Sonntag, 29. November 2009

Cat Art Sunday

Welcome to the first Advent Cat Art Sunday!!! Willkommen zum Cat Art Sunday am 1. Advent.
I bought this door guardian Cat on a local Christmas market. Its a tin cat. Diese Blechkatze habe ich auf einem regionalen Weihnachtsmarkt gekauft. Sie bewacht jetzt unsere Tür.
....we made this today Cat Art but Kids Art *LOL*
das haben wir heute gemacht ... keine Katzen- sondern Kinderkunst
Einen schönen 1. Advent !!!

A happy first Advent !!!

Dienstag, 24. November 2009

Cats on Tuesday

Dear furry and human friends,
today I want to tell you about Luzie. She is not really content. She prefers to sleep outside, ok that is normal for Luzie...the former stray cat. When she comes in she hisses in all directions if there are other cats or not. She only comes in for food and sometimes she sleeps near me on the sofa when I´m blogging.
We had been at the vet for a check if she is ill. But she is not ill. The vet says she is stressed .

Last week I found this necklace and thought that will be the solution for her problems. The name means anti fustration . Feeling well necklace translated in english. The necklace was very expensive. It has a sweet but obtrusive smell . Luzie let me put it on her neck and wear seems she like it...but than...
...she wore it for 3 days and got a bad cough. The cough sounds asthmatic. We removed the necklace and the cough dissapeared immediately...I should better throw my money through the window next time but I thought the experience was it worth. Possibly it works or not.
Luzie became another cat when we brought her babies to there new foreverhomes. It is 4 years ago. Since this time she let no other cat stay near her. We thought it was a good idea to have a new baby cat and kept Luna ....but they never became friends.
Maybe Luzie would love to be a only one cat in the family....
We don´t want to see her stressed every day ...we want to help her.....maybe it is a solution to find a new family...maybe we let her like she is....being herself..... this is Luzie-our cat

*Happy Tuesday*

read more Cats on Tuesday at Gattinas blog click here

Montag, 23. November 2009

Mancat Monday

I am waiting.......where are my foodbowls.....that is not fair.....I am sitting on the empty foodbowl tray....
The human says I´m getting fat....she says I´m always eating and eating.... now it is enough....but, tell me , what shall I do when I´m always hungry ? ? ?

*Happy (hungry) Monday*

Dienstag, 17. November 2009

Cats on Tuesday

Hello dear furry and human friends,
Do you remember this note in the newspaper? It means a grey tabby cat was found and brought to the shelter. He is now back. His family lives in the neighbourhodd at the other side of our street. It was a random that they get the tabby back because they never read the newspaper note and nobody knows here that the have a cat. In the meantime they brought a new kitty to their home. Now they have two.
I found the greytabby in our garden playing with Olli, Lenny and Felix. He lives in our porch and tried to get food from the rabbish. I called the shelter and they told me that the owner lives near our house. So I brought the tabby back to his family.
The Tabby came back every day ....he decided that he would love to live in our family... ..I take him every night back to his house and every morning he comes back...

Olli loves the Tabby. He grooms him, they play together and share everything...Olli needs a friend. Lenny comes no longer to play. I´ve not seen him for longer.
The Tabby is a sweetie, but we have three cats and that is enough.
We think his people are no cat people but we have to teach him where his real home is.

*Happy Tuesday*

read more Cats on Tuesday at Gattinas blog click here

Montag, 16. November 2009

Mancat Monday

Olli decided that my crochet pink Hexagon blanket is very comfortable....though the color is not really mancatly ...
the bean boy Steffen says I should better crochet a Blanket in black and orange..these are the colors of his favorite moovie Wild Soccer Guys.

Olli findet meine gehäkelten Hexagons sehr gemütlich...obwohl die Farbe ja eigentlich nichts für Jungs ist....sagen meine Männer zumindest....Steffen meint sogar, dass ich besser eine Decke in schwarz orange häkeln sollte ( Wilde Fussball Kerle Farben)

*Happy Monday*

Samstag, 14. November 2009

Happy Weekend

Hello friends,
here are our weekend greetings.

Little Fall Decoration impressions from Luna, Luzie and Ollies House!!!
It is dark outside in november and we want to have it cozy in our house. Lets have a good cup of tea and light on a candle.

Happy Weekend!

Mittwoch, 11. November 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Two friends through the kitchenwindow....

Dienstag, 3. November 2009

Cats on Tuesday

Hello dear furry and human friends,

we have sunshine this morning. It is cold 40°F / 5°C. Luna is waiting for breakfast on the windowsill. It looks like it is all green here, like spring but that is deceptive. Autumn is here and let the leaves fall down. Only the climbing rose leaves are green and the kitchen herbs on the window sill.
Lenny was here this morning for a second breakfast with Luzie. Luzie demands every morning her white yogurt and Lenny would love to try too.
Luzie hissed to him when she is ready . Unfortunately when the batterie of the camera was empty she ate the rest of Lennys bowl too.

This is a short COT Post today, the beanboy Steffen is ill. He has the flu. He is feeling very very sick. I have since yesterday a bad cough too and I hope I don´t get the flu...nevertheless...


read more Cats On Tuesday at Gattinas blog. click here