The weather has been amazing this month! We have been spending as much time outside as possible! Most days, the girls wait outside (playing with bubbles, jumping on the trampoline, or just running around) while we wait for dad to get home from work. The girls love having him join in on the fun once he gets home! They've look at clouds, jumped on the trampoline (a lot), and Mike (tried) to teach the girls how to have a water gun fight!
Kallie is growing up quickly, and has said some pretty funny things to us this month:
- Went to the park and a bunch of kids and her sunbeam's teacher were there. She only wanted to play with Sister Rothe
- Loves our new bubble machine and drawing on the sidewalk with chalk
- Kallie was asking about how old people were, and Mike said that Kallie was going to be 4 soon. Her response was "Oh man! I don't want to be 4! I'm still 3"
- (Mike) "She was in the middle of telling me how if she gets bigger like me, then she can drive the car. I told her when she's 16 she can. But that she'll be 4 at her next birthday. Later she told me maybe she'll get smaller so she can be 1 like Jenna. "
- "Mom, you want me to sing you the ABC song? And then you can be happy?"
- "I love when my DeeDee comes"
- Kallie: DeeDee, I'm so proud of you
- DeeDee: Why are you proud of me?
- Kallie: Because I love you!
- "Mom, it's going to rain! I'd better go put my swimsuit on!"
- Walking out of Target, you said hi to a couple walking out, and asked if they were coming to your house to play
- Loves to play with the Filters on SnapChat on mom/dad's phones
Jenna is just as cute as ever:
- Still at an all time high stranger danger/separation anxiety. Glare at anyone who talks to you at church, or anyone who you think you'll be left with to be babysat. Often cries when someone comes to the door, in case it's a babysitter.
- Started saying two word phrases here and there. Said "bye Matt" when we left the house without him
- Vocabulary expanding like crazy, can repeat almost any words.
- I could hear her whining one evening but we couldn't see where she was. Decided to look for her after a couple of minutes and realized that Matt accidentally shut her in the pantry (where it was dark and she couldn't open the door)
- Asked her if she wanted mom or dad to take her to nursery, she said "Matt"
- Started calling dad, "Mike"
- Closes be door most of the way with her hands, then turns around and finishes closing it with her bum
- Walked into the aisle while dad was passing the sacrament and shouted "dada!" As loud as she could
- Started saying "ank you" (thank you) and it's absolutely adorable!
We've had some fun times with our family and friends this month. The girls have been having a lot of fun with Uncle Matt living with us--the picture on the right middle is one of my favorite pictures of them together! We always have fun with the Gibb's; and going to Pappy and DeeDee's to ride on the golf cart is always a blast. One of the highlights of our month was going on a train ride! Brittany and I took the kids on the Trax, and they thought it was so fun. We just rode it from Lehi to Provo, and back. The kids loved looking out the window and naming everything they passed. We will definitely have to do it again sometime, based on how much they loved it!
We had a full day on Memorial Day with our family. We started the day by going to the American Fork Cemetery to visit Grandpa Harvey's grave, and then headed over to Lisa's for our reunion/luncheon. Then we went with my family to the Alpine Country Club for opening day in the pool! The girls were so excited to swim again, and we always have fun when our family is there to play with us! We got to go as a family to The Pizza Factory for dinner, and then headed up to a Provo cemetery to visit my Grandma and Grandpa Harker's graves. It was a great day with family, and was good to reminisce about all of the things we love and miss about these sweet grandparents of mine that have passed away.