Bringing light to civil rights, religion, and politics. Scroll down to continue to the articles and blog.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Ninth Circuit Court Rules Against Enforcing DADT
Appellee/cross-appellant’s motion to lift this court’s November 1, 2010,
order granting a stay of the district court’s judgment pending appeal is granted.
See Hilton v. Braunskill, 481 U.S. 770, 776 (1987) (stating standard); Alliance for the Wild Rockies v. Cottrell, 632 F.3d 1127, 1135 (9th Cir. 2011) (same). In their briefs, appellants/cross-appellees do not contend that 10 U.S.C. § 654 is constitutional. In addition, in the context of the Defense of Marriage Act, 1 U.S.C. § 7, the United States has recently taken the position that classifications based on sexual orientation should be subjected to heightened scrutiny.
Click on the link to see a scanned copy of the ruling.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
New York's House Vote on Same Sex Marriage (June 15, 2011)
A vote YES is a vote for equality in this instance:
BILL: A08354 DATE: 06/15/2011 MOTION: YEA/NAY: 080/063
Abbate NO Castell NO Galef Y Katz NO McKevit NO Rabbitt NO Stevens NO
Abinant Y Castro Y Gantt NO Kavanag Y McLaugh NO Raia NO Sweeney Y
Amedore NO Ceretto NO Gibson AB Kellner Y Meng Y Ramos Y Tedisco NO
Arroyo Y Clark NO Giglio NO Kirwan NO Mill D NO Reilich NO Tenney NO
Aubry Y Colton NO Glick Y Kolb NO Mill JM Y Reilly Y Thiele Y
Barclay NO Conte NO Goodell NO Lancman Y Mill MG NO Rive J Y Titone Y
Barron NO Cook Y Gottfri Y Latimer Y Millman Y Rive N Y Titus Y
Benedet Y Corwin NO Graf NO Lavine Y Molinar NO Rive PM Y Tobacco NO
Bing Y Crespo NO Gunther Y Lentol Y Montesa NO Roberts Y Weinste Y
Blanken NO Crouch NO Hanna NO Lifton Y Morelle Y Robinso NO Weisenb Y
Boyland Y Curran NO Hawley NO Linares Y Moya Y Rodrigu Y Weprin Y
Boyle NO Cusick Y Hayes NO Lope PD NO Murray NO Rosenth Y Wright Y
Braunst Y Cymbrow NO Heastie Y Lope VJ Y Nolan Y Russell Y Zebrows Y
Brennan Y DenDekk Y Hevesi Y Losquad NO Oaks NO Saladin NO Mr Spkr Y
Bronson Y Dinowit Y Hikind NO Lupardo Y O'Donne Y Sayward Y
Brook-K Y Duprey Y Hooper NO Magee NO Ortiz Y Scarbor AB
Burling NO Englebr Y Hoyt Y Magnare Y Palmesa NO Schimel Y
Butler NO Farrell Y Jacobs Y Maisel Y Paulin Y Schimmi NO
Cahill Y Finch NO Jaffee Y Malliot NO Peoples Y Schroed Y
Calhoun NO Fitzpat NO Jeffrie Y Markey AB Perry Y Simotas Y
Camara Y Friend NO Johns NO McDonou NO Pretlow Y Smardz NO
Canestr Y Gabrysz NO Jordan NO McEneny Y Ra NO Spano Y
BILL: A08354 DATE: 06/15/2011 MOTION: YEA/NAY: 080/063
Abbate NO Castell NO Galef Y Katz NO McKevit NO Rabbitt NO Stevens NO
Abinant Y Castro Y Gantt NO Kavanag Y McLaugh NO Raia NO Sweeney Y
Amedore NO Ceretto NO Gibson AB Kellner Y Meng Y Ramos Y Tedisco NO
Arroyo Y Clark NO Giglio NO Kirwan NO Mill D NO Reilich NO Tenney NO
Aubry Y Colton NO Glick Y Kolb NO Mill JM Y Reilly Y Thiele Y
Barclay NO Conte NO Goodell NO Lancman Y Mill MG NO Rive J Y Titone Y
Barron NO Cook Y Gottfri Y Latimer Y Millman Y Rive N Y Titus Y
Benedet Y Corwin NO Graf NO Lavine Y Molinar NO Rive PM Y Tobacco NO
Bing Y Crespo NO Gunther Y Lentol Y Montesa NO Roberts Y Weinste Y
Blanken NO Crouch NO Hanna NO Lifton Y Morelle Y Robinso NO Weisenb Y
Boyland Y Curran NO Hawley NO Linares Y Moya Y Rodrigu Y Weprin Y
Boyle NO Cusick Y Hayes NO Lope PD NO Murray NO Rosenth Y Wright Y
Braunst Y Cymbrow NO Heastie Y Lope VJ Y Nolan Y Russell Y Zebrows Y
Brennan Y DenDekk Y Hevesi Y Losquad NO Oaks NO Saladin NO Mr Spkr Y
Bronson Y Dinowit Y Hikind NO Lupardo Y O'Donne Y Sayward Y
Brook-K Y Duprey Y Hooper NO Magee NO Ortiz Y Scarbor AB
Burling NO Englebr Y Hoyt Y Magnare Y Palmesa NO Schimel Y
Butler NO Farrell Y Jacobs Y Maisel Y Paulin Y Schimmi NO
Cahill Y Finch NO Jaffee Y Malliot NO Peoples Y Schroed Y
Calhoun NO Fitzpat NO Jeffrie Y Markey AB Perry Y Simotas Y
Camara Y Friend NO Johns NO McDonou NO Pretlow Y Smardz NO
Canestr Y Gabrysz NO Jordan NO McEneny Y Ra NO Spano Y
Friday, June 17, 2011
What is Bigotry?
