me that he is head of the Black Police Association and keeps saying as such and using this as his beating stick because he is not black he is Asian.
He is tarring ever fine black officer with his brush and if you look at this group they are all Asian not black so why is he using the black card?
Through this he is forcing each and everyone of you into his defence whether you like it or not and I expect the overwhelming majority of you do not like it.
This same Asian Commander at the NPBA called for officers to vote in favour of positively discriminating within the Police force in favour of ethnic minority officers because of the colour of your skin. How can that be right, shouldn’t the job go to the man with the ability not the man with a different colour skin, isn’t that racist? And you cannot say that skin colour prevents a man from rising through the ranks because there are good high ranking black Police officers and many rising through the ranks based on their ability not their skin colour, and look at Tarique Ghaffur for example of an Asian officer who rose to No.3 in the force.
The race card is a very useful and powerful tool in the hands of people who cannot get their own way in today’s society I hope you agree.
Following the news the past few years we see the lengths Sir Ian Blair has gone too to rid the Police force of racism even to the point of declaring it institutionally racist after the Stephen Lawrence enquiry and putting in place measures to counteract that and change it.
I should think that any ethic minority Police officers who might read this would have to agree that they enjoy their day job and the colleagues they work with no matter what the colour of their skin otherwise they wouldn’t still be there. Of course there are exceptions and there are measures in place to tackle those exceptions that arise.
It is very easy now to cry racism and the whole world comes down upon those who the charges are leveled at. Why do you think this group of wolves are using the race card? The most effective and powerful legal weapon there is now for ethnic minority people in today’s Britain to get what they want.
In my personal opinion when looking at this situation it is a group of Moslems who have joined forces seeking this coup for political and personal gain and they are forcing all black officers into the coup because Commander Ali Dizaei is the head of your organisation who isn’t even black.
Something a little wrong there don’t you think?
So in signing off I would just like to say ‘Why would you want to enter into this groups attempted coup and march on the streets?’ and ‘Why would people not want to join the Police force because Commander Ali Dizaei says they shouldn’t because he is involved in his own personal war against the force?’
Who does he think he is?
I know that any Moslem officers who may get to read this will reject everything because in their eyes they have to support their Moslem brothers and sisters no matter what because of what their religion teaches them so they will march and boycott but who cares really.
Isnt it time you removed these wolves from amongst you and put some men of integrity in their place who have the respect of everyone to lead you forward and defend your rights.
It doesn’t take a brain scientist from amongst you to organise your own coup within your organisation to get your house in order by removing these people from their positions over you does it.
I know for a fact that the majority of your members know that Sir Ian Blair is not a racist so these charges are false, so if they are false then you have to look beyond what are the mechanics at play here.
15 September 2001
Israel: Hadrians curse
Hadrian's Curse
By: Tsafrir Renon
The following article was written by a friend of mine, Tsafrir Ronen, who has been working tirelessly to bring the truth about the Jewish claim to the Land of Israel to both Israeli and international audiences. The information contained in this article is critical for an understanding of the Arab claims against Israel and their ultimate goal in creating the fiction of Palestinian nationalism. J.
Sondra Baras
Director, Israel Office
CFOIC Heartland
Almost 2,000 years ago, the Roman Emperor Hadrian cursed the Jewish People and decreed that Judea should be henceforth called "Palestine" after the Philistines, an ancient enemy of Israel that had disappeared from the world’s stage more than 600
years earlier. It was his final twist of the knife and legacy after wars,massacres, persecutions, and exiles that had largely extinguished the Jewish presence from Judea. Today, the modern enemies of a resurrected Jewish Nation have dusted off Hadrian's curse and are attempting to pull off a monumental theft: the Arab world have reincarnated "Palestine" to steal Israel's heritage and the Land of the Jewish People.
"Hadrian's Curse" will expose the BIG lie of the "Palestinian cause" in a full-length 120-minute documentary.
The film will document that there never was a "Palestinian" people, The world has
become so accustomed to the "truth" of the "Palestinian" perversion of history and
work backwards, exposing recent claims and acts whose absurdity and villainy shock uninformed observers. When Arafat declared: "Our nation is the Arabic nation that stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea and beyond it", it turns out that Arafat's nation already stretches over an area larger than all of Europe.
This is the twisted story of one of the biggest, most remarkable fraud in history. It is such a successful fabrication that many otherwise informed people have been duped and mislead. This propaganda has become a powerful weapon used Israel’s enemies, the Arabs, to try to conquer Eretz Yisrael without firing a shot, without an army, tanks or jets.
The Jewish People eventually bested Hadrian. They returned to their land and re-established sovereignty over it. They rebuilt Jerusalem as their capital and resettled desolate Judea. They did all this only to now confront the reincarnated curse of Hadrian in the guise of Arabs renaming themselves "Palestinians" and claiming all the ancient Land as their own. As explained in the Film, many Israelis and lovers of Zion have accepted this misnaming and misidentification. Hadrian’s ancient curse now threatens Israel’s very existence.
Israel’s success and endurance and the world’s hope for peace in the 21st century, demands that the deceit and danger of a Palestinian state must be exposed and
avoided. It is our fervent hope that "Hadrian's Curse" will expose the historical truth.
Part I - The Secret All the Arabs Know
At the Annapolis Conference, George Bush spoke about his vision regarding the virtues of two nations for two peoples.
