Jumaat, 26 Disember 2008
sudah selamat satu perkara
anyway, mama akan balik kl petang ni.. dan akan bercuti (yippieeee!!) sampai new year.. orait bebeh.. update later.. muah!
Selasa, 23 Disember 2008
new semester starts with lots of praying and hope
hari ni pulak jumpa student 1st year n 3rd year.. kesian tgk student melayu 1st year.. macam keciciran aje.. lagi pulak majority of their result is quite low.. hmmm.. xpe, usaha lagi.. kami sedia membantu anda.. kih kih kih.. cam iklan..
anyway, esok we'll be heading to balik pulau.. my abah's nikah will be on 25/dec ni.. so, banyak benda lagi nak buat ni.. hantaran tak siap lagi.. weeewooo.. nasib baik ada ramai pembantu kat rumah.. boleh la nak minta tolong gubah2 ni.. mama tangan keras.. hehehehe.. so, okey.. nak balik awal harini.. nak main dengan aiman.. taa
Jumaat, 19 Disember 2008
gomen hosp or private?
those who are close to me (read: my family) would know about my nephew's problem.. he was born with bladder problem (please correct me if i'm wrong kak mas.. yes peep, my SIL name is mas too.. huhu) so, since birth, he had difficulties with his diet as well as digestion system.. thru ops, doc managed to repair it and he already able to "do the business" as usual.. but sadly, he still can't tolerate most food that a 5 year old kid eats.. he normally take his milk and biscuits for his meal.. maybe he's afraid of getting sick if he eats a lot.. and that can be seen to his body frame.. seriously, aiman's thigh is bigger than his arm.. normally, when he doesnt eat, he'll get stomach wind easily (of course you might say) and you guys can imagine being a small frame boy, he's stomach will become big like balloon.. seriau tengok..
things get worse last 2 days.. he was admitted to a****g p****i for having irregular heartbeat.. BP dia tinggi.. so, my SIL brought him to that hospital as he already undergone his stomach surgery before.. however, things turn out pretty odd as his past document is missing!! my SIL already smell some rotten during their last visit as the doc hesitated to gave her permission to have copy of his son's document.. it's really weird when a mother is denied permission to have a look at his own son's record.. what made thing worst, he was treated for his stomach wind rather than his irregular heartbeat this time around.. and my SIL insisted on knowing the reasons for his sickness but the doc refuses to tell her.. that make it two time weirder than the last time..
she also told me that it was funny too when the general practitioner at the ER suddenly gelabah tak tentu pasal and start to call a paed.. seriously, what was the doctors thinking while checking on her son?? can you imagine having 2 doctors at the same time checking a 5 year old boy!! one is busy checking his irregular heartbeat and the other one is checking his stomach.. both at the same time.. one doctor inserted tube to transfer blood (as his blood count drops from normal person 12 to 3.3) while the other one inserted another tube for drip and laxative.. aiyayayaya.. can u imagine the boy's nerve.. if it was me, surely i'll scream my heart out man!!
my nephew was warded for a night.. we suggested they tried another paed as the paed at a****g p****i didn't consult my SIL eventhough she kept insisted on knowing her son's condition!! they kept on saying that he need to be treated at their hospital rather than giving answers why her son's heartbeat suddenly jumped up and why did he turned blue.. they sent some of his blood to test if he got thalasemia or other blood disease.. my SIL tak puas hati.. she intended to get other paed's view, so she said that she wanted to take his son back.. but the doc refuses to let him go.. my SIL told the doc that she wanted to go to another hosp and the doc kept asking where to.. so she just said HUKM.. he finally said yes and gave my SIL a ref letter.. he even left 1 needle at my nephew's hand just to ensure that he'll be coming back.. thank goodness my SIL did persuade a nurse to take out the needle and she take away her son like a fugitive running from treatment.. all in all with RM1800 terbang, they still have no clue whatsoever happened to their son..
she called me just now to ask how the procedure to go to HUKM.. I told her how the process is.. for your information, Aiman also has had treatment at HUKM regarding his lump (cyst) near his eye (which he still has it because we dont want to do the op yet as he's still a baby).. we actually has visited a couple of doctor about that and a doctor at Damai Specialist refered us to HUKM.. I'll blog about it later.. but, to think about it, sometimes we tend to think that pvt hosp can give us the best.. but we should know better that most gvt hosp already have the best specialist.. sometimes, the pvt hosp charges us with ridiculous amount of money which it wasn't suppose to be.. but being a business oriented hosp, they tend to do that.. so, i guess it comes back to us to decide where should we go, right.. if we are covered by ins, than surely you can go to a pvt hosp.. otherwise, if you dont have enough money, you should try to avoid them.. bengkok seh!!