Here is the explanation given by the Southern Poverty Law Center regarding bigotry against GLBT people:
Opposition to equal rights for gays and lesbians has been a central theme of Christian Right organizing and fundraising for the past three decades – a period that parallels the fundamentalist movement's rise to political power.
For Christian Right leaders, the gay rights movement and its so-called "homosexual agenda" are the prime culprits in the destruction of American society and culture. In the words of Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, the battle against gay rights is essentially a "second civil war" to put control of the U.S. government in the right hands, meaning those who reject gay rights.
The religious right in America has employed a variety of strategies in its efforts to beat back the increasingly confident gay rights movement. One of those has been defamation. Many of its leaders have engaged in the crudest type of name-calling, describing LGBT people as "perverts" with "filthy habits" who seek to snatch the children of straight parents and "convert" them to gay sex. They have disseminated disparaging "facts" about gays that are simply untrue — assertions that are remarkably reminiscent of the way white intellectuals and scientists once wrote about the "bestial" black man and his supposedly threatening sexuality.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Prop 8 Judge Walker's Rulings Stand; Motion to Vacate is Denied
Here from the actual text of the decision we find some points that clarify what is at hand:
You can click on the Title above for the link to the full 21 page opinion.
Plaintiffs in this case are same-sex couples who claim that a California constitutional provision that redefined marriage in California solely to encompass a union between one man and one woman violated their rights under the federal Constitution.
Judge Walker entered judgment for Plaintiffs and enjoined enforcement of the state constitution against them.
Defendant-Intervenors brought this Motion before the District Court to vacate the Judgment on the ground that Judge Walker was disqualified from presiding over the case because his same-sex relationship was, or reasonably appeared to be, a nonpecuniary interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of the case.
After considering the Oppositions to the Motion and the governing law, as discussed below, the Court finds that neither recusal nor disqualification was required based on the asserted grounds. The sole fact that a federal judge shares the same circumstances or personal characteristics with other members of the general public, and that the judge could be affected by the outcome of a proceeding in the same way that other members of the general public would be affected, is not a basis for either recusal or disqualification under Section 455(b)(4). Further, under Section 455(a), it is not reasonable to presume that a judge is incapable of making an impartial decision about the constitutionality of a law, solely because, as a citizen, the judge could be affected by the proceedings. Accordingly, the Motion to Vacate Judgment on the sole ground of Judge Walker’s same-sex relationship is DENIED.
You can click on the Title above for the link to the full 21 page opinion.
Action Alert: Calling For Equality in New York
Brian Brown of National Organization for Marriage has sent out an email alert to his minions asking them to call specific legislators, even giving them the phone numbers for ease of reference. We who support marriage equality should be rallying to do the same, so let me share those numbers here and ask anyone reading this to send this information to all on their contact list:
Stephen Saland (845) 463-0840
Roy McDonald (518) 274-4616
Andrew Lanza (718) 984-4073
Greg Ball (845) 279-3773
Kemp Hannon (516) 739-1700
Charles Fuschillo (516) 882-0630
Betty Little (518) 743-0968
Dean Skelos (518) 455-3171
We can and have made a difference in the past, we only need to do our individual part. Thank you!
Stephen Saland (845) 463-0840
Roy McDonald (518) 274-4616
Andrew Lanza (718) 984-4073
Greg Ball (845) 279-3773
Kemp Hannon (516) 739-1700
Charles Fuschillo (516) 882-0630
Betty Little (518) 743-0968
Dean Skelos (518) 455-3171
We can and have made a difference in the past, we only need to do our individual part. Thank you!
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Springfield Tornadoes June 6, 2011 YouTube Videos
We knew something was different about June 1, 2011 when we saw hail at 8:00 AM:
The following is a collection of the YouTube videos that show actual footage as well as damage:
Please use discretion when posting; people lost their lives, loved ones, and their homes in this disaster.
