
A Bee-Latted Krissmas


We wish yoo all belatted Krissmass wishus! We wud haf dun it on time, but Mom got appendy-situs, and spent the Hollyday in hospeetul. We are furry happy she is home now.
Meowy Krissmass, and peeece to the wurld!


A Day Off

I desided to take the dae off tooday. I am furry turred frum un-decurating the treeee, and Mom has bin surt of stingy wif the gooh-gahs, wich nurmally keeep meee going. In pro-test, I'm sleeeping an not cuddling wif Mom.

Hopefully, that willl teech hur!


Sum Olde Crissmuss Fotos

These are cuppil fotos uf Tuggers, my Mom's furst Purshun kittie. He luffed Crissmass an dressing up, an he wus furry fotogeneric.

He wus furry speshul to Mom. She went thru sum awfull depreshun, an he safed hur frum hurting hurself.


Luky, Luky, Luky!

  1. Luky how pritty I cun be! Mom an Dad got a new camra fur Crissmass, an Dad tuk this wunnerful picher uf me. I luv siting unner the treee an peeeking thru the lites. I gess weer lukky we still haf lectrisity. We had a hooge sturm, an over a million howses lost thare power. We ar nice an warm an cuddly, an all the lites on the treee get to stay on all the time.
  2. Weer pretty prowd of Bean. We herd hur hurling, an she acchuly hurled on a plait insted uf the carpot. That is sumthing that deserfs some extra gooh-gahs!



My Mom has bin crying a lot this mourning. She wuz furry sad to heer abowt Libby. Mom cant hanndel deth furry well, speshuly kittie deth. She thinks uf all hur speshul kittie frends frum hur life, an rememburs how much joy an luv she has gottun frum them. Hur kitties haf saved hur life menny times.
Libby an all uther kitties will remembered always.


Thursday Thirteen!

Sock munkey
The lights
The Tree Skirt- gud place to stage mouse toy flights
Dad's Star Trek Enterprise- compleet with scarry message frum Spock
Ornament boxxes
Anything espensive
Hanging window lites
Carmen Miranda glitteree fishie
Shiny rownd baall
Drippee beed ornuments
Blown glasss kitties
Shinny, glitteree garlunds
Christmas is grate!


Torti Tuesday

This is Bean-In -A-Bag. She iz a Torti, but itz hard tu tell wen she dresses up in a bag fur speshul days. She is weerd.