Monday, September 26, 2011

Camping Trip 2011

Somehow August passed and we couldn't fit a trip to the Uintahs in, sooooo....we did it in September instead.

Day 1
We camped at
out of Mountain View, WY.

Upon arrival, we realized we'd nearly blown a tire on the truck...Uncle Doyle got that taken care of before bedtime that night.

We also lost the clutch on the truck on the drive'll have to wait to see how that ended :)

We unloaded our gear:
and proceeded to set up camp.
In the end, we had the wall tent with a stove and kitchen, the camp trailer,
and we added a shower the next day (heavenly...aaahhhh) - sorry no pics.

After set up, we saddled up and headed up the mountain for a quick ride before dinner.
We rode to east to look into the Red Castles (Smiths Fork Drainage). I've been there a couple times, so it was cool to see it from a different perspective. However, it was super-windy and COLD, so I didn't snap any photos.
It was a great ride. We ended the day with Spaghetti Dinner!!
Day 2 included a pancake breakfast, complete with sausage and eggs. We saddled up (popped a couple Advil) and headed up the main trail into East Fork Blacks Fork. We were looking for a few unnamed lakes on the west side of the canyon. Not long after entering the Wilderness, we came upon these two moose (one is behind and hard to see). We watched each other for a few minutes, and then decided to be on our merry way.
We rode up and down, around, up some more and finally found a rather large puddle, that actually had a few fish in it.
It was about 2:00, so we stopped, had lunch, fished a few minutes, and decided we'd better start back or we might be eating dinner in the dark. A few minutes before this photo was taken, the mule my dad is on had been grazing a little while the rest of us were loading up. One second Wally was upright and chewing away, the next he was on his side, a little dazed, wondering what had happened. The only thing we can figure is the breast strap had cut off his air while his head was down eating and he blacked out. Fortunately, no one was on him at the time.

This wooden bridge crosses a swampy area and is about 200 feet long (I don't really know, but it was looong!). If you're animal didn't get across, you had to turn back.
We made it - no problem.

Just as we were about to leave Wilderness Area (yes, there was a sign posted), we came across another moose:
The north slope of the Uintahs has the highest concentration of moose in the state (according to a ranger we ran into on a previous trip to the north slope)...I can believe that!
We ended day 2 with roast beef, cheesy potatoes, and carrots...yumm!
Oh! And a HOT SHOWER!!
Day 3
We decided to try again in locating the lakes. We rode up the trail, up the mountain - no trail, down the mountain - no trail, across a few meadows and STILL couldn't find the lakes. I was really starting to worry about Dad's map-reading skills.
We did, however, hear an elk bugling. Then, it came looking for a fight. When the bull realized we weren't much of a threat to his cows, he high-tailed it out of there. He was big, beautiful, and .... fast! I didn't get the camera out in time to snap a photo :(

We rode and rode some more, before getting back to camp
My cousin, Megan, and her family were waiting at camp when we got was SO good to see them! They stayed through the end of the trip. We all enjoyed chicken and rice for dinner and an apple-raspberry cobbler for dessert! Mmmmm.
Day 4

