Saturday, May 14, 2011


I've always been a fan of change. I don't like getting too stuck in the same routine. I like seeing what I can do, pushing limits, expanding boundaries, thinking outside of the box, growing.

“Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown.” - author unknown

I am SO excited for... Our big change. Our move to Texas! Our chance to use slang like "y'all". Our new surroundings. I'm am definitely going into this blind but am ready for a new chapter, a new adventure. I haven't been the best blogger this year but am going to give it a valiant effort from here on out!
I'm ready... I'm pumped...

I'm going to keep our new stories to select readers... if you'd like to read about our new adventures just leave me your email.
Thanks y'all...... (I'm just practicing!)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Oh Emmy...

See what I mean...

People would think she's homeless. This is her outfit for today, yes in 110 degrees? What am I to do?

Monday, August 9, 2010

New School

Our kids started at a new school this year. I am actually SO excited. I love all of their teachers and think they fit with my kiddos perfectly. Anna was a little skeptical because she now has to wear a uniform... and shoes?! I really don't think Anna even owned a pair of shoes until now. She has worn flip flops everyday of her life! I personally love the uniforms. Especially because Emmy has.... let's just say her own 'style' and I would be nervous people would think she was homeless with out them. I have made several headbands and hairclips to ensure Anna's need to be a little fashionable!
Anna had a hard time the night before the first day of school. She hates meeting new people and being in new places. I kept reassuring her she makes friends so easily. I don't know what I am going to do with Molly by myself though. Anna has taken the role of her 2nd mom so now I'm going to have to take Molly with me to run errands??? I was spoiled over the summer.
Emmy had a hard time falling asleep but was ready to ride the bus in the morning! (I hope the newness of riding the bus doesn't fade!) She is so excited to be big. Even though she's not technically my baby we still treat her as one so it was really hard for me to see her go. She says funny crap all day long and I am going to really miss her constant entertainment.
James was geared up and ready to go. He is super sweet and kept saying for at least the first week of school he will make sure the girls are where they should be and have friends before he finds his own. He really is such a great big brother. I'm going to miss being able to talk to him during the day. He's been my good friend over the summer.
Lunches were made, bags were packed, and we headed to the bus stop. (which conveniently is at our mailbox! I thought I would have to drive them somewhere.)
Anna was scared, Emmy was excited, and James was ready.
(This picture doesn't even do Emmy justice. Jared and I were crying/laughing over her facial expressions sitting on the bus. Even while typing this I'm giggling)
After the bus picked them up, I jumped in the car and headed to the school to make sure they got there safe!! They all seemed fine so I left, cried, and headed to sonic.


12!! My baby's a year old?!?! We kept pretty busy this summer so my
month onesies were slacking! oops!!
A year ago I gave birth to my first (and last) baby at home!! Sometimes it's fun to reminisce about each kids pregnancy and labor but I have to be honest I try real hard to forget about Molly's! After I shed tears remembering Molly's birth I instantly smiled thinking about her first year.
Molly is certainly developing a fun personality.
*She loves playing 'where's Molly' her version of peek-a-boo
(no she's not flipping me off!)
*She's standing on her own, but I think waits for Anna or
Emmy to come take her where she wants to go!
*Blows kisses
*babbles all day long
*still takes crazy long naps
*has 6 teeth
*still holding on to a little chub

Thursday, April 8, 2010

8 months

I guess this blog is turning out to be about Molly's first year!! I am determined to make a first year blog book about her though even if I didn't make her an eight month onezie! Hey, I'm impressed I made 7!
Molly is growing up so fast. She continues to crawl around and gets faster and faster. She has 3 and a 1/2 teeth and loves to grind them. She weighs 20lbs according to our scale at home because I forget when you are supposed to take baby's to doctors appointments. I think it might be 8 months!
still squeals
says da-da
has a crazy leg (when she gets excited she kicks her right leg)
loves to eat
bobs up and down to music
is still attatched to me

I am happy to say she is also officially ours. We have been through hell and back trying to get a birth certificate but we got it!!
Good Golly I love you!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Here she is....

I LOVE this thing and can I say that I am truly her favorite person?!! None of my kids have ever cared but this one is quite attached to me!
Molly is crawling which has made life interesting!
She talks S O loud. In the morning I turn off the monitor and try to ignore her but the other kids come in and say that Molly woke them up.

I love her so much. I love that the kids love her. I love that she squeals when she sees people she knows. I love that she's still (a little) chubby. I love that she's mine!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My apologies...

SO... I am a little embarrassed about this post but think I need to apologize over my little meltdown...
In the last week, our dryer won't turn on, dishwasher leaks, grill broke, car doors don't work automatically, and that is just the SHORT list of headaches I have had.
After having a GREAT morning with James, I took him to Jack in the Box where they were having 'buy a drink get a sandwich for free' day. I'll rewind and say that I received a phone call that sent me into an emotional spiral that left me crying right before ordering. I composed myself and ordered. 2 drinks and 2 sandwiches NO. SAUCE. I handed James his sandwich and headed back to his school. I made another phone call and looked in my rear view mirror. I see the sweetest boy with a bummed look on his face. I finish the call and ask him what's the matter. He politely says nothing.
Wouldn't you if your mom was hysterically crying????
I tell him my mom senses tell me something is wrong and he tells me there is sauce on his sandwich. WHAT? I swerve across 3 lanes and flip a U. He is saying 'it's ok mom, I'm scraping it off"!
I grab his sandwich and march my mascara running, still sniffling, self right into JintheB. I don't even bother to say excuse me to the 50 people waiting in line for their free sandwich. I went right to the front counter, slam the sandwich on the counter and say 'I SAID NO SAUCE' they make me a new sandwich, I rudely grabbed it out of their hands, and stormed out.
OH MY HEAVEN'S.... I am so embarrassed. I will definitely be making an appearance there today to apologize. That really was uncalled for.
So as I lay in bed reading a 'being grateful' article I decided to recount the positives. I have a neighbor who let us use his dryer, we put a towel under the dishwasher so that no one slips (that's our way of fixing it), we don't always have to grill chicken, my kids are learning to manually open the doors instead of yelling outside of the car "they won't open" (what would we do if all of technology failed?) and my other stresses will somehow (cross your fingers) work out. Later that night I went and got the mail. My eyes lit up when I saw and actual letter ( you know that actually someone had handwritten )addressed to me and my family. The contents of that letter set me in an emotional spiral once again but for different reasons. I am blessed. My hubby has a job, my health and my family's health are good, we have what we need, and we love each other. Hopefully the kind people at JintheB will accept my apology.