One of those peoples has a clear identity – the Jewish People. Yet it would be interesting to know the identity of that second people: Already in 1977, one of
the central spokesman of that "second people", a member of P.L.O. leadership, Zahir Muhsein, the leader of the al-Sa'iqa Organization, revealed the truth in an interview to the Dutch newspaper Trouw:
"The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian people' to oppose Zionism for tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa. While as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."
Are you in shock? If the Palestinian People does not exist, what does exist? Arabs
who live in Eretz Yisrael and who have disguised themselves as "Palestinians"
for fraudulent purposes. "Only a means for continuing our struggle against the State of Israel," in Muhsein's words. A fraud so successful that even George Bush can be found seeking a state for that fraud!
Do you think Zahir Muhsein is alone? This transparent fraud about the so-called
existence of Palestine is revealed to us by all the Arabs' leaders:
In 1974, the late Syrian President, Hafez al-Assad, declared: "It would be fitting for us to mention to the responsible Israeli authorities that we view Palestine not
just as an inseparable part of the Arab nation, but as a part of Southern Syria."
In 1987, he reiterated himself at a conference in Amman, "A country named'Palestine' has never existed." Jordanian King Hussein responded, "The appearance of the national Palestinian persona serves as a response to Israel's claim that Palestine is Jewish."
Yet the prize goes to Arafat who in 1970, with candid simplicity, told the reporter
Orianna Palazzi: "The question of borders doesn't interest us…From the Arab standpoint, we mustn't talk about borders. Palestine is nothing but a drop in an enormous ocean. Our nation is the Arabic nation that stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea and beyond it…..The P.L.O. is fighting Israel in the name
of Pan-Arabism. What you call "Jordan" is nothing more than Palestine."
Such revelations are an eye-opener for anyone who has not understood until today the masked-ball being run by the Arabs: The true meaning of Arafat's words that "Palestine is Jordan," is that for the Arabic people, living under the "Pan-Arab" umbrella, in addition to over twenty Arabic countries, there is already a country called Jordan that was established by the British for the Arabs on 77% of the Land of Israel, promised to the Jewish People by the League of Nations in 1922.
Anywhere else on earth, could an additional country would be established for a people that already has twenty-one countries?
All the same, there is nothing like the testimony of the founder of the P.L.O. himself, Ahmed Shukari. Already in 1956 he proclaimed from the podium of the U.N., as the Arab League's ambassador there, that "such a creature as Palestine does not
exist at all. This land is nothing but the southern portion of Greater Syria…"
And if Ahmed Shukari says that Palestine does not exist at all, the logical inference is that "Palestinians" do not exist at all either. That same Shukari was born of a Turkish mother in Lebanon, was himself a Jordanian lawyer, served as the ambassador of Syria to the U.N., the ambassador of the Arab League to the U.N., and the ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the U.N. In 1964, after this talented actor who changed loyalties like a chameleon was fired by the Saudis, Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser hired him to found the "Palestine Liberation Organization", the P.L.O., an organization dedicated to the liberation of a country that in his own words did not exist at all.
All the prominent spokesman of that poor, homeless "people" say openly: The Arabs
who live in Eretz Yisrael are precisely the same Arabs who live in Syria, Jordan
or Lebanon. They are not a separate country, but a fragment of the enormous Arab nation divided amongst many Arab countries. In their identity they are Arabs and the invention of Palestine is just a transparent bluff: "a means for continuing our struggle against the State of Israel for our Arab unity".
Can any testimony be better than that of the Arabs themselves, exposing the lies and deception involved in Palestine's creation?
Yet the most compelling argument for the idea that the "Palestinian People" is a
fraudulent invention, and that the Arabs are all one people, was expounded by none
other than Mr. Husseini, head of the Supreme Arab Committee, to the U.N. special committee that was deliberating on Eretz Yisrael in 1947:
"An additional consideration of great importance for the Arab world is racial uniformity. The Arabs lived in a broad expanse stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean. They spoke one language,and shared a common history, tradition and aspirations. Their unity was the solid foundation for peace in one of the most central and sensitive regions in the world. For that reason, it does not make sense that the United Nations should facilitate the establishment of a foreign entity within that well-rooted unity."
Indeed, Mr. Husseini is correct. His declaration before the investigative committee of the United Nations exposes the simple fact that there is no "Palestinian" language and no unique "Palestinian" culture. The Palestinians are Arabs, and they
cannot be set apart from the Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc.
Remove from the argument the lies and untruths and you reveal that the conflict is
taking place between the Arabic, Muslim empire of twenty-one states and the Jewish People, claiming their right to their one and only historic homeland, consisting of less than one fifth of a percent of the lands under Arab control.
This is the twisted story of the biggest, most unprecedented fraud in history.
It involves such a successful bluff that many people have no doubt about its veracity. This propaganda has become a powerful weapon by which means Israel's enemies, the Arabs, are trying to conquer Eretz Yisrael without firing a shot, without an army, tanks or jets.
Part II - The Arabs' Ultimate Goal
Following the Six Day War, the Arab countries, defeated by a small county determined
to survive, understood that Israel would be impossible to beat militarily. They understood that the Israeli Samson would be possible to beat only by way of the cunning of the Philistine Delilah.
