November 18, 2008

Over the weekend

This last weekend we had Logan so we ventured to the Dinosaur Museum in Lehi. What a riot! The kids LOVED it!! Logan's favorite part was the erosion table, full of sand, water and little Dino's. We played in that for a good while as well as the sad box where he "dug" up dinosaur bones. It was fun to watch them both explore. Myles found a big wood puzzle that he played with for like 10 min. That's a record for him. Logan got a kick out of the massive Brontosaurs that he could play under. We spent quit a few hours there and will defiantly be going back. Even Chris and I had a good time.
Side note -- This show should be in sindication. "Not the Mama!!"

November 13, 2008

Nov. 13

Another week has passed and things stayed about the same. Another of my Grandma's brother's passed away. He was a BIL but still that make 4 in the last 2 years. I guess it's to be expected they are getting up there in years, but it's still sad to watch them go. There are 12 kids in here family so it's comforting to know that there are still so many that can give comfort to each other.
Myles is getting bigger everyday of course, he is learning so quickly, he helps get himself dressed and undressed, as I chase him around the house with his clothes. :) He's showing us more what he wants instead of wining, and he's beginning to pick up more words. He's not saying them yet, but I know he's processing them when he hears us say them and it's only a matter of time. We have Logan this weekend again, I really want to do something fun with him. I'm thinking maybe the children's museum we haven't been there in about a year. I'm thinking that both of the boys would enjoy it.
Also I've learned that I get to cook Thanksgiving dinner this year, my grandma who ususaly does most of it is going to my aunts in Montana and my mom is working. It's going to be a small one this year maybe only 10 of us or so, but still I've never cooked that much food, and I've NEVER cooked a turkey!!! I did get a killer recipe off the Food Network website though so I'll try that, and Chris informed me that we HAVE to have regular mashed potatoes instead of the red ones I was planning lol I'm sure it will turn out great. Hopefully....

November 06, 2008

Update since June

I really should get on top of this blog thing. It's been a while so I'll just start with the recent. September 10 was Myles 1st birthday! He had such a gerat time. We did a Little Einstines theme. He was really into it at the time. Chris' mom made the cakes there was Quincy, Leo, and Myles had his own Rocket cake, it was awesome. He of course got WAY to many toys in part because I found a killer deal on KSL and couldn't pass it up. lol. Both of the boys are getting so big. I can't believe how fast they grow. Logan looks like a 6 yr old and Myles is just so dang cute I can't believe it. He's talking a lot more now. Ball, and Hats are his 2 favorites. He also is picking up lights and down. He also just started showing us that he knows where his nose is. When you ask him he reaches out and "beeps" everyones nose. It's adorable of course.

Halloween was a blast. Logan was a skeleton with purple hair. He loved every minute of it. He got the hang of "trick-or-treating" after about 2 houses and then didn't want to stop. We ended up with so much candy!! Myles was a biker, leather Harley vest and all. He has discovered suckers, and eats them whenever possible. He also learned that he can sneek them out of his candy bag if it's within reach. lol

With all of the comotion of the last few months behind us I'm now looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas. Chris and I have decided to keep it simple this year. Christmas at our house is going to be not about presents and recieving but about the true meaning and giving. I'm excited about it. I love this time of year more than any other. It's such a great feeling and it only gets better towards the end.

June 25, 2008

Band Wagons

Well I'm jumping on wagons left and right now days. Myspace, Facebook, and now this. Ah well though, I thought this might be a fun thing to jot down thoughts and share new events and milestones about my family. Chris and I are happy with our 2 boys, Logan 4 and Myles 9 months. We're living in Midvale with the hopes of getting out SOON!! The wedding is coming up fast, July 12th, and as bad as it sounds I can't wait for it to be over. Not that I'm not excited or looking forward to it, I just want all of the stress to go away. I'm to the point of wishing that we did like my brother and went to Vegas.