
Brooklyn's first bath....and She is mine now!

I finally got to hold Brooklyn without any tubes, wires or monitors after they brought her down from the NICU and gave her a bath...I was soooo happy!
Brian said that she hated her bath but then absolutely loved the water running over her head....I think we have a problem....

Brian and the NICU nurse bringing Brooklyn down to the well baby nursery for her bath and shots...Brian was very happy to finally be downstairs with me and Brooklyn all together

NICU pictures

This picture was right after Brooklyn was born and taken to the NICU for observation...
After several hours and some X-rays they decided to take the C-Pap machine off and see how she did breathing on her own
This is Brian motioning that they were releasing her from NICU to the mother baby floor downstairs...he was so happy!!!
The NICU nurses got her started quick on a pacifier....why do they do that?????


I finally got to Hold Brooklyn

I was very excited when my nurse in recovery thought I was alert enough to see Brooklyn!!! She wheeled me into the NICU and I thought I would be thrilled If I could just touch her but the NICU nurse handed her right to me!!!
I don't think Ive ever been that happy in my life, I just sat and stared at her to make sure that she was real, we couldn't believe that she was actually here with us.

The big tubes weren't actually that scary, it was just a C-Pap machine that helps her breathing and keep her lungs open to get the air....

She developed a rash immediately after she was born but the nurses said not to worry and that it would go away! I'm pretty sure the last of my worries was her rash.

Daddy was always there for Brooklyn, I think I only saw him for 5 min out of 5 hours after she was born. I figured it was more important that he was with her than me

Brooklyn Grace Lowder

The morning of the C-section I was so nervous, and I'm not a nervous person ! Neither Brian or I could believe that it was actually D-Day

We got checked in at 10:30 and had to do some last minute snap shots of my belly! I couldn't believe that we were going to meet our little girl so soon!

On my way into the Operating Room...feeling absolutely full of every emotion possible

Brian and his " Space Suit" as the doc's called it

Right as we went into the Delivery Room. They started the C-Section at 12:20pm and from that moment all that I remember was Brian and my Doctor's talking about the latest ski's and ski boots....oh and all the different ski runs at sundance......seriously?
and before we knew it they told us to look fast because she arrived at 12:38pm!!!

I couldn't believe my eyes when they pulled the curtain down, I actually saw them pulling her out of my own body!! It was so crazy but then when I saw her I totally forgot about it and just sat there in awe!!! That is what they call "Love at first sight". I only got to see her for a second because the NICU team was waiting to make sure she was ok since she was 4 weeks early.

Here she is just seconds old!!!
They immediately whisked her to the other room to check on her, I could hear her screaming really loud! It was music to me ears!
She was having problems breathing so they took her straight to th NICU.....I on the other hand went straight to recovery......It was so sad that I couldn't see her but I made Brian go with her.

Brooklyn Grace Lowder
March 30th, 2011
5lb 4oz
17 3/4 inches long


The countdown begins

For those of you who are wondering.....( I know the family is) we have anywhere from 13 - 21 days to go.....The longer the better obviously! But sometimes you can't control some things, As I have had to learn the last 3 years. We reached the 34 week mark which is absolutely thrilling to me.....The doctors say she is very small at 4lbs 5 oz, but after having a baby that's only 1lb 8 oz it seems plenty big to me!!! I'm hoping that their technology is just wrong. For some reason I always thought I'd have kids that had fat rolls inside their rolls.
So I might not look that far along but believe me I am........I couldn't be happier!!!! And it looks like Brian is too! It is impossible to get a picture of him being serious....So for everyone that's been asking me for months to post a picture here is your baby bump picture...


Its a baby shower!!

Well.....after people pulling my teeth to commit to having the baby shower I figured it was probably about time since she is coming in 4 weeks! I can not believe how many people showed up!!! Its absolutely overwhelming! At one point there must have been at least 40 ladies in the room. My husband even surprised me with my cousin that drove 6 hours from Wyoming just to be here for it.

Ill post another group of pictures just so that you can see all the FOOD! Afterall, whats a party without gourmet food?
My sister went all out and made the most incredible dessert spread Ive ever seen

Look very closely......yes those are DOG TREATS! Brian registered for Mt, Dew for him and treats for copper....He said that they had to be included as well. I actually ended up getting 4 bags of dog treats....it was absolutely hilarious

Grandma Litha hand stiched these cute little baby booties and hat

Brandi & Shy ( Cousins ) They can never be serious
My cousin Heidi & Maggie

This is just the beggining of the stack of gifts I recieved......Its really overwhelming to see just how much people care!

This is the most I.N.C.R.D.I.B.L.E. quilt I have ever seen! Its has so much hand done stiching on it and its the cutest girl quilt. Thanks sooooo much Susan

Alicia, Jocelyn, Becky and Steph

My long time friend Allia and I

These are the cutest socks Ive ever seen!! Little baby smart wool

The Lowder Clan

My mom, Me and my sister Kim.......
Yes there is a belly in there, I was 31 weeks at this time, I promise she is in there. I am so lucky to have stayed very small



Pow, Pow!

In case your wondering what " Pow, Pow" means....its the slang for POWDER!!!!!!!
I had my Baby shower last weekend and so Brians family was in town so they all decided to go skiing........and left me at home :(
The day they went skiing ( at Sundance of course) they recieved almost 2 feet of fresh and fluffy POWDER! This is the stuff that people dream about!!! Its like skiing thru feathers.

Brian and Maggie Mae on the ski lift

Maggie being her very funny self!

Travis, Ben and McKenzie

Maggie and McKenzie crashed at the bottom of the black diamond the first run down! I think McKenzie crashed because she was on a snowboard......Those just shouldnt be allowed anywhere.

Maggie is such a SKI BUNNY!! Her first run of the day was a Black Diamond....She has the whole hill to herself...
Maggie again.


Maggie with her FAVORITE cousin.....Brian of course

Heidi & Curtis

Everyone must have had a great day because they skiied non stop until the resort made them leave at 4:30 pm....


Chubby Cheeks

Brian and I went and saw the Perinatologist yesterday....Incase your wondering what that is, its a specialist that deal with high risk cases...They are truly incredible!
We are 30 weeks now with only 6 or 7 to go......Baby Shim ( No thats not going to be her real name, its just what we call her) is now 3 lbs 1 oz and growing like a weed!!! She is looking very good and measuring just a bit small but nothing they are worried about. Just another couple weeks until I get poked with a very, very large needle for the amniocentesis but Im sure Ill be more excited than nervous. I love any medical procedure even if its on me.
If you look closely you will see her eyes are actually open, How much chubbier do you think those cheeks can get in 6 weeks?

Her legs look like they are starting to have some meat on them

She kept sticking out her tounge out and wiggling it around, It was fun to watch