Sunday, February 11, 2007

Dis is beeeeeYOUtiful ME!!!!

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A nice place to visit, and I am glad I live here!!

Yep, I like my home.
Granted its in upstate NY near Lake Ontario n we git toooo much snow. N wind. N cold.
But I have a nice warm house n a good mama n daddy, life is good.
I used to go to a place on de net to play wif other kitties. We used to jes talk about silly stuff like our hoomins, n important stuff like hairballs n litter boxes n fude. We would pretend to go on trips, do all sorts of stuff.
But den a few kitties came along that were reeely slaves of dere hoomins!!!! Those hoomins made the nice kitties post about things like pollyticks n religion n it made a lot of kitties furry unhappy dat it wasnt a fun place to play ennymore.
Now, let me tell you.... I have furry strong opinions. I am not ashamed of dem n not ashamed to post dem. But I dont wanna do dat here. SO ifn you come along n try to put up pollytical posters on my porch, I am gonna rip it down n kick yer fuzzy butt off my porch, get it??? K den!!!
Well, I hope some furrends will come along n play wif me.
Kuz I want to make dis a nice place fer cats of efurry kind to visit.