Monday, August 25, 2008

Bliss is on its way

We moved into our home about 2 1/2 years ago. When we purchased, we had every intention of redoing the backyard the following summer. Well, it took an extra summer, but we're almost done!!

When we moved in, we had grass in the backyard. No sprinklers, no flowers, lots of weeds and dog trails along the fence. Yuck!!

Over the past couple of weeks, a lot of work has been done. We now have sprinklers. We will have flowers next year (for real, and trees, too), and the weeds (at least the tumbleweeds) are gone. The dog trail have been replaced by sod! It's like a really cool magic trick: One morning you look out the back window to see your ugly "natural" backyard replaced by an inviting sea of grass and ready-to-be-planted flowerbeds. There's even places for trees! (and NO dogs!)

We ran out of sod the first time around, but since this picture was taken, the hole has been filled.
It's hard to express the excitement I feel. I can't wait to invite friends over the play in the backyard, instead of the front yard. I yearn for the near future when friends come sit in the shaded backyard for a popsicle and a Pepsi rather than treats in the shady garage. Oh my...bliss is on its way.

Beijing goodbye, London here I come!

We've had a fun few days. Luke has decided that he would rather play during the wee hours of the morning than sleep. That wouldn't bother me so much, but his insists on playing while I hold him on my lap. UGH!! So, that means Sleep and I are beginning to lose touch. I called my dear sister-in-law for some motherly (and medical) advice. I think we may have a solution - an attempt anyway. That's not the fun part, though. We were privileged to take part in the Olympics this year...that is the Willow Park Ward Olympics. Our church sponsored a fun Saturday of events and contests, as well as an awesome BBQ! I would like you to know that I was in the first heat of the Somersault contest. Needless to say, I'm not as flexible or as quick as I remember being:

I woke up Sunday morning with sore forearms...that can't be from the somersaults. It must be a result of the Cartwheel contest. Again, I'm not as flexible or as limber as I remember being:

I'd like to tell you that inspite of my inflexibility, I won a gold medal. The truth is I was lucky to finish without rolling over someone else or cartwheeling into the crowd.

There is a glimmer of hope, however, for people in my physical condition. The Hula Hoop contest was done in several heats and age groups. I qualified for the finals in the Grown-up category. When it was all said and done, I walked away with GOLD! (no pic due to the photographer chased our son). We enjoyed hamburgers and hotdogs, salads and chips for lunch. Before everyone left, we had one final event: the Pie-Eating Contest. Yes, I participated. I've always considered myself a fast eater. As a child, family friends called my "Hoover" because I ate everything off the floor and I ate it FAST! I had all the confidence going into this event. However, as I was finishing my third (of four) bananas, I heard the winner announced. Awe nuts!! Oh well, I had fun. So much, that I didn't mind the chocolate syrup up my nose and the incriminating pictures snapped by "innocent bystanders". When that "innocent" sends me the pics, I'll post a few. At this point in life, I've learned to laugh at myself - even set myself up for silliness.

Rich even had a good time participating in the Tug-of-War:

He also took part in a non-competitive volleyball game (no medals awarded for either event).

Luke entered the Nursery race, but was unable to finish due to lack of desire. All he wanted was to be held by Mom...oh well, maybe next time.

It was a memorable day for the whole family!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

On a break...

Hello again. I've been a little busy - school started earlier this month. But now...I'm ON A BREAK!! I am off-track for three weeks; it's only day 2, but I'm loving it! I thought I should post a few pictures that have been missed. A few weeks ago, Luke fell asleep in the chair. I wouln't have taken a picture, but, well...

Isn't that just hilarious?!

So. We decided to have a water day with a few friends. We met, we played, we got wet!! Luke and Maddux were in and out of this little blue pool a thousand times. They loved it. It even has a cool is that?!

In or Out? I can't decide.

I guess the fun has just begun. A little good news...we almost have a backyard. It will have grass by the end of the weekend! That means I don't have to remind Luke to stay out the dirt - there won't be any dirt!! YEA! Well, I'll let you know when something new happens.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Sorry I haven't been very committed to keeping my posts up-to-date. Since my last post, I started school again. The last couple of weeks have been getting my classroom ready, helping two first-year teachers get their classrooms ready and beginning assessments with our Kindergarteners. That may not sound like much, but I feel like I've been in a whirlwind! My poor husband; I don't get the house cleaned, I don't cook, I don't make conversation (except about school). One more day of assessment, then the kids start. I hope things will settle down a little when that happens.

I do have to agree with my dear, sweet Anna - I've been excited for the fourth Twilight book to come out, too. I must say that I am on Team Edward, he's been there all along and while Jacob is sweet and has a heart of gold, I just don't see it happening with him and Bella. Along the topic of books, I'm currently reading from the Uglies series (Scott Westerfield). These are fabulous!! I just finished book 3, Specials; I will be purchasing book 4, Extras, today!

I'll try to get some great pictures of Luke posted for his 18-months day!