Monday, March 22, 2010

pardon the interruption

ok. As I have been looking at the blogs of my friends and family, I have realized that I'm not doing a very good job keeping up on mine. so, here goes:

Quick updates on the fam:

Lucy - growing like crazy. crawling like a crazy person, and already knows when to cry for mom's attention even if Luke isn't being mean (although, lately the not being mean is rare)

Luke - terrible twos? I think not. Three has been WAY worse than two ever was...attitude needs adjusting regularly, ears forget to send messages to the brain to be followed, and his new favorite word must be "no" - not a loud defiant no, just a very calm, matter-of-fact, no. Terrible Three's aside, He is growing and learning so quickly...preschool in the fall (if we ever get enrolled). He loves to play games on and play outside with his friends (especially Mark). He says the doggone funniest things, i.e., "Mom, why you say idjut?" = I called a driver an idiot...oops.

Melissa - hopefully NOT growing like crazy - that would not be pleasant. Still loving Relief Society. Excited to go to Vegas with Mom and Sis (a much needed weekend away). Loving the warm-ish weather and being able to go outside and play (well, watch my kids play, anyway). Enjoying the lost art of crochet - despite the grandma jokes from friends (Mark) and family (Rich), I find great satisfaction in finishing a project.

Rich - still working hard. Ready for BBQ season to begin. Has the greenest lawn in the neighborhood. Is watching his bracket carefully while his wife's bracket is fading fast. Is not making a big deal of his wife being gone for three days, leaving him with the himself....alone....with no one to help him....on a get the picture....he's the Best!!

That's a little update on our little family. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Good Ol' Days!

So I got to have lunch with one of my greatest friends! After several years of plugging along, trying to keep in touch, and getting together for an hour here and there, we were able to get together for a fun afternoon at....(drum roll please)...IKEA! I know. Who would have thought it would be all that?! IT IS! Kids' meals, family-friendly eating area, toys, TV....need I go on?
Nat - Little baby girl is so stinkin' cute! Your teenager-want-to-be is adorable, and your twin (ha ha)! We'll do it again...Maybe at the park next time.
Dang! No camera, but good times. It was great to make a new memory instead of just talkin' about the good ol' days all the time!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Happy Birthday!

So, it's now March 8th...not quite one month since Luke turned 3! Here are the highlights from the many celebrations:
Luke and Dad opening his new truck from Grandma Madsen!!
Playing outside with friends after a fun party!
Blowing out the candles on Grandma Madsen's cake!

Opening gifts from Grandma & Grandpa Wilde (cousins doing their best NOT to open gifts themselves).
New bike! Yea! (I think Mom was more excited than Luke)
Mom's cake (3rd one ever)...! Each year gets a little better...fortunately they always taste better than they look.
Birthday Breakfast! Upon request, Luke is having Dino-nuggets to start the day! (yuck)
We ended up with 3 different days to celebrate - one for each year?! It was fun...but next year...we're simplifying.