And that's what happened…. No longer would there be cries firing up the masses to genocide, but rather, sophistication…A melody carefully aimed at the delicate western ear. The Arabs discovered that from a propaganda standpoint, it was easier to convince world public opinion of the rights of the poor, small, deprived "Palestinian People" to its own state, than to justify the demand of the enormous Arab empire for an addition of territory from a tiny country fighting for its life.
The Palestinian People is a fabrication invented with aforethought as a psychological weapon of Arab countries defeated in battle, a "Trojan Horse"
for conquering Eretz Yisrael, as Feisel Husseini said after the Oslo Accords.
So was born the worldwide propaganda campaign that turned matters on their head.
The Israeli "David" against the Arab "Goliath" was transformed, by way of sophisticated propaganda, into the Israeli "Goliath" oppressing the Palestinian "David". The object of this propaganda is to blot out and forge the name and identity of the ancient, Biblical Eretz Yisrael, and to transform it into the land of "the Palestinian People" fabricated by Arab propaganda.
By such means did their false propaganda gain such a strong foothold in the media
and the bastions of liberalism that no one has paid any attention to the simple truths spoken openly by Zahir Muhsein, Assad, Shukari, King Hussein or Arafat.
By means of brainwashing, fabrications, lies, falsification, and taking advantage of the world's ignorance and the international media's superficiality, a process
has been taking place in broad daylight, for several dozen years already, of counterfeiting and blotting out history. And just as Goebbels and Hitler, the arch propagandists of the 20th century said derisively, the bigger the lie, the more people will believe in it.
Fulfilling the demands of the Palestinian lie, will put an end to the identity of Eretz Yisrael. Following the loss of the Land's identity, will come the loss of our right to the land. For, if there are "Palestinians", that implies that there is also a land called Palestine, and if there is a Palestine… then there is no Eretz Yisrael.
The most terrible part is that large sectors of Israel, itself, have already fallen
into the Arab propaganda trap. It is they who are opening the door to the Trojan horse that will destroy the identity of Eretz Yisrael.
This is a war that is not being waged by means of weapons and armies, or over physical territory. It is being waged on the battlefields of awareness of the Land's identity. The Roman name "Philistia" was a fiction invented by the Roman emperor Hadrian after the Bar Kochba Revolt in 135 C.E., a fiction of Hadrian then, and a fiction of the Arabs today, to the same degree.
It is a fabrication that represents no people, not then and not today. It is a sophisticated fiction invented for one purpose and one purpose alone, to wipe
out a land's identity. If the land is called Palestine, then the Jewish people are occupiers. If the land is called Eretz Yisrael, then the Arabs are occupiers.
This is the essence of the Arab propaganda war, which is intended to steal the identity of Eretz Yisrael and to transform it into Palestine, and by such means to turn the Jewish people into occupiers of Eretz Yisrael. That's the whole story.
Now it's already clear. The Palestinian identity is tactical, artificial and temporary. It is just a tool in the pan-Arab struggle against Israel. The amazing thing is that it's all out in the open. Section 12 of the Palestinian charter summarizes the idea of this temporary identity, by stating that:
"The Palestinian people believes in Arab unification. It believes that in order to fulfill its task towards achieving this goal, it must, at this stage of its national struggle, preserve all the components of its Palestinian personality, and it must increase awareness of its existence, and reject all plans liable to weaken it or make it disappear."
Is there another people in the world that writes in its charter of self-definition the expression "at this stage"? And what will be in the next stage? Obviously, after conquering Israel, the territory will be divided up between Arab countries, and those Arab countries themselves will throw Palestine into the wastebasket of history.
As Arafat said, the Palestinian people are a fiction. The same is true regarding
the Jordanian people and all the other Arabic speaking peoples in the Middle East.
These are not peoples with separate identities, but part of the great Arab nation.
Only that has a true identity. By their self-definition, they cannot be divided up into a number of peoples with individual identities. Rather, they constitute one nation consisting of many states, as Arafat himself said to Arianna Palazzi in an incautious moment.
For the sophisticated Saudis, with their Saudi Peace Plan, it is clear that its purpose is not to actualize the rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination, for no such people exists. They conceal the truth that the great Arab nation has already actualized its right to self-determination by establishing a large number of countries, one of which extends over about 78% of the area of mandatory Eretz Yisrael. For the Arabs, exploding with laughter over the foolishness of the West, it is clear that if an additional Arab state arises in the western portion of Eretz Yisrael, that will not serve the right of self-determination, but the demand of imperial conquest of all Eretz Yisrael by the Arab nation. Is George Bush dragging Israel to its destruction?
The Palestinian fabrication is exposed precisely when we listen to authentic Arab
voices. The prominent Arab historian, Dr. Philip Hitti, who expressed himself at the Anglo-American commission of inquiry in the State Department building in 1947, said as follows: "Sir, Palestine never existed throughout history. Absolutely not!"
Moreover, Professor Juhan Hazam, in his testimony before that same commission,
added:"Before 1917, when Balfour made his declaration, there had never been a Palestinian question, and there was no Palestine as a political or geographic unit."
Also a local Arab leader, Abd al-Mahdi, testified before the Peal Commission in 1937
as follows: "There is no such land. Palestine is a term invented by the Zionists. There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our land was for hundreds of years a part
of Syria."
