Saturday, September 20, 2014

18 Months

(Best picture I can get of this wild and busy 18 month old)

Trevin is almost always a happy little guy. He smiles and laughs a lot and always wakes up happy with a huge smile to greet the person getting him out of bed. He jabbers pretty much all day long. He is definitely the chattiest of my three babies. I love to listen to it! He can also say some real words. I know I'm going to forget a few, but here's what I can remember.

What's that
Let go
Outside (side)

He LOVES animals, especially dogs. He loves to read. Right now his favorite book is "Goodnight Moon." He likes to point out the stars and say "star." His favorite song is "twinkle, twinkle little star" and when I'm singing it to him, I pause before the word "star" and he sings it. It makes my heart happy. He also loves to get into anything and everything. He is the busiest of my babies. You can tell which room Trev has been in because the contents of most of the cupboards will be on the floor.

Trevin is very into waving. He must wave to every single car we see. He also likes to wave to people passing by.

He loves lights and points them out wherever we go. He tries to say light, but it comes out sounding a little like shirt. He also loves to stack megablocks. These two things (a flashlight and some megablocks) are what helped us get through the 2+ hour plane ride we recently took to California.

Trev loves his brothers. They are good to entertain him and he enjoys it. They can get him laughing pretty easily. He loves to be around them and try to do anything they are doing. He especially loves laundry day. He wants to be right in on the action when Kyler and Kadin are hanging their clean clothes. He walks around with hangers saying "shirt, shirt" and trying to get one of them to let him put the hanger in their shirt.

Playing on the trampoline is one of his favorite past times. He grabs my hand and says "on" and takes me to the trampoline. Once he's on, he says "go" and runs as fast as he can, then he claps for himself.

He is still a mama's boy and prefers to be held by me whenever possible, but he also adores his dad. As soon as he hears Eric's key in the door in the evening, he squels and rushes to greet his dad.

Trevin is easy-going and sweet-tempered. His smiles and laugh make my heart melt. I'm so happy he's mine.

Monday, March 31, 2014

1 Year Old

Trevin turned 1!

Trevin is a happy and fun baby! He loves to be held by me ALL of the time. I think he would be happy if I never put him down.

Trev loves his raccoon (Larry). He loves to play peek-a-boo. He loves reading any book that has flaps to open or different textures to touch. He loves to listen to kids sing (his brothers or the primary kids). I'm in the primary presidency and if he stays in primary with me and is fussy, the second the kids start singing, he forgets that he is grumpy because he is so interested in them. He loves animals! If he sees a cat or dog, he gets very excited and wants to go get it.

Right now, he is only walking about half of the time. He's much faster at crawling so he prefers that. He has recently just started walking more. He always tries that first, before deciding to crawl. I thought he'd be walking a lot earlier because he has been taking about ten steps at a time for the past couple of months.

He has a very contagious smile and laugh. I love to hear him laugh. He has one of those great belly laughs that, when you hear it, you can't help but laugh too.

He likes to chatter a lot. His only real words are Mama and Dada, but he chatters on like he knows more than that.

He loves to go for walks in his stroller. He got a fun bike for his birthday that he seems to enjoy even more than the stroller.

Trevin loved opening his presents.

He LOVED his birthday cake and had absolutely no hesitation digging into that thing. He very happily (and messily) enjoyed every last bite!

I love this sweet little guy and I'm so happy he's mine.

4 Years Old!

Look who is 4!

I'm way behind! Kadin has been four for almost 2 months. Oops! 

Kadin is still kind and sweet. He never went through a terrible two's or terrible three's phase, but four has been a bit trickier. He's gotten a bit sassier, which I think may come from his big brother's example. He is still mostly sweet, but he has his moments. Who doesn't?

He's very caring and is the first one to comfort someone when they get hurt. He says the best and cutest prayers and we can tell that he really puts thought into them. He LOVES Chewie (our dog). Anytime Chewie stretches in front of Kadin, Kadin thanks him for showing him his stretches and tells him what a good job he did stretching.

Kadin is getting so good at writing his name, recognizing letters, and counting. The poor guy started the school year out in a great preschool that we both loved, but with the move, he is no longer in preschool. I feel bad about it, but didn't find anything impressive here. We're moving again (staying in Oregon, but going to a different city) so I'm hopeful that we'll find a good preschool for him for his last year.

Kadin is shy at first, but once he warms up, he can be quite a talker.

He loves to cuddle and is always asking me to hold him. He loves to read. He has a lot of favorite books. He most often wants to read one of his many Curious George books, the entire Toy Story box set, and one of the many Superhero books.

