Sunday, January 24, 2010

Some more......

Goodness.....when you actually get some scrapping does take a while to resize and work with the photo's for the blog.  Anyway......


It's lovely scrapping photos that have been waiting for a while to be documented.  I grinned several times at this dear little face (that starts school on Wednesday!  Gulp......)


And the sketch from the LO........


Playing with Prima

I have recently gotten my hands on some Prima from Scrapz.  I have been having a little fun!  Adding to what I already had, there is quite the stash to play with......I did 4 LO's yesterday.  Mighty easy stuff to work with in short!


I pulled apart the branch and got another LO out of it.  I just wired it back together for this LO.  It was a little heavy to use as was.


Fetch a Sketch

The challenges have started again over at Scrapz.  It was my turn again for the sketch.  Heres what I did this week.


And the LO using this sketch......FAS 013
Go here for the details of the challenge.  There are some Sassafrass Felties or Paper whimsies up for grabs.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Great Sales

Check this out......50% off Patterned Papers!


  go here.......that's where I will be!!!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Biggest Loser....

Hop on over to Scrapz.Biz and join in The Biggest Loser Challenges.  There are some seriously cool challenges going on daily until our regular programming resumes on Jan 18.  There are 3 challenges posted each day- one is to USE your stash, one is to LOSE weight/get healthy and the other is to MOVE out scrapping products you don't use and/or reorganise your scrapping space. There is still time, and Heike ALWAYS has the best prizes and Giveaways.  Certainly an opportunity to give the New Years Resolution, general desire to be more organised a kick start!!!

Colour Combo's Galore Returns!

It's been a while, and the SITE has been on Hiatus for an extended period, but Janet is back.

New combo's will be posted on Fridays now.  Just ready for the weekend, when most of us actually are able to make the time to scrap!.

The one just revealed today is gorgeous.  Such a lovely calm combination!


This is the result of my play with the colours.......




Now I have to wait for another one!!!!  Oh well....I do have other scrapping I need to get done!

I did just download some lovely digital Hybrid stuff from Prima Mmm-mmm!  Might have a go at their January Build-a-page, Lots of photos.....good challenge!

If you have a chance, have a go at the combo for this week at the CCG site.  It's a lot of fun!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Something cool.

BBblog10 is offering
readers of my blog a 10% discount on your next order over $40.00.  To
receive the discount include the following code in the comments field of your
order: JANBLOGL. 
Note discounts do not apply to items already
discounted, on sale or subscriptions.  The code is valid for this month
until the 31st January 2010.