Tuesday, May 5, 2009


If you have ever worked with one of Lynn Davis's creations, than you know that it is not work at all, but pure delight to finish a story that Lynn started! Her pieces are exceptional, incredibly detailed. You can feel the intensity that went into to creating the piece, and your job of making the jewelry to enhance it just flows, at least it does for me. I fell in love with these fabulous wings, and this is what they said!! I think Lynn is a fabulous storyteller, on her blog and through her creations. I can look at a number of her pieces and see my stories already, just waiting to come out. I feel enhanced by her creativity! I have also found out that when I start these projects, I usually land up telling "MY" same story, just in a differnet format everytime, but the message is usually the same. I think it's obvious, but do you see something I don't?

Monday, May 4, 2009


These are some charms that I made over the weekend, now that Amber gave me the charm bug!! I've met so many nice people through the International Charm Day, and one of them has been especially sweet, Lilibulle of L'atelier de lilibulle!! We are going to do a swap, and she makes the most precious charms, absolutely beautiful!! Mine are not quite as precious, let's just say mine are quite rustic, that's what comes out!! I made some annealed and stamped copper ones, some mini crystal and gemstone mosaic rounds with sterling, and two of my favorites I made from vintage clasps!! I will definitely be making more of those!! Go check out Lilibulle's blog for inspiration!!

Friday, May 1, 2009


This is one of the current sources of my inspiration, my yard. I loooove working with the flowers in the summer, and we didn't even get to the good stuff yet.. Since LeAnn and Renate showcased their yard, I thought I would share also!! Happy Weekend!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009


This is just a hint of something I'm working on for a new piece, but I felt it appropriate for the day!! I've been fooling with annealing metal and exploring some new options, and feeling quite uninhibited and FREE!! I'm going to make many more varieties for charms also. I too, like Lynn, have been inspired by birds, I guess, in my own way!! What have you been doing that's new?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

More charm giveaways, I sure wish I could speak fluent "EVERYTHING", but since I can't, my eyes tell me what is gorgeous! Check out this site and comment for a chance to win more beauties! Addict to ATC's


I have become addicted to looking at charms and thing of making my own, here's another giveaway! Lilibulle!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

If you haven't gotten interested in International Charm Day yet, the day is not over and lots of charm makers are giving things away for a few days yet. I 've never seen so many giving people, guess that's always a good thing! Check out Arlene's vintage button charms at Altered By Me and snag a chance to win! Pure, simple, and unpretentious, I love this stuff!


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