The following is a collection of the YouTube videos that show actual footage as well as damage:
Please use discretion when posting; people lost their lives, loved ones, and their homes in this disaster.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Joplin Tornado Survivor Video From Within the Storm
To better understand how bad this storm was you need to see the aftermath video where survivor Isaac Duncan explains where he and others hid in the mini-mart gas station walk in cooler. Undoubtedly the cooler is what saved their lives.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Where’s the Bathroom?
In my opinion, the opposition to H1728 is nothing more than a particularly distasteful red herring as proven in opponents calling it the “Bathroom Bill”. I say it is a red herring because it leads people away from the original issues of Transgender rights without ever addressing those concerns; they seem dismissed as unimportant. I believe it is extremely distasteful to compare the equality of our citizens to fears that are both trivial and unproven. In fact, I believe the insult is obvious and intentional.
I am at a loss to understand how this bill opens an opportunity for criminals that was not previously there, nor do I see how denying Transgender rights affords society a magic lock on public bathrooms that keeps villains out. The juxtaposition of crime with Transgender rights seems meant to remind us of a time when homosexual activity was illegal; a time that many of the opponents of this bill think longingly of.
There are hate groups out there still churning up imaginary issues for us to buy into and using our fears against us. Women’s suffrage and the Civil Rights Movement have taught us that hate will never fade completely away; it is an unpleasant reality of social dynamics we must learn to live with. We have a responsibility to be good neighbors to one another and to examine the facts carefully when we are asked to give our opinions or pass judgment. We should be as careful and fair with other people’s issues as we would have them be with ours.
What concerns me the most about what I see happening in reference to H1728 is how good people will listen to hate mongers and follow them so readily, accepting their unfounded untruths as fact. We need to be ever vigilant not to shirk our responsibility as Americans to defend the liberty others died to give us, or we dishonor that sacrifice. In saying that H1728 will open the bathroom door to predators of women and children the opponents of Transgender rights are attempting to play the moderate middle for fools, hoping that people won’t care enough to examine the facts for themselves, since they’ve seen this method work so well in the recent past with other issues.
I pray that we will learn from our mistakes and in the future have the courage to look where we should and remember our duty to one another as a unified people. I hold hope that this future will come soon.
I am at a loss to understand how this bill opens an opportunity for criminals that was not previously there, nor do I see how denying Transgender rights affords society a magic lock on public bathrooms that keeps villains out. The juxtaposition of crime with Transgender rights seems meant to remind us of a time when homosexual activity was illegal; a time that many of the opponents of this bill think longingly of.
There are hate groups out there still churning up imaginary issues for us to buy into and using our fears against us. Women’s suffrage and the Civil Rights Movement have taught us that hate will never fade completely away; it is an unpleasant reality of social dynamics we must learn to live with. We have a responsibility to be good neighbors to one another and to examine the facts carefully when we are asked to give our opinions or pass judgment. We should be as careful and fair with other people’s issues as we would have them be with ours.
What concerns me the most about what I see happening in reference to H1728 is how good people will listen to hate mongers and follow them so readily, accepting their unfounded untruths as fact. We need to be ever vigilant not to shirk our responsibility as Americans to defend the liberty others died to give us, or we dishonor that sacrifice. In saying that H1728 will open the bathroom door to predators of women and children the opponents of Transgender rights are attempting to play the moderate middle for fools, hoping that people won’t care enough to examine the facts for themselves, since they’ve seen this method work so well in the recent past with other issues.
I pray that we will learn from our mistakes and in the future have the courage to look where we should and remember our duty to one another as a unified people. I hold hope that this future will come soon.
“Some people ask why, I ask why not?” ~Robert Kennedy
Sunday, May 22, 2011
New Hampshire Toll Booth Crash Claims life
While coming back from my cousin's wedding we saw two police cruisers fly past us at over 90 miles an hour with their lights on; clearly there was an emergency. We arrived at the toll booth only minutes after a terrible tragedy claimed the life of the driver, who had crashed into the tolls at approximately 80 miles an hour. The car disintegrated into unrecognizable pieces and burst into flames; our camera caught what happened right after the flames went out and before we knew the fate of the driver. Our prayers and thoughts are with the victim of the crash and his family.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Brennan's Brigade
We all have things we can complain about, but sometimes it takes the innocence of youth to be able to reach our jaded hearts and bring us back to center; Brennan is such a child. I understand how scary it is to have cancer only as an adult, I have no point of reference as to how it would be as a boy only ten years old, but I can tell you it scares the Hell out of you. Even still, Brennan is found smiling in photo after photo living in the moment and inspiring people all around the world, let alone the country.
Take one moment to watch this video and forget whatever you have going on in your life, then when you are done watching see if you still have the same perspective. Thank you God for the little ones and the love they bring us; this is the single thing that makes life itself worth all the trouble it can be.