Indeed, this is a picture of the real situation in 1918 and at the start of the British conquest of Eretz Yisrael…
Were there any trace of truth to the claim regarding the historicity of a Palestinian People, we should certainly have expected to find mention of it in the history books and encyclopedias, as well as in archaeological research.
Part III- Will Israel finish Hadrian's Work?
Thus, the way to Palestinian Hell was paved with the good intentions of Christian Zionists like Lord Balfour, the British foreign secretary. In the Balfour declaration, and by the decree of the Mandate, they decided, based on historic rights, to grant Eretz Yisrael to the Jewish people. Yet they called it Hadrian's Roman name, Palestine, which had originally had the precise intention of blotting it off the map.
From that moment on, the way was prepared for the birth of the Palestinian fiction.
The name Palestine, by which the British accidentally called the land, bore the seeds of destruction of the Palestinian bluff, as if the entire Land was the stolen property of the Palestinian people, an ancient, rooted people, thousands of years old. This was such an incredible but successful fabrication that large portions of Israeli society fell into its snare. In the report presented in 1938 to the League of Nations, the British made it very clear: "The name 'Palestine' is not a country but a geographic region.'"
No one could have imagined in 1917, at the time of the Balfour declaration during WWI, that anyone would use the name Palestine to create a monstrous, hostile, false identity, for propaganda purposes, and would engrave on their flag the destruction of Israel.
The reporter and writer Joan Peters, in her book From Time Immemorial, writes,
"The one and only identity never adopted [by the inhabitants of Eretz Yisrael] before 1967 was that of 'Palestinian Arab'."
The Palestinian lie was not hatched by any land or any people, but by a map, a map drawn by two European colonial ministers, an Englishman, Herman Sykes, and a Frenchman, George Picot, and on the map was written… "Palestine". It was clear to
the British that Palestine as a sovereign political unit had never existed. No
nation had ever borne its name. No people had ever prayed for its welfare.
It was a name that hadn't existed at all for 1300 years, ironically, precisely when Muslim empires were dominant. "Palestine" was a Roman political fabrication that had faded and disappeared together with the empire that had created it.
The Land regained independence only when the name "Eretz Yisrael" [the Land of Israel], the name in the hearts of the first Zionists, was restored to it. Had not this identity been preserved by the Jewish People, and had it not been preserved in the hearts of the Christian Bible-loving nations who made up the League of
Nations, the national rebirth of the Jewish People might never have taken place.
This is the substance of the war being waged on millions of television screens throughout the world. It is being waged over the identity of Eretz Yisrael. It is being waged by means of all the media, and it seems as though the Arabs have the upper hand, while Israel leaves an impression of impotence, of not yet having even identified the battlefield on which its fate will be sealed.
While Israel prepares jets and tanks for a military struggle, Israel's enemies are preparing their weapons for the final battle, for sticking the last dagger into the back of a State of Israel that does not understand and is not even ready for this battle. Unless Israel prepares for this battle, comes to an understanding of its complexity and frees itself from the false terminologies and constant brainwashing, Israel will be defeated and its land will be irrevocably taken from it.
Will Israel, which valiantly vanquished all the Arab armies when they attacked it also know how to face this propaganda attack that is threatening to destroy it?
It would seem as though the battle is already decided. The Arab propaganda has already penetrated the nervous system and destroyed the immune system that defended the Jewish People for 2000 years, with even the Israeli Prime Minister and Foreign Minister saying that "Israel's interest is to establish a Palestinian state"…
In other words, what they want is for the Bible to be rewritten and for King David's land of the Bible to become the land of Goliath the Philistine.
Could anything be more insane? Is there another nation on earth that behaves this way?
Is it possible that Israel will be beaten without a single shot being fired, simply handing over their land to a wretched fabrication, a coarse, primitive, charlatan canard, a deception that conceals the destruction that the Arabs are preparing for Israel? Could Israel's leaders be too blind to see the danger looming of the Land's Jewish identity being lost? Will precisely the vision of the prophets, fulfilled with the establishment of the State of Israel, bring with it the destruction of the identity of the Jewish People's land, and lead to its exchange for the false identity of Hadrian – Palestine?
When lies are repeated many times, they become true. Such a lie is the fabrication regarding the existence of a historic Palestinian identity. That false identity, which began with Hadrian's curse and that was revived by Lord Balfour, has become a first rate propaganda tool. It became that the moment the Arabs understood the potential of destroying the identity of Eretz Yisrael, and with it the identity of the People of Israel, whose name bears the stamp of ownership of the Land.
The struggle against Israel was the glue that bound the Arab world, otherwise sunken in endless internal quarrels. The Arabs' aim in fabricating Palestine was not to build a nation but to annihilate a nation. Yet to conceal that plan, they invented the plan of "phases". The first phase is the invention of a "Palestinian People." The second phase is the liquidation of Israel, weakened and wearied after Oslo.
By such means did the Arabs conceal their genocidal intent with a "new tool", in the words of Zahir Muhsein, for conquering Eretz Yisrael without firing a shot.
All of these lies and falsehoods, this whole "costume ball" is being marketed by the media, which is turning out to be an obsessive collaborator with the biggest lie on earth.
Precisely this Hadrian understood. That's why he chose the name Palestine.
Precisely this is understood as well by Hadrian's heirs – the Arab propagandists who through their use of this false name sever the historic tie between the People and the Land of Israel. Without doing that, it would be impossible to use the word "conquest" – could a people be considered the conqueror of its own land?