Kadin stopped napping shortly before he turned 4. It's been kind of a hard transition for him. If he naps, he won't go to sleep until really late. If he doesn't, he gets really tired and sometimes falls asleep if I let him watch a movie.

Kadin had a fun birthday. We went to get Chewie that day so Kadin kind of considers Chewie to be one of his birthday presents. We went out to lunch and he got his favorite meal of macaroni and cheese, fruit, and chocolate milk. Then we had a little birthday celebration at home. He opened his presents, we had cupcakes (Kadin chose strawberry cupcakes for his birthday cake), and made a toast to the birthday boy.

small picture - I had to copy it from instagram

I did a birthday interview with Kadin (I actually did do that part on his birthday) and here is what I found out.

Favorite Food: Mac N Cheese
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Favorite Show: Max & Ruby
Favorite Color: Green, Blue, All of the colors
Favorite Book: Batman: Going Ape and Batman: Meet the Superheroes
Favorite Song: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Best Friend: Mason
Favorite Animal: Giraffe
What he wants to be when he grows up: Dad, just like Dad
What does he do best: Pushing doors open and closed on Kyler
When he is happiest: playing with Kyler, playing with Mason

I love my funny, smart, cute, 4-year-old boy! I'm so happy that he is a part of our family!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

10 Months

This little boy is 10 months old now! Oh, how I love him! I'm sad that he has to keep growing up EVERY SINGLE DAY.

This last month, he got two more teeth so he is up to three now. The two teeth came in at the same time and it didn't even phase him. Yay!

He also started saying "Dada." But just remember that he said "mama" first :)

Trevin has learned to clap, but chooses to do it when he wants, not when I ask him to. A lot of the time, he will clap when I do or when his brothers do, but when I have the camera out, there is no clapping.

He has become a pro at crawling and seems very interested in walking. He cruises around the furniture and can stand for long periods of time. Sometimes he takes a step, but just one before he falls down.

Trevin's favorite things are being held by mom, eating, and destruction. There is no question where this child has been in the house. If he is in the kitchen, he pulls tupperware and pots and pans out of the cupboard and gets anything he can out of the pantry. If he is near a bathroom and the door is open, he speeds in there to unroll all of the toilet paper and bang on the toilet seat like a drum. It's his passion. If he is in the playroom, the dvds do not stay on the shelves for long. He is a busy body, but a cute busy body and I don't mind.

He loves to eat EVERYTHING! We have yet to find anything he won't eat. We had some pico de gallo one night and I gave him some before tasting it. It was a little hotter than I thought it would be. He ate some and whined a bit, but then ate some more and whined a bit more. He was mad when I took it away.

He loves to blow raspberries and thinks he is pretty funny when he remembers to do it with food in his mouth.

He loves to read. Right now his favorite book is called Rhyme-a-Round. He loves it because of the different textures in the book that he can feel.

He also likes when I sing to him. He loves any song that involves actions. Wheels on the Bus, The Monkeys and the Alligator, and Popcorn Popping are his current favorites.

He is down to one nap now. I really don't think my other two cut out one of their naps by this point. I can't remember. All I know is that he naps once and refuses to go down later. Stinker!

He still loves his brothers, especially Kadin. Pretty much anything Kadin does is hillarious to Trevin.

He is a good little fella and we are lucky to have him.

Here are all three boys at 10 months.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

6 Years Old

This fella turned 6 on November 11th.
(the day after we moved out of our Henderson house, so that is why this post is so delayed)

Kyler started Kindergarten this year and has really enjoyed it so far. He has learned to read and write and is a very smart boy. We are proud of him!

He is quite a tease to his younger brothers, but they both adore him (most of the time).

He is very active and very chatty. It's a very rare occasion that he is both quiet and sitting still. VERY 

For his birthday this year, he decided he wanted a party at Chuck-E-Cheese. We were thrilled to hear that since we would be moving. So he invited four boys from our ward to his birthday party and they all had a good time.

Jack, Stetson, Aaron, Kyler, Dallin, Kadin

He also got to celebrate his birthday at school before we left. He took birthday cake rice krispy treats and got to sit with the birthday bear (something he'd been looking forward to).

Here is what we found out during the birthday interview.

Favorite Food: Steak
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Favorite TV show: Jimmy Neutron
Favorite Animal: Giraffe
Favorite Book: The Christmas Train
Favorite thing about School: Recess
What I do best: Build Legos
Favorite Color: Blue
What I want to be when I grow up: Accountant
Favorite Song: Cougar Song
What makes me Happiest: Building Legos with Dad

9 months

Look who is 9 months old!