Friday, April 08, 2011
Paul McMahon Passes, Leaving 55+ years of SSM Legacy ~Bay Windows
Photo by John Hosty |
Paul McMahon was taken by leukemia on Thursday, March 31. He was 78.Click here for more
He was known as the other half of Ralph Hodgdon and for their long term relationship of 55 years. A film documentary by Vincent Apruzzese was made on them called 50 Years, which premiered in Provincetown, of course.
Paul and Ralph met in Central Park in New York in 1955. A week later they exchanged gold rings and moved into a studio apartment on the East Side, a block from Bloomingdales where Ralph worked. The rent was $14.00 a week, which they split...
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Did The Democratic Party Found The KKK?
One of my friends posted a comment on my page with a link to a YouTube video that suggests Democrats founded the KKK, blocked civil rights, created Jim Crow laws, and in doing so are not to be trusted. He states (which I believe) that you will always get the truth from him and some Republicans. I will qualify that this is a "former" marine, (once a marine always a marine) and someone I respect.
At the end of watching the video I went and fact checked. At the surface the allegations are true; Democrats did in fact found the KKK. The twist is that they were Southern Democrats, which split from Northern Democrats in their basic principals during the civil war, and that division has maintained largely even today. The major difference between the two arms of the same body is in the recognition of equality for black Americans and this rejection of minority rights visits us today in the same sex marriage debate.
However, the Republican Party has taken on some of the characteristics my friend accuses the Democratic Party of having. My point is summed up in actions; if the GOP, who has been in charge for so long in New Hampshire is so racially conscientious, why were we the last state in the union to adopt Martin Luther King Day?
"History, in general, only informs us of what bad government is." ~Thomas Jefferson
It seems that times change and so do the politics in our country. When I vote I look for the best ideas and abandon the notion that I need to be loyal to my party. The Republican Party in New Hampshire has written the discrimination of GLBT citizens into its platform, calling for an end to same sex marriages. There is no explanation why they think this will make a better society, it simply calls for an end to our liberty in this matter.
When laws are made they should be addressing a need, and in the instance of same sex marriage there seems no compelling interest served in their denial, hence the recognition in the first place. My marriage to Raymond neither picks my neighbors pocket nor breaks his leg, paraphrasing a quote of Thomas Jefferson on the principles of liberty. Why then would a political party assign the GLBT community as a public enemy? The truth has yet to surface, but perhaps my friend can shed some light on the matter by offering some inside understandings as to how the Republican Party has arrived here. There are allegations that the NH GOP is simply using this issue as a tool, much the way Governor Wallace in Alabama once did. If you read his memoirs you'll not he recanted his racial division ideals prior to his death.
Some New Hampshire representatives openly admit they are acting on their own moral beliefs in the matter of same sex marriage. While standing up for your beliefs works as a private citizen I wonder aloud how a representative can take this point of view when they represent a diverse society under the motto "Live Free or Die!" Is it appropriate to simply shrug your shoulders at a constituent who asks why their lives and their rights should be up for popular vote, saying to them, "Sorry, I don't have to justify the denial of your rights because it fits in line with my religious beliefs"? I think not, but I wouldn't know since my Representative, David Bates, will not respond to my contact requests.
The freedom to live our lives by our own beliefs and to answer to our creator for our actions should be unilateral and not just for the majority. It is enough in my eyes that we do not impede our neighbor's rights, we do not need to intrude upon our neighbors and demand they comply with what we believe. It does not matter what your skin color is, what you believe, or your station in life. What matters most is that you commit yourself to be law abiding and defend this great nation with your life if you are called to.
I believe Voltaire said it best:
"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it!"
A New Hampshirite paraphrased this in saying:
"Good Walls make good neighbors." ~Robert Frost
To each his own. Let people be as they will and let those who would take a path least taken do so. America is great because of its ability to embrace differences as its own and learn, it is not great in spite of these differences. Anyone who questions this should remember the "Wind Talkers" whose native language of Navajo could not be broken during WWII. Incidentally, it is well known that Native Americans were subject to widespread discrimination that resulted in their being pushed to the brink of extinction.
Our great nation has been plagued by division and fear mongering for too long. It has cost us greatly and has nearly been proven to be orchestrated by the rich for their gain at the expense of the majority. United we Stand is not just a motto, it is America's way of life; we need to get back to seeing our neighbors as part of our extended family and treat each other with respect instead of suspicion.
We can all benefit by checking facts for ourselves and making sure we do so before we disseminate propaganda that damages our unity and our country. There are real enemies in our midst, and they are using our fear against us to ensure we stay divided and weak enough to take advantage of. My hope is that we inform ourselves against these tactics and end discrimination of all kinds once and for all, for the benefit of ourselves today, and for the children of tomorrow.
"We will either rise up together as brothers or perish together as fools." ~Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
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