The question Israel faces is this: Will the Jews forego the name and the identity of their Biblical land? Will the Christian world agree to concede on the identity of the cradle of western civilization, the holy land, Eretz Yisrael?
It's the twist of fate that for all this to happen, the Jews had to vanquish Hadrian completely, return to their land, establish sovereignty, resurrect the Hebrew language, establish a mighty army, industry, the best agriculture on earth, hi- tech, culture, song, dance, reestablish a nation, rebuild Jerusalem as their
capital and settle every town and village that Hadrian destroyed. Could we have possibly come full circle? Will Hadrian's curse, which didn't succeed for 1800 year, precisely when Israel was in exile from their land, succeed just now, with Israel's return? Will it be precisely the Israeli government that will resurrect Hadrian's curse, previously lost in the depths of forgetfulness?
Today, 1800 years later, an Israeli Prime Minister is calling for fulfilling what Hadrian failed to do – the erasure of Eretz Yisrael and the establishment of Palestine.
The Emperor Hadrian is smiling from the grave.
The writer, a Former member of the secular Kibbutz “Ein Charod” is a media personality, serves in an elite army unit [Sayeret Matkal] and was one of the founders of the “Nahalal Forum on Behalf of the Entire Eretz Yisrael”. He is presently preparing a documentary film on the Arab Palestine myth called : Hadrian's Curse
Hadrian's Curse
By: Tsafrir Renon
The following article was written by a friend of mine, Tsafrir Ronen, who has been working tirelessly to bring the truth about the Jewish claim to the Land of Israel to both Israeli and international audiences. The information contained in this article is critical for an understanding of the Arab claims against Israel and their ultimate goal in creating the fiction of Palestinian nationalism. J.
Sondra Baras
Director, Israel Office
CFOIC Heartland
Almost 2,000 years ago, the Roman Emperor Hadrian cursed the Jewish People and decreed that Judea should be henceforth called "Palestine" after the Philistines, an ancient enemy of Israel that had disappeared from the world’s stage more than 600
years earlier. It was his final twist of the knife and legacy after wars,massacres, persecutions, and exiles that had largely extinguished the Jewish presence from Judea. Today, the modern enemies of a resurrected Jewish Nation have dusted off Hadrian's curse and are attempting to pull off a monumental theft: the Arab world have reincarnated "Palestine" to steal Israel's heritage and the Land of the Jewish People.
"Hadrian's Curse" will expose the BIG lie of the "Palestinian cause" in a full-length 120-minute documentary.
The film will document that there never was a "Palestinian" people, The world has
become so accustomed to the "truth" of the "Palestinian" perversion of history and
work backwards, exposing recent claims and acts whose absurdity and villainy shock uninformed observers. When Arafat declared: "Our nation is the Arabic nation that stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea and beyond it", it turns out that Arafat's nation already stretches over an area larger than all of Europe.
This is the twisted story of one of the biggest, most remarkable fraud in history. It is such a successful fabrication that many otherwise informed people have been duped and mislead. This propaganda has become a powerful weapon used Israel’s enemies, the Arabs, to try to conquer Eretz Yisrael without firing a shot, without an army, tanks or jets.
The Jewish People eventually bested Hadrian. They returned to their land and re-established sovereignty over it. They rebuilt Jerusalem as their capital and resettled desolate Judea. They did all this only to now confront the reincarnated curse of Hadrian in the guise of Arabs renaming themselves "Palestinians" and claiming all the ancient Land as their own. As explained in the Film, many Israelis and lovers of Zion have accepted this misnaming and misidentification. Hadrian’s ancient curse now threatens Israel’s very existence.
Israel’s success and endurance and the world’s hope for peace in the 21st century, demands that the deceit and danger of a Palestinian state must be exposed and
avoided. It is our fervent hope that "Hadrian's Curse" will expose the historical truth.
Part I - The Secret All the Arabs Know
At the Annapolis Conference, George Bush spoke about his vision regarding the virtues of two nations for two peoples.
One of those peoples has a clear identity – the Jewish People. Yet it would be interesting to know the identity of that second people: Already in 1977, one of
the central spokesman of that "second people", a member of P.L.O. leadership, Zahir Muhsein, the leader of the al-Sa'iqa Organization, revealed the truth in an interview to the Dutch newspaper Trouw:
"The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian people' to oppose Zionism for tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa. While as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."
Are you in shock? If the Palestinian People does not exist, what does exist? Arabs
who live in Eretz Yisrael and who have disguised themselves as "Palestinians"
for fraudulent purposes. "Only a means for continuing our struggle against the State of Israel," in Muhsein's words. A fraud so successful that even George Bush can be found seeking a state for that fraud!
Do you think Zahir Muhsein is alone? This transparent fraud about the so-called
existence of Palestine is revealed to us by all the Arabs' leaders:
In 1974, the late Syrian President, Hafez al-Assad, declared: "It would be fitting for us to mention to the responsible Israeli authorities that we view Palestine not
just as an inseparable part of the Arab nation, but as a part of Southern Syria."
In 1987, he reiterated himself at a conference in Amman, "A country named'Palestine' has never existed." Jordanian King Hussein responded, "The appearance of the national Palestinian persona serves as a response to Israel's claim that Palestine is Jewish."