I've missed the last two months of baby updates, but with good reason. We moved to Oregon so life has been a little busy. So we'll just skip those months and get back on track with nine months.

Trevin is a happy boy! He loves to eat and be held by mommy. If one of those things is happening, you can guarantee he is happy. He loves to watch his brothers play. They are very active while playing the wii so Trevin is very entertained by all of the commotion going on.

Trevin got his first tooth this last month. He had absolutely no teething issues. His tooth was discovered one day when he was chewing on my sister's finger and she asked if we knew there was a tooth in there. It didn't bother him at all. I'm happy to have had three easy teethers!

He makes his way around the house, mostly by army crawling. He has been stubborn about real crawling, but we know he can do it. We have seen him do it when Kyler has legos on the floor and Trevin wants to get them in a hurry or when he was trying to get the tiny board game pieces that Kyler and Kadin were playing with. So he basically uses that skill if he wants to get into something he shouldn't. :)

Trevin mostly prefers to be walked around. He loves when we will let him hold onto our fingers and walk around the house.

His favorite songs are The Monkeys and the Alligator and Popcorn Popping. His favorite book is Animals. He loves to look at the pictures of the different animals and listen to what sounds they make. He likes it best when we come to the fox and I sing that catchy little tune that everyone knows so well. :)

He has learned to wave, which I think is because of all of the popcorn popping, but he never shows it off when I want him to. He has also learned to pull himself up to things and cruise along the furniture. He is always trying to get into a standing position,

He loves to blow raspberries and has learned to click his tongue. He thinks he is pretty funny when he does those things.

He loves taking a bath and is very proud of himself when makes a big splash.

He started saying "mama." Yay!

He eats pretty much everything, except baby food. He refuses to eat baby food. I think it is because he sits and the table with us and sees that we are eating other fantastic things and he wants to be a part of it. So I oblige. I just give him bite size pieces of whatever we are eating. A pediatrician once told me that baby food is just Gerbers way of getting rich and we don't need it. I don't know if it's true, but I'll just go with it. He loves fruits and vegetables and whatever else he is given.

Trevin loves to play with his toys, as long as someone is sitting there with him. He doesn't like to sit by himself and play.

He had his nine month well check and he is doing very well. Eric would like him to be doing a little better in the growing department because he is only in the 25th percentile for height. But he is healthy and that's what matters.

We love our little boy and can't believe he is nine months already!

Here is how all three boys looked at 9 months.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Soccer Game

Kyler had his first real soccer game today. He played well and had fun. He scored the first goal of the game (the only goal for his team). It was fun for us to watch him. What made it even more fun was that three of his friends are on the team with him. I'm glad they can all play together and that we can have a nice little cheering section.

Kadin was very nice and supportive of his brother. I don't even know how many times he told Kyler what a great job he did. It was very cute.

6 Months Old

Oh how I love this little 6 month old boy! 

Trevin is happy and sweet. He loves to be held. When I'm not around he will play nicely on the floor with his toys. If he sees me, no dice. He is a big mama's boy. If he watches me walk out of a room, he cries. Fortunately, if someone else is there holding him he doesn't care as much. I'm not sad that he is a mama's boy though. I love the big smile I get every time he sees me. I love that he wants me to hold him because I love to hold him. It's not totally convenient when I'm trying to get dishes done, but that's okay. He is my last baby to hold so I'm taking advantage of it.

Trevin has started sitting on his own. This has made him more content to sit and play. Sitting also means he can now take baths in the big bath tub, which he loves. He can do a lot more splashing in there, which he thinks is great.

He still loves his toes. When he sits, he likes to bend over and hold onto his toes. When he is laying down, he is always trying to get his toes in his mouth.

We started feeding him rice cereal about a month ago. He thought it was okay. My other two gobbled it up, but Trevin didn't think it was that great. After a few feedings, he wouldn't eat it anymore. I added a little banana to sweeten it and he loved it. He also likes it sweetened with applesauce. With me as his mom, it's no surprise that this kid has a sweet tooth. Hopefully he will also like vegetables like his brothers. I pureed some peas for him today for the first time. He seemed to like them.

Trevin likes to look at his little board books. He mostly just likes to turn the pages. He likes when we sing to him. He likes to play any game that involves moving his hands or feet or being thrown in the air or bounced. I'm sure he will be very physical, just like his brothers (who drive me crazy because they never stop wrestling).

Trevin is a giggler. He has had the cutest little giggle ever since he was teeny tiny. He laughs when we tickle him, sing silly songs to him, dance, and when the big boys tease with him.

Here is what all three boys look like at 6 months