owh, btw, my nephew is still recuperating at his home.. please make a doa for him.. so that he can be cheerful as he is before.. amin. if you guys have any suggestions on choosing a good paed surgeon, please inform me.. tq
Khamis, 18 Disember 2008
tag kak iza
Soalan: Nyatakan 5 kedai yang anda pantang jumpa mesti nak masuk dan beli barang
1. M.A.C - be it at KLCC ke, Gurney ke, MidValley ke.. mesti rasa miang2 je nak masuk.. bila keluar siap le.. mesti ade hasil tangkapan.. ntah le.. suke bebenar mama dengan kaler2 yang MAC ade.. hehehe
2. Guardian/Watson - memang pantang masuk je, ade beg keluar.. aiyo
3. Kedai Mahasiswa kampus kej - bila pi makan kat kafe je, mesti singgah ini kedai.. maka berlambaklah jajan yang dibeli dan kudapan untuk kunyahan dalam bilik
4. Kedai Buku - tak kira la kinokuniya ke, MPH ke, Borders ke, Popular ke.. kalau ade kedai buku je mesti ada buku yang dibeli.. buku cerita ke, buku belajar ke, motivasi ke, tak kira le.. paling koman pun beli stationary.. hehe..
5. Kedai Runcit Pak lang & Billion Parit Buntar - Must go grocery shop! murah dan berpatutan.. maka kepala pun akan mula memikirkan ide2 nak makan ape kat rumah.. asyik kerja makan je aku nih!!!!
Tag untuk 5 orang berikutnye
1. Aweng
2. Kak Aishah
3. Fanor
4. Nana
5. Kak CT - saje je suh update blog akak tu.. hehehehe
Rabu, 17 Disember 2008
aiman dan kerusi malasnya - nak let go avent bottle




puting ni pun x pakai lagi..
Selasa, 16 Disember 2008
tenkiu papa
2 tahun lepas, time ni, mama tengah siap2 nak ke dewan kenduri.. hehekenduri kami ade teh tarik ngan cendol tauuuu.. tak dibuat orang!
Isnin, 15 Disember 2008
the day when 2 become 1
time sebelum sarung cincin.. time ni sebenarnya letih dah tunggu.. rupanya papa solat dan kena khutbah malam pertama dengan kadi rupanya.. hehehe
lepas sesi sarung cincin..
ha.. kurus tak mama dulu.. lain seh....
Jemputan Kenduri Abah Den

Khamis, 11 Disember 2008
when age stop and the clock still ticking
dalam gembira mama, tiba2 dapat email bagitau kak aishah dah kehilangan baby dia.. pagi tadi.. dia memang dah tunggu time je nak bersalin.. aduhai.. sedih rasa sebab dia selalu kongsi kat blog dia detik2 nak tunggu baby dia.. mama doakan kak aishah n family banyak2 bersabar..
berbalik kepada bday mama, hehehe.. mama berkira2 nak dapat apa dari papa.. harini macam nak ajak papa pi tgk los dan faun je kat gurney tu.. macam best.. pastu nak jalan2 kat wing baru dia.. heheehehhe (gelak jahat sebab ade ide jahat) anyway, 2 3 hari ni macam relaks sikit.. sebab kerja dah mula kurang.. dah macam stable balik working life mama.. tu yang boleh terfikir nak mengular je tu..
makluman, mama tak mau makan kek dah.. time raya haritu dah bagai menggila makan kek.. sabtu mama buat strawberry cheesecake, ahad tu buat kek lapis asam dan 2 biji kek coklat.. udah2 le.. berat nanti sape susah?? mama jugak..
*don't ask my age please.. umur dah stop waktu 25 tahun haritu.. jadinya.. sekarang ni pun 25 je memanjang.. sekian (tak tahu sampai bila baru mau sedar)
update utk raya mama buat lepas ni.. tapi, mama nak update aiman's progress untuk 15months (7 dec aritu)
- skang aiman dah pandai nak something mesti tarik tangan mama or papa.. panggil suruh teman dia ambil satu2 benda
- aiman dah tahu, bila buka baju tandanya nak mandi.. dia akan terus lari pi toilet..
- aiman punya selera makan dah okey sikit.. especially time balik raya haritu.. macam2 dia makan..
- dah pandai demand nak main kat luar..
- suka tolong mama siram pokok bunga.. serius.. guna getah paip lagi.. mula2 dok asyik tgk mama n papa buat, pastu, dia amik getah tu (air tak bukak pun) terus dia acu pada pokok.. konon2 nak siram la tu..