Yet the prize goes to Arafat who in 1970, with candid simplicity, told the reporter
Orianna Palazzi: "The question of borders doesn't interest us…From the Arab standpoint, we mustn't talk about borders. Palestine is nothing but a drop in an enormous ocean. Our nation is the Arabic nation that stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea and beyond it…..The P.L.O. is fighting Israel in the name
of Pan-Arabism. What you call "Jordan" is nothing more than Palestine."
Such revelations are an eye-opener for anyone who has not understood until today the masked-ball being run by the Arabs: The true meaning of Arafat's words that "Palestine is Jordan," is that for the Arabic people, living under the "Pan-Arab" umbrella, in addition to over twenty Arabic countries, there is already a country called Jordan that was established by the British for the Arabs on 77% of the Land of Israel, promised to the Jewish People by the League of Nations in 1922.
Anywhere else on earth, could an additional country would be established for a people that already has twenty-one countries?
All the same, there is nothing like the testimony of the founder of the P.L.O. himself, Ahmed Shukari. Already in 1956 he proclaimed from the podium of the U.N., as the Arab League's ambassador there, that "such a creature as Palestine does not
exist at all. This land is nothing but the southern portion of Greater Syria…"
And if Ahmed Shukari says that Palestine does not exist at all, the logical inference is that "Palestinians" do not exist at all either. That same Shukari was born of a Turkish mother in Lebanon, was himself a Jordanian lawyer, served as the ambassador of Syria to the U.N., the ambassador of the Arab League to the U.N., and the ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the U.N. In 1964, after this talented actor who changed loyalties like a chameleon was fired by the Saudis, Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser hired him to found the "Palestine Liberation Organization", the P.L.O., an organization dedicated to the liberation of a country that in his own words did not exist at all.
All the prominent spokesman of that poor, homeless "people" say openly: The Arabs
who live in Eretz Yisrael are precisely the same Arabs who live in Syria, Jordan
or Lebanon. They are not a separate country, but a fragment of the enormous Arab nation divided amongst many Arab countries. In their identity they are Arabs and the invention of Palestine is just a transparent bluff: "a means for continuing our struggle against the State of Israel for our Arab unity".
Can any testimony be better than that of the Arabs themselves, exposing the lies and deception involved in Palestine's creation?
Yet the most compelling argument for the idea that the "Palestinian People" is a
fraudulent invention, and that the Arabs are all one people, was expounded by none
other than Mr. Husseini, head of the Supreme Arab Committee, to the U.N. special committee that was deliberating on Eretz Yisrael in 1947:
"An additional consideration of great importance for the Arab world is racial uniformity. The Arabs lived in a broad expanse stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean. They spoke one language,and shared a common history, tradition and aspirations. Their unity was the solid foundation for peace in one of the most central and sensitive regions in the world. For that reason, it does not make sense that the United Nations should facilitate the establishment of a foreign entity within that well-rooted unity."
Indeed, Mr. Husseini is correct. His declaration before the investigative committee of the United Nations exposes the simple fact that there is no "Palestinian" language and no unique "Palestinian" culture. The Palestinians are Arabs, and they
cannot be set apart from the Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc.
Remove from the argument the lies and untruths and you reveal that the conflict is
taking place between the Arabic, Muslim empire of twenty-one states and the Jewish People, claiming their right to their one and only historic homeland, consisting of less than one fifth of a percent of the lands under Arab control.
This is the twisted story of the biggest, most unprecedented fraud in history.
It involves such a successful bluff that many people have no doubt about its veracity. This propaganda has become a powerful weapon by which means Israel's enemies, the Arabs, are trying to conquer Eretz Yisrael without firing a shot, without an army, tanks or jets.
Part II - The Arabs' Ultimate Goal
Following the Six Day War, the Arab countries, defeated by a small county determined
to survive, understood that Israel would be impossible to beat militarily. They understood that the Israeli Samson would be possible to beat only by way of the cunning of the Philistine Delilah.
And that's what happened…. No longer would there be cries firing up the masses to genocide, but rather, sophistication…A melody carefully aimed at the delicate western ear. The Arabs discovered that from a propaganda standpoint, it was easier to convince world public opinion of the rights of the poor, small, deprived "Palestinian People" to its own state, than to justify the demand of the enormous Arab empire for an addition of territory from a tiny country fighting for its life.
The Palestinian People is a fabrication invented with aforethought as a psychological weapon of Arab countries defeated in battle, a "Trojan Horse"
for conquering Eretz Yisrael, as Feisel Husseini said after the Oslo Accords.
So was born the worldwide propaganda campaign that turned matters on their head.
The Israeli "David" against the Arab "Goliath" was transformed, by way of sophisticated propaganda, into the Israeli "Goliath" oppressing the Palestinian "David". The object of this propaganda is to blot out and forge the name and identity of the ancient, Biblical Eretz Yisrael, and to transform it into the land of "the Palestinian People" fabricated by Arab propaganda.
By such means did their false propaganda gain such a strong foothold in the media
and the bastions of liberalism that no one has paid any attention to the simple truths spoken openly by Zahir Muhsein, Assad, Shukari, King Hussein or Arafat.
By means of brainwashing, fabrications, lies, falsification, and taking advantage of the world's ignorance and the international media's superficiality, a process
has been taking place in broad daylight, for several dozen years already, of counterfeiting and blotting out history. And just as Goebbels and Hitler, the arch propagandists of the 20th century said derisively, the bigger the lie, the more people will believe in it.
