Hello dear furry and human friends....what a morning... I overslept. That happens all 5 years for one time . I had 15 minutes to get Steffen dressed up, eat two spoons cornflakes and set on the way to school with a second breakfast in his bag...wow. The other two boys had more time. Their school beginning is later. It is raining outside after 4 weeks sunshine . I´m busy with clean up the house for our family celebration on sunday. Now I have no really good idea for a COT theme so I show you pictures of our lazy pets... Patch and Olli looking for shady places.... O L L I, where is Luna ??? Mmmmmh , look at the hedge.....can you see Luna ???She is well camouflaged with her fur color. Oups , Olli is there too, he´s not camouflages with his white fur. You can see her better in the sunbeam.... she love this place...it is the other side of Dixies grave under the summer lilac. Now I better go on with clean up. Today I have to wash the curtains and clean the windows. ..
Another sunny day...we all had been in the garden...lazy today... I found Olli lying in the shady corner in the garden...can you see the tiny stone cat near the Forget-me-not flower??? I don´t know if Olli knows where he has his nap ...it is the grave of our former cat Dixie. Dixie was 13 years when she died...killed by a car.It is more than 5 years ago but the Forget-me-not flowers every year on his place under the summer lilac Buddleia davidii and remind us to our Dixie. I wish you a happy sunday and a wonderful week beginning!
It was a long week but finally......IT´S FRIDAY ...and Weekend....again!!!! We have another sunny day and the weather forecast pronounced more sunshine. The Lilac is in full flower...what a lovely smell is now in the garden. From here you can see Lunas new hiding place.... ...and now I will tell you the place from Lunaswordless wednesday picture...It´s on the roof of the shed under the roof of the house...I think it is the best place in our garden. We wish you all a wonderful weeekend !!!
Hello dear friends! Since we have every day sunny weather our cats sleep all day and wake up in the late afternoon. I took these pictures yesterday evening. Here you can see tired Luzie . She has just woken up.... You can see it on her ears...she looks a little dissatisfied.... ...wake up....look around....start to clean the fur.... At the same time Luna has woken up too.... ...lies around....roll on the floor... ....show her fluffy tummy.... ....looks a little dissatisfied like Luzie.... After a long fur grooming starts the cat day...the daily mouse hunt..the nightshift of the cats.
Patch found yesterday a forgotten easter egg in the garden. He was a good doggie and exchanged it against doggie treads.Chocolate is not good for dogs. The watery heart is in full flower....I have two. A large one in the frontyard and this at the pond in the backyard. The yellow flowers at the pond are a good place to hide....can you see the froggy ??? You can see it if you enlarge the photo. It is a very very small pond and we are wondering about the Toad there.Hopefully the cats let him live. We have a invitation on sunday to a communion celebration of my nephew Johannes. I try to visit our friends in the evening.
Hello dear furry and human friends!!! Here in northern Germany finally spring has arrived! The trees and bushes are full off flowers. This is our Cherry tree. Luna is sitting on the roof of the carport to observe all the busy flying insects which are collecting the sweet nectar from the flowers. It´s late afternoon and the best time for the bees and bumblebees because the flowers have a stupefying scent in the evening. Luna has a great view.... From her place she can also observe the street and the backside of the garden... Here are flowering the bushes pink and yellow....
Hello dear friends!!! We have sunshine again this week...the cats enjoy their walks through the gardens...observed by Luzie on her favorite observating place.I can´t imagine that it is very comfortable to sit on that small fence.... Olli remains in our garden while Luna loves to walk around in the neighborhood or to the fields... It seems there are enough mice in our garden too..... Olli found one and carried it into the house. My husband took these pictures in our living room.... Until I came up and screamed...take this mouse out of the room... Olli may thought that it is not allowed to have a little fun .....and I thought about all the worms and fleas on the mouse......and used a lot of sprays agains all these things...
You can read moreCats on Tuesdaystories at Gattinas Blog.
My friend Karla who is always hosting the CatArt Sunday sent me this card. That is real Cat Art!!! Olli found a new friend... guess who is it??? Do you remember Clarence ?He is a very nice mancat and is also Lunas friend. Has anyone seen the easterbunny ??? I have... on my daily coffee mug ;o) I have participated in the easter egg hunt swap of Vivian. If you are interested come to my crafting blogSammelLeidenschaft .
We had another sunny and warm (21°C/70°F) day and spent the whole day in garden. Wir hatten heute wieder einen wunderschönen, sonnigen Tag und haben den ganzen Tag im Garten verbracht. I decided to plant Pansies and bought this box at the vegetable and planting farmhouse near our town .Ich habe beschlossen auf den noch freien Flächen Stiefmütterchen zu pflanzen.Diese bunte Kiste habe ich auf unseren Pflanzen und Gemüsehof in der Nähe gekauft. Also I bought this Altea rosea and Delphinium and hope we get no more frosty nightsbecause they are fresh planted very frost sensible. Dort gab es auch Stockrosen und Rittersporn...hoffentlich gibt es jetzt keinen Frost, in diesem Stadium sind sie frisch gepflanzt sehr empfindlich. Olli tried today his first tree climbing....Olli hat heute zum ersten Mal versucht auf den Kirschbaum zu klettern. ...but he gets afraid when he was half on the top and asked me to carry him down. ...er hat aber auf halber Strecke Angst bekommen und mich kläglich maunzend um Hilfe gebeten.
Luna had her annunal vaccination today and has enough from everything. Now she sleeps under the porch. Luna hat heute ihre jährlich Impfung bekommen und genug für den Rest des Tages. Nun schläft sie unter dem Terrassendach .