Tuesday, May 30, 2017


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on May 29, 2017

1. Saya membesar di zaman perjuangan melawan Malayan Union dan membebas negara dari penjajahan British.

2. Diwaktu itu semangat kebangsaan sahaja yang mendorong saya dan kawan-kawan bergerak dan berkorban duit sendiri yang sedikit bagi menjayakan perjuangan. Tidak ada harapan untuk mendapat apa-apa balasan selain dari tebusan maruah bangsa.

3. Hari ini orang Melayu sudah banyak berubah. Bagi ramai dari kita, sudah tidak ada lagi kesayangan kepada bangsa dan negara. Semangat kebangsaan dicemuh sebagai perkauman – racist. Kita malu jika bersemangat Melayu.

4. Sekarang ini ramai yang tidak boleh menerima bahawa seseorang boleh sayang kepada bangsa dan negara sehingga sanggup korban keselesaan hidup diri sendiri.

5. Sesungguhnya saya amat sedih akan kehilangan semangat kebangsaan di kalangan orang Melayu, tua dan muda. Jika tidak diupah dengan duit, pangkat atau jawatan, kontrak atau sebagainya biarlah negara hancur, tidak ada apa-apa yang sanggup dibuat untuk menyelamatnya. Jauh sekali dari menghadapi sedikit risiko.

6. Apabila budaya ini mengganti semangat kebangsaan alamatnya ialah bangsa ini akan gagal dan akan hilang dari muka bumi ini.

7. Dalam sejarah manusia banyak sudah bangsa-bangsa yang sudah tidak ada lagi. Ada yang hanya tercatit dalam buku sejarah. Ada yang hilang sama sekali.

8. Apakah buku sejarah di zaman akan datang akan tertulis didalamnya, “Maka di zaman dahulu terdapat satu bangsa yang dikenali sebagai Melayu, yang sudah pun hilang, kerana semangat bangsa luput diganti dengan ketamakan nafsu”.

9. Wallahu A’lam.

Friday, May 26, 2017


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on May 25, 2017

1. Proton has been sold. It has been sold to foreigners.

2. They say Proton is my brainchild. Now the child of my brain has been sold.

3. Yes. I am sad. I can cry. But the deed is done. Proton can no longer be national. No national car now. We Malaysians are glad to be rid of this pesky car. I am sure Proton will do well. It will be a commercial success. It will be sold all over the world. The Proton name will be everywhere.

4. It will be like Singapore. Malaysians are proud of this great city-state. If it had not been sold it would be, perhaps, as well developed as Kuala Kedah or Kuala Perlis. Then we cannot be proud of Singapore.

5. Now we can be proud of Proton. With money and superior technology it will compete with Rolls Royce and Bentley.

6. But I cannot be proud of its success. I cannot be proud of the success of something that does not belong to me or my country. Maybe other Malaysians will, but not me. Come to think of it, if our country is sold to others, to the very rich people of other countries, I am sure our country will become well developed too. It can even be a fully developed country – exceeding the expectations of Vision 2020.

7. It will be a great country with super highways, high-speed rail (HSR), gleaming skyscrapers, shining new towns, beautifully landscaped and lighted. But I can’t be proud! Can I be proud to be living on the fringes of this great country so well developed by the buyers.

8. I will die soon. I am already beyond average age. And as I slip into my final years, or month or days, I will watch as our beloved country is sold to foreigners to settle the trillion Ringgits that we owe. We will have to sell more and more of our country.

9. What are our assets? Our land of course!! That was what we did in the past. We sold chunks of our country. We lost the land we sold. That is what we are doing now. And that will be what we will have to do – or forfeit our country; like we forfeit Proton.

10. Proton the child of my brain has been sold. It is probably the beginning of the great sell-out. The process is inexorable. No other way can we earn the billions to pay our debts. The only way is to sell our assets. And eventually we will lose our country, a great country no doubt, but owned by others.

11. I am a sissy. I cry even if Malaysians are dry-eyed. My child is lost. And soon my country.

12. Please excuse me.