Fulfilling the demands of the Palestinian lie, will put an end to the identity of Eretz Yisrael. Following the loss of the Land's identity, will come the loss of our right to the land. For, if there are "Palestinians", that implies that there is also a land called Palestine, and if there is a Palestine… then there is no Eretz Yisrael.
The most terrible part is that large sectors of Israel, itself, have already fallen
into the Arab propaganda trap. It is they who are opening the door to the Trojan horse that will destroy the identity of Eretz Yisrael.
This is a war that is not being waged by means of weapons and armies, or over physical territory. It is being waged on the battlefields of awareness of the Land's identity. The Roman name "Philistia" was a fiction invented by the Roman emperor Hadrian after the Bar Kochba Revolt in 135 C.E., a fiction of Hadrian then, and a fiction of the Arabs today, to the same degree.
It is a fabrication that represents no people, not then and not today. It is a sophisticated fiction invented for one purpose and one purpose alone, to wipe
out a land's identity. If the land is called Palestine, then the Jewish people are occupiers. If the land is called Eretz Yisrael, then the Arabs are occupiers.
This is the essence of the Arab propaganda war, which is intended to steal the identity of Eretz Yisrael and to transform it into Palestine, and by such means to turn the Jewish people into occupiers of Eretz Yisrael. That's the whole story.
Now it's already clear. The Palestinian identity is tactical, artificial and temporary. It is just a tool in the pan-Arab struggle against Israel. The amazing thing is that it's all out in the open. Section 12 of the Palestinian charter summarizes the idea of this temporary identity, by stating that:
"The Palestinian people believes in Arab unification. It believes that in order to fulfill its task towards achieving this goal, it must, at this stage of its national struggle, preserve all the components of its Palestinian personality, and it must increase awareness of its existence, and reject all plans liable to weaken it or make it disappear."
Is there another people in the world that writes in its charter of self-definition the expression "at this stage"? And what will be in the next stage? Obviously, after conquering Israel, the territory will be divided up between Arab countries, and those Arab countries themselves will throw Palestine into the wastebasket of history.
As Arafat said, the Palestinian people are a fiction. The same is true regarding
the Jordanian people and all the other Arabic speaking peoples in the Middle East.
These are not peoples with separate identities, but part of the great Arab nation.
Only that has a true identity. By their self-definition, they cannot be divided up into a number of peoples with individual identities. Rather, they constitute one nation consisting of many states, as Arafat himself said to Arianna Palazzi in an incautious moment.
For the sophisticated Saudis, with their Saudi Peace Plan, it is clear that its purpose is not to actualize the rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination, for no such people exists. They conceal the truth that the great Arab nation has already actualized its right to self-determination by establishing a large number of countries, one of which extends over about 78% of the area of mandatory Eretz Yisrael. For the Arabs, exploding with laughter over the foolishness of the West, it is clear that if an additional Arab state arises in the western portion of Eretz Yisrael, that will not serve the right of self-determination, but the demand of imperial conquest of all Eretz Yisrael by the Arab nation. Is George Bush dragging Israel to its destruction?
The Palestinian fabrication is exposed precisely when we listen to authentic Arab
voices. The prominent Arab historian, Dr. Philip Hitti, who expressed himself at the Anglo-American commission of inquiry in the State Department building in 1947, said as follows: "Sir, Palestine never existed throughout history. Absolutely not!"
Moreover, Professor Juhan Hazam, in his testimony before that same commission,
added:"Before 1917, when Balfour made his declaration, there had never been a Palestinian question, and there was no Palestine as a political or geographic unit."
Also a local Arab leader, Abd al-Mahdi, testified before the Peal Commission in 1937
as follows: "There is no such land. Palestine is a term invented by the Zionists. There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our land was for hundreds of years a part
of Syria."
Indeed, this is a picture of the real situation in 1918 and at the start of the British conquest of Eretz Yisrael…
Were there any trace of truth to the claim regarding the historicity of a Palestinian People, we should certainly have expected to find mention of it in the history books and encyclopedias, as well as in archaeological research.
Part III- Will Israel finish Hadrian's Work?
Thus, the way to Palestinian Hell was paved with the good intentions of Christian Zionists like Lord Balfour, the British foreign secretary. In the Balfour declaration, and by the decree of the Mandate, they decided, based on historic rights, to grant Eretz Yisrael to the Jewish people. Yet they called it Hadrian's Roman name, Palestine, which had originally had the precise intention of blotting it off the map.
From that moment on, the way was prepared for the birth of the Palestinian fiction.
The name Palestine, by which the British accidentally called the land, bore the seeds of destruction of the Palestinian bluff, as if the entire Land was the stolen property of the Palestinian people, an ancient, rooted people, thousands of years old. This was such an incredible but successful fabrication that large portions of Israeli society fell into its snare. In the report presented in 1938 to the League of Nations, the British made it very clear: "The name 'Palestine' is not a country but a geographic region.'"
No one could have imagined in 1917, at the time of the Balfour declaration during WWI, that anyone would use the name Palestine to create a monstrous, hostile, false identity, for propaganda purposes, and would engrave on their flag the destruction of Israel.
The reporter and writer Joan Peters, in her book From Time Immemorial, writes,
"The one and only identity never adopted [by the inhabitants of Eretz Yisrael] before 1967 was that of 'Palestinian Arab'."
