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Sep 8, 2008

Aug 31, 2008

Aug 26, 2008

Aug 13, 2008

college rough

little rough on class today =D

wips again

some comission for a friend from deviant art ^^

morning rough =D

Aug 11, 2008

color wip

some wip in colors =]
hope u like it people =]

Aug 8, 2008

back to the college

my class r back in monday =/
blah this sucks again without sometime to do personal works =]
and tks for all visits here buddies
put some unused storyboard for college work... damn have directed the short movie don't used my storyboard and this piss me off for sure buddies =

leave comment for me too =D

and open to comissions if somebody want one visit my deviant page have the infos to contact me =]

and if like to click on banners to help me gain some coins this r cool to =D

Aug 1, 2008

last week of vacations

hi there folks last days of vacation from college =/
hope this semester don't kill me so munch like the last
and here some finished versions =]

Jul 7, 2008

Jun 28, 2008

little update =]

hi there folks how r u ?
hope everything is allright =]
little update have more here in to post but i'm little lazy to scan this
post a image doing for contest here in my country never participate in contest but this give a try
hope have little change to win something =D

May 5, 2008

cold days

cold dark days as awesome to draw..problably tired to go outside and try to have normal life like normal humans
to be sincere who gives a shit to the mankind and false people being futile around u ?
keep drawing =D
and 4 k is comming omg it's little amout of number very tks to all people visit my little blog =]
hug to everybody

ps- this some thing related to forum have entered fez weeks later
and love to meeet new artists around the block here in my country
and the best very productive people this really gives u feeling to keeping the things going =]