Friday, July 23, 2010

Lions, Tigers and a big yellow bus!

Hooray for zoo day! The big yellow bus. Jaron has been waiting all year for his field trip to the zoo. The highlight of the trip is riding the big yellow bus. Grif and I went too but we got to ride on the other bus so Jar could be a big kid with his big friends. We didn't even see them because Jaron was on the loose. It's a good thing he had two big friends to keep up with him.

The baby elephant was one of their favorites. With good reason she is pretty cute. She looks pretty small next to her mom but she already ways more than our entire family put together.

Grif was riot hobbling all over the zoo in his cast. He didn't care much about the animals but he did point out every garbage can and rock to us. It was quite entertaining.

Go Jazz!!

Our Great Aunt Norma

She really is great! Every other week while Jar was at preschool Grif and I go visit. The time always flies and I usually have to race out the door to pick up the kids on time. It has been such a great experience hearing her stories and if I am ever having a bad day she listens to me and then makes me feel better. She is such a positive person and knows how to make lemons into really good lemonade. She won't ever let me help her because we don't stay long enough. She would rather just visit. It is a special time for the boys and I to see her. Grif has his bag of toys in the kitchen and knows where the stool is to get his drink of water. Aunt Norma loves to follow him around and help. It is really sweet. Grif also knows which stuffed animals he can play with. The kitty and one of the bears are okay to be loved but not the special ones my mom made for her.

The last week after Preschool Graduation Jar got to come too. We surprised her with all of us. But it wasn't a very good surprise since the the freeway was a parking lot and we were so late I had to call and spoil the surprise because we were so late. She gets worried about us if we are too late. I will miss having a boy at preschool so I can visit so often. It just doesn't work the same if I don't already need to be up there. I am just not as good getting a schedule together.


What happens when you watch Barney and they make masks. Mom gets to make them too! We generally don't watch Barney but I gave in and the boys really liked watching them make their amazing masks. They talked me into making some. We had a great time until Jar got burned on the hot glue gun. Note to mom - maybe hot glue is faster but not such a great idea with 5 and 2 year olds.

Happy - ish Easter

It's not much fun having Easter Baskets full of candy when you have a mouth full of sores. Jaron was not having such a good with with his oral ulcers. It's hard for him to even smile when he doesn't feel good. At least he could enjoy his books and cars.
We didn't even take our cute annual Easter pictures because he was just too miserable. I guess we will just have to remember how cute they are anyway.

Spring Break Fun with Cousins

After Grif got his cast on we decided to head up to the Air Force Base and tour the Air Museum. Grif still wouldn't walk on it yet so I was a little worried it was going to be a long day. But cousin pressure is a wonderful thing. He got tired of watching everyone have fun around him so he finally got up and wobbled after them.

It was sooooo cold that we didn't spend too much time outside. But it is sure amazing to see how incredibly massive some of the planes are. It is still a wonder to me how some of those things can actually fly. Especially while carrying tanks inside.

I'm turning Japanese!!

"Mom, MMMOOOOMMMM!!" Jaron is yelling at me from the shower and I kind of ignored him for a minute until he said, "Did, you hear the good news? I'm turning Japanese!" While I am quietly laughing I ask him how. He replies "my feet are turning black from working in the garden." I love my handsome towhead.

There really is good new though. Upon further review he really is turning Japanese, there is a nice little patch of black hair popping out on the side of his head. Too bad it's not enough to darken his blond wig.

Monday, July 12, 2010

How Time Flies

I have been meaning since the wedding to get caught up but time just flies around here. On Thursday before the reception here some of the girls went to the theater and grandma was kind enough to watch all the monkeys. I came back to a surprise. Not a good one but a surprise none the less, Jaxon had broken off the tops of two of his permanent teeth. Not much could be done so we just waited until he had an appointment the next week to have them fixed. The reception went well and we had lots of fun. All the cousins had a blast. Especially eating all the ice cream they wanted. Sunday some of our boys cousins slept over and it was awesome. Until the Star Wars battle ensued and Grifin broke his leg. Grrrr!

I took him to urgent care and they sent us home telling us it was just a good old bone bruise. Well, two days later i still new it was broken but I just couldn't diagnose it myself. SO, knowing the fracture clinic schedule I new when they would be in at the Children's Hospital. I gave them a call and the person who answered said I couldn't see anyone since he didn't have a diagnosed fracture. They said I could leave a message for scheduling and they would get back with me in a day or so. Awesome! An hour later I got a call and an appointment an hour later. I guess it helps to be on the VIP list. Too bad the only VIP list I am on is the one for the kids at the hospital but it gets us appointments and valet parking. What more could you want?

Our nice Doctor who knows us so well by now asked where I thought it was broken. So I showed her where I thought it was broken near the bottom of his right leg. She left and came back with a giant smile and said, "Your good, now what color of cast haven't we had yet?" At least I know that my instincts are correct sometimes. He looked so cute I couldn't even be mad that we had another cast on one of our boys.

To top it all off Jaron had one of his worst episodes ever and was one sick little boy. He went in for a visit and was put on prednisone permanently until we could get everything under control. Boy do I not like that stuff. It makes that poor little guy so aggressive but at least he is eating.