- duduk atas kerusi sendiri time nak tgk tv.. hehe.. nanti mama ambil pic
okey, toodles.. mama nak start baca buku ni.. azam nak abis by this weekend
Rabu, 10 Disember 2008
Jumaat, 5 Disember 2008
catch of the weekend
- kat klcc tu, mama memang aim nak pi mothercare.. sebab ade VIP card.. so, extra la sikit less nya.. huhuhu.. mama grab jacket brown untuk aiman n monkeysuit (yang 7 in 1) untuk baju aiman pi nurseri.. senang pakai tu sebab kat sini panas.. dan baju jaring2 selalu tak banyak pilihan.. itu aje la corak nye.. hehe
- kendian, mama n papa masuk isetan.. member's special weekend kan.. kami pun masuk la.. mama dah berkira2 nak ganti sandal mama.. dah lusuh dah.. 11 bulan pakai hari2.. sayang juga dengan sandal clarks tu.. tapi dah tak sesuai pulak nak ke ofis pakai sandal lusuh.. sebelum beli sandal, mama gatal ke kiehl's.. beli shampoo untuk papa n mama.. review utk shampoo volumizing dia best.. mama pun ingat okey la beli.. dah alhamdulillah, dah 3 kali shampoo kira okey la juga

- papa pula beli perfume baru.. try ralph lauren explorer pulak.. sedap bau dia.. mama pulak dapat miniature notorious RL.. hmm.. gayanya hujung bulan ni leh le rembat itu pulak.. akakakka.. pastu baru la mama ke shoes dept.. clarks pulak takde design lawa.. mama settle dengan snowfly.. tapi serius, mama ras comfortable lagi clarks.. tapi x kisah la.. less 20% plus rm30 voucher, kira worth la juga kasut tu..
- lepas tu, mama n papa gatal pi masuk ke satu kedai tu.. nampak macam ramai orang.. kira macam berani la nak masuk.. ye la, selalunya, kalau kedai macam ni mesti sepi2 aje.. orang takut nak masuk.. last2 bila dah masuk.. barula mama tau.... waaaaaa, ini brand tatak mahal macam wa sangka looo.. kikiki.. SA (sale asst) tu cakap, ini kira cheapest luxury brand gitu.. ntah macam mana (ayat skema) mama tetiba tertangkap pada satu ni.. aduhai.. cantiknya.. dwi fungsi lagi.. leh jadi handbag n jadi sling bag.. mama ngaku, mama tak reti sangat bab2 nama ni.. tapi mama jatuh cintun sama ini beg.. tapi yang ini takde la pulak less nya.. sebab latest season kata SA tu.. (ye, brand ini tengah ade sale utk last season punya beg.. 30% lak tu.. best wooo) lepas puas belek2, mama decide amik la jugak.. lagipun, bukan selalu boleh dapat beg camni.. masa tu la mama baru tau, rupanya brand ni ade guarantee lagi.. 6months untuk stitches n buckles.. cleaning pulak untuk lifetime.. woot woot.. ape lagi.. ku rembat juga barang sebuah.. buat merasa.. kekekekeke

sandal itu yang dirembat..
dah pakai 3 hari.. weee.. best2.. lembut lak tu.. compartment dia puas hati la kira
- Hari selasa, kami sempat ke ikea.. nak cari rak untuk office n tilam untuk tok ayah.. alahai, delivery ke penang mahal le pulak.. so, kensel almari, kami beli tilam je.. fyi, tilam ikea kira affordable juga.. kami dah beli satu (duit present dari ude) masa wedding.. n kali ni mama present kat tok ayah pulak.. menjelang wedding tok ayah christmas ni.. pastu beli juga bekas utk hantaran.. sempoi2 aje.. beli la barang kecil2.. masa nak bayar kat kaunter, yang queue belakang mama tak lain tak bukan datin seri jeanne.. ala, isteri PM la.. tapi, kemain lagi masam muka dia.. mama senyum la.. amboi2.. buat2 tak nampak tu.. huhuhu.. tak pe laa.. awak tu isteri PM.. kita ni rakyat marhaein je.. hohoho..
papa sempat pose nak ukur tinggi almari.. haha
- last but not least (terlupa update tadi) - tudung munawwarah.. 3 helai gitu mama sambar.. kui kui kui.. boleh pakai time raya ni nanti.. hahahahhaa..
*itu la kiranya yang sempat mama rembat.. kempis poket mak bulan ni.. hohoho!!
entry tergendala - cuti-cuti malaysia
masa kat genting tu, kami siap beli express lane pas lagi.. sebab leh potong queue orang.. akakkaa.. sabau je laa..
time ni, mama n mak teh dah naik dah.. tapi kami tipu papa suruh duduk paling luar sekali.. dia tak tahu yang kat luar la yang paling gayat.. akakakakka (gelak jahat)
aiman naik cup pusing2.. hehehe
itu budak nama aiman, dah dapat jalan bukan nak jalan.. sibuk nak main tayar la pulak!!
mama n papa sebelum hilang jantung naik ship.. kikiki
mak teh with aiman
entry tergendala - family day office
papa n aiman tengah lepak tunggu turn nak main
staf n family wanita school kami (ayat ape daa ni)
papa main orang utan race
us at lost world tambun
Khamis, 4 Disember 2008
in a midst of everything
to my family and friends (especially my dearest enda.. glad to know that you've been visiting this blog too), sorry for not updating for quite a while.. I needed my rest (which actually can't be counted as one because cuti ke kl means a lot of agenda need to be fulfilled.. hehe) I'll resume my blogging later (hopefully later in the afternoon) after I finished picking up all the small little things that I need to do today..
okey, toodles peep..
*singing happy tunes inside my head*