The Palestinian lie was not hatched by any land or any people, but by a map, a map drawn by two European colonial ministers, an Englishman, Herman Sykes, and a Frenchman, George Picot, and on the map was written… "Palestine". It was clear to
the British that Palestine as a sovereign political unit had never existed. No
nation had ever borne its name. No people had ever prayed for its welfare.
It was a name that hadn't existed at all for 1300 years, ironically, precisely when Muslim empires were dominant. "Palestine" was a Roman political fabrication that had faded and disappeared together with the empire that had created it.
The Land regained independence only when the name "Eretz Yisrael" [the Land of Israel], the name in the hearts of the first Zionists, was restored to it. Had not this identity been preserved by the Jewish People, and had it not been preserved in the hearts of the Christian Bible-loving nations who made up the League of
Nations, the national rebirth of the Jewish People might never have taken place.
This is the substance of the war being waged on millions of television screens throughout the world. It is being waged over the identity of Eretz Yisrael. It is being waged by means of all the media, and it seems as though the Arabs have the upper hand, while Israel leaves an impression of impotence, of not yet having even identified the battlefield on which its fate will be sealed.
While Israel prepares jets and tanks for a military struggle, Israel's enemies are preparing their weapons for the final battle, for sticking the last dagger into the back of a State of Israel that does not understand and is not even ready for this battle. Unless Israel prepares for this battle, comes to an understanding of its complexity and frees itself from the false terminologies and constant brainwashing, Israel will be defeated and its land will be irrevocably taken from it.
Will Israel, which valiantly vanquished all the Arab armies when they attacked it also know how to face this propaganda attack that is threatening to destroy it?
It would seem as though the battle is already decided. The Arab propaganda has already penetrated the nervous system and destroyed the immune system that defended the Jewish People for 2000 years, with even the Israeli Prime Minister and Foreign Minister saying that "Israel's interest is to establish a Palestinian state"…
In other words, what they want is for the Bible to be rewritten and for King David's land of the Bible to become the land of Goliath the Philistine.
Could anything be more insane? Is there another nation on earth that behaves this way?
Is it possible that Israel will be beaten without a single shot being fired, simply handing over their land to a wretched fabrication, a coarse, primitive, charlatan canard, a deception that conceals the destruction that the Arabs are preparing for Israel? Could Israel's leaders be too blind to see the danger looming of the Land's Jewish identity being lost? Will precisely the vision of the prophets, fulfilled with the establishment of the State of Israel, bring with it the destruction of the identity of the Jewish People's land, and lead to its exchange for the false identity of Hadrian – Palestine?
When lies are repeated many times, they become true. Such a lie is the fabrication regarding the existence of a historic Palestinian identity. That false identity, which began with Hadrian's curse and that was revived by Lord Balfour, has become a first rate propaganda tool. It became that the moment the Arabs understood the potential of destroying the identity of Eretz Yisrael, and with it the identity of the People of Israel, whose name bears the stamp of ownership of the Land.
The struggle against Israel was the glue that bound the Arab world, otherwise sunken in endless internal quarrels. The Arabs' aim in fabricating Palestine was not to build a nation but to annihilate a nation. Yet to conceal that plan, they invented the plan of "phases". The first phase is the invention of a "Palestinian People." The second phase is the liquidation of Israel, weakened and wearied after Oslo.
By such means did the Arabs conceal their genocidal intent with a "new tool", in the words of Zahir Muhsein, for conquering Eretz Yisrael without firing a shot.
All of these lies and falsehoods, this whole "costume ball" is being marketed by the media, which is turning out to be an obsessive collaborator with the biggest lie on earth.
Precisely this Hadrian understood. That's why he chose the name Palestine.
Precisely this is understood as well by Hadrian's heirs – the Arab propagandists who through their use of this false name sever the historic tie between the People and the Land of Israel. Without doing that, it would be impossible to use the word "conquest" – could a people be considered the conqueror of its own land?
The question Israel faces is this: Will the Jews forego the name and the identity of their Biblical land? Will the Christian world agree to concede on the identity of the cradle of western civilization, the holy land, Eretz Yisrael?
It's the twist of fate that for all this to happen, the Jews had to vanquish Hadrian completely, return to their land, establish sovereignty, resurrect the Hebrew language, establish a mighty army, industry, the best agriculture on earth, hi- tech, culture, song, dance, reestablish a nation, rebuild Jerusalem as their
capital and settle every town and village that Hadrian destroyed. Could we have possibly come full circle? Will Hadrian's curse, which didn't succeed for 1800 year, precisely when Israel was in exile from their land, succeed just now, with Israel's return? Will it be precisely the Israeli government that will resurrect Hadrian's curse, previously lost in the depths of forgetfulness?
Today, 1800 years later, an Israeli Prime Minister is calling for fulfilling what Hadrian failed to do – the erasure of Eretz Yisrael and the establishment of Palestine.
The Emperor Hadrian is smiling from the grave.
The writer, a Former member of the secular Kibbutz “Ein Charod” is a media personality, serves in an elite army unit [Sayeret Matkal] and was one of the founders of the “Nahalal Forum on Behalf of the Entire Eretz Yisrael”. He is presently preparing a documentary film on the Arab Palestine myth called : Hadrian's Curse
6 September 2001
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