Friday, August 9, 2024

In Memoriam of Smash Addams (2004-2024)

 The singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist that called himself Smash Addams (other people have called him 'the worst', a 'vindictive narcissist', and 'probably my favourite asshole') has LEFT THE BUILDING. During his time, he felt a lot shit and wrote it down and sang it in hopes that just maybe the person he wrote it for would someday hear and hopefully NOT take it as a passive-aggressive dig, hahaha. Your results may vary! He was also sometimes known to be a problem drinker or Scottish-American haberdasher.

He was first inspired to join a band in junior high with some older 'cool guys' that played across the street. Barely knowing two songs on a bass-guitar he got---he somehow 'made it work' without having his own amplifier! Though this group never really wrote any proper songs, it did give rise to AFTER SCHOOL SPECIAL. One of the most little known mythical first NIRVANA cover bands with a singing drummer! There was also something about PHANTOM 309. I heard the guy that used to conduct that 'freight carrier' before he got dropped on his head one drunken night by his fellow constituents. He is now a stay-at-home-Politician. Lateral moves, fellas

"I never really had a career except for being the inspiration for 'Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon'. Yeah, that was actually ME....only I've never met Kevin Bacon. I'm sure he's a great fuckin' guy." - Smash Addams (a quote

There was a band called MANICS that was a big inspiration to him from Memphis a long time ago. Some of those guys went on to be in cooler bands with Tyler Keith, Redondo Beat, Johnny Valiant, etc. 

"I never felt I had the chops to be comfortable enough on stage to hang with those guys--but I sure tried anyway, haha. Ironically, I never drank or smoked anything before going on because I was so uptight about my voice...geez, later on it was my autistic guitar solos, hahaha. Stage fright just was always there no matter how 'cool' I make it look, hahaha. Did I mention, I joke a lot? I eventually learned to play proper guitar and even the drums, before I died." 

Better late than never, I guess.

STRANGE PARALLEL (an alt-rock-soul quartet from 2007-2010) introduced the world to LUCY DAWN. The love of his life and the woman that probably saved him from his self, am I right?  I do hope you pay attention to the new music she's got under construction. There's another StarsNeverSleep album under construction which features Smash Addams's last completed work, including two last songs "Can We Still Be Heroes?" and "I Need Her Love to Get By"---the latter song will be on the next single by the band. 

Smash Addams announced he was finishing out his 'life's work' with his 23rd album, 'DUST OFF THE RACKS' in Sept. 2023. His music is available on the streaming services, BandCamp, and Soundcloud. We hope you remember him for the good stuff (*and fuck what ya heard*). 

The family asks that you do nothing and pretend this never ever happened. Smash Addams wanted to thank the following people for their support, inspiration and kindness over the years:

My mother and father.

My wife and children.

My sons, Calvin, Crosby and Hobbes.

My cousin; my old bandmates (that weren't mediocre and you know who you were*); every person that ever said I couldn't do anything I put my mind to---thanks for making me prove you all wrong.

"And I want to forgive everyone that has wronged me. Especially the ONES I let in and they didn't know that I knew what they did to me. Well, I DID. And I always have. The memory of Smash Addams lives on and there's no amount of Control Alt Delete to erase what already is / was / and cannot be changed. Some numbers are just infinite. If you don't know your fractions, I'm already ahead of you." 

We thank you for your support and hope you remember what it was and how it was always supposed to be---but "I love youuuu, even if you don't..."  

Time of departure:

5:00 am 7 AUG 2024

" A variant of Niall, the name O'neal translates to "champion" in Irish, and, with any luck, it'll be baby's best-kept secret to success."

REDACTED FROM MEMORY, Vol. 2 [Coming 27 DEC from Barely There Studio]

Smash Addams Music  PRESENTS   REDACTED FROM MEMORY, vol, II coming 27 DEC 2024 4 discs of previously unreleased remastered songs 57 tracks ...