Thursday, April 24, 2014

Ahh..there they are!

We have been anxiously watching for these little signs of spring to appear. Some years they are popping out in the last two weeks of March. This year they were later than normal. A week or so ago, my husband and I were checking cows and found one lone clump these pretty little flowers. 

Commonly called wild crocus around here, they are actually a species of pasque flower. Regardless of their name, they are beloved for giving us hope after a long winter that spring and warmer weather are here. They seem to prefer sandy soil and tend to grow low to the ground in clumps and occasionally as singles. 

Seemingly overnight, after two days of warm weather, the pastures showed numerous patches of the purple flowers. It is kind of a big deal to be the first person around to say they have seen the first crocus of the season. Many  moms and wives feel pretty special when kids or husband are presented with a small bouquet of crocus. I am no exception! My husband often will stick one of those first crocus flowers in the band of his cowboy hat. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Spring time?

We had a big snow storm on March 31. We were just starting calving which is obviously NOT a good time for snow, wind and subzero temperatures. However, it did lend itself to some cool photo opportunities!

It was just warm enough to get water dripping from the roofs to get a good crops of icicles growing on the barn, calving shed and shop. 

 One frosty morning coated things with frost and made them more visible and interesting. This spiderweb was in our calving barn.