After two days of searching for lakes, we decided to look elsewhere. After french toast, eggs, and bottled peaches, we headed back up the trail to the Red Castles (from Day 1). We were going to Bald Lake and a couple other small lakes in the area. When we reached the ridge, we realized that Bald Lake was further away than we thought, so we opted for the smaller, closer lakes. We headed off the mountain (no trail) to the lake we could see. Along the way, we crossed a biiiig meadow that looked a little marshy and wet. Megan and Todd didn't want to risk losing a shoe, so they started arooouuund the marsh. Uncle Doyle followed them. Dad and I, feeling invincible on our mules, headed down the middle. ugh. The further we went, the worse it got. We stopped once to re-assess. Dad suggested heading to the right and out of the marsh. I, being SOOOO smart, thought we could get through - there were lots of little bushes (meaning there was solid ground). Oh heavens, I should've listened to my dad. He followed my right out into the mud. Soon, we were stuck. We were too far from any side to get there in a hurry, and it was too deep to get turned around. We kept going as best we could. But soon, I realized my feet were getting wet - while I was on my mule - he was up to his belly in mud/water. I was riding Frank. He floundered some and struggled before nearly tipping over. I rolled off (into the wet) and he tried to get up. With a few rests between, dad and I were finally able to lead our mules out of the marsh. Phew! I was shaking, soaking wet down the back, and nearly peed my pants!
We decided to let our mules (and our selves) recover for a minute before making our way to the lake. I can honestly say I haven't felt that sort of panic while riding in a long, LONG time (since I was a teenager??). I was glad to get moving soon after. We finally found the lake we'd been aiming for. Upon arrival, we realized it was more of a large pond. Oh well. After lunch, we headed back down through the trees to find the trail. Megan's daughter, Annie, fell asleep along the trail...that's usually a good sign that it's a good trail :)

Before we reached camp, we heard another Elk bugling, but never did get a clear shot for a photo...darn it, cuz he was close!

We enjoyed turkey dinner with mashed potatoes, carrots, and cobbler and I had a shower before turning in for the night.
Day 5
We decided not to ride before packing up, as we had a family party to be to at 4:00 that afternoon. So, after french toast, eggs, cereal and whatever else we had leftover that needed to be eaten for breakfast, we started packing up.
The shower came down. The kitchen got packed up. The camp trailer got cleaned up (mostly my stuff). The tent came down. The horse trailer got loaded up.
The clutch. ugh.
Fortunately, Todd is a great guy, and hooked on the the horse trailer to hook on to the camp trailer then pulled it out so dad could back on to the trailers more his clutch didn't work. Hooray for low gears (4WD) and lots of practice.

We all got hooked up, and headed out. Todd and Annie decided to ride down the rode just for giggles. Megan picked them up before too long. They changed a flat and were on their way behind us.

The final "phew" came when we got home. We unhooked the camp trailer to unload. Unhooked the horse trailer to unload, and realized the safety clip had never been attached to the truck. The hitch was on, but not secured. I truly think our guardian angels were working overtime this trip :) Thank Heaven for the prayers of our families at home. I know they kept of safe :)
We made it home in time for the birthday party (Mom, Me, and Todd!!) It was a great trip!!!

Until next year....

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I guess I just need to empty my brain for one minute. Set the timer. Ready. Set. Go.

I'm tired of not being able to see in the morning.
I'm tired of foggy contacts.
I'm tired.
I hate seeing people I love in pain.
I'm sick of people who have to follow-through.
I am SO excited for my up-coming vacation (of sorts).
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my family for all their help and love and support, even when I complain.
I am SOOOOO ticked I have to wait until NO.VEM.BER for the new season of "Bones"...grrrrr.
I am looking forward to the next Twilight movie. Yes I'll be at a midnight showing.
I love having internet on my phone.
I HATE when the internet on my phone is so slow, it's useless.
I feel REALLY shallow sometimes...okay a lot of times.
I have the best friends in the world!!
I LOVE my husband - he puts up with a lot of craziness from me.
I am wary of my 2-year-olds' ability to climb in AND out of her crib.
I am excited to read with my 4-year-old...he's starting to understand that words have meaning!
I miss Kindergarten :(
I get to sub in Kindergarten in a couple weeks!!
I get to sub in a couple weeks!
I miss my friends from the old days and their silliness...oh wait, I still have those friends :)
I really liked the blue's gone now - but the silver tone that remains is cool, too.
I love purple - Integrity, Royalty, grapes, plums, Toenails (he he he)!
I'd like to cruise Norway.
I want to be on Wheel of Fortune!
I really like the quiet in my house right's a good kind of quiet.

I don't know how long that took...but it felt good.
